Notebook M2 p.127 ‘The section of the base, fig 1 No 182: but its members are managed as at p 21 1 Verona book, the letters marking the run of the lines at the respective levels of fig 1 No 182.The bulging of the roll b; is quite unique as far as I have seen: The angle spur is at figs 2 and 3 of No 182’
Notebook M2 p.126; Notebook M2 p.128; Notebook M2 p.129.
Works, 9.342 (facing) Plate 12‘Decoration of Bases’ No 3 St. Michele Pavia.
Works, 9.130 (facing) Plate 2 ‘Plans of Piers’ No 13 St. Michele Pavia.
Works, 9.336 (facing) Plate 10 ‘Profiles of Bases’ No 9 Nave-Shafts, St. Michele, Pavia.
Works, 9.40, 395, 427, 429, Works, 10.25.
[Version 0.05: May 2008]