
James Duffield Harding (1798-1863). Landscape and topographical painter and distinguished teacher of landscape drawing. Born at Deptford, Kent. Early training by his father, an artist and pupil of Paul Sandby (1731-1809). Received some lessons from Samuel Prout (1783-1852) and became an apprentice to the engraver John Pye. Associate of the Old Water-Colour Society 1820, full member 1821. Also exhibited at the RA and the British Institution. Painted in watercolour and in oils. Skilled engraver, etcher and lithographer who illustrated many of his own books, including: Gothic Ornaments,1831, Sketches and Drawings of the Alhambra, 1835, ( in association with J. F. Lewis ) The Park and the Forest, 1841, Elementary Art, 1845, Lessons on Art,1845, The Principles and Practice of Art, 1845, Lessons on Trees, 1852, Guide and Companion to Lessons on Art, 1854. Received an ‘Honourable Mention’ at the Expostition des Beaux arts in 1855 where he exhibited The Falls of Schaffhausen and View of Fribourg. Teacher of lithography and prominent art educator. Frequent visits to the Continent from 1824. Gave drawing lessons to Ruskin and worked with him in Venice in 1845. Died at Barnes on December 4 1863.

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