St Giacomo di Rialto

San Giacomo di Rialto (S. Polo, Nadali & Vianello (1999) Tav. 29). At Works, 9.41f Ruskin cites examples of the early buildings that he sees as Byzantine and Christian Roman. The cathedral at Torcello, together with Santa Fosca at Torcello, San Giacomo di Rialto, and the crypt of St. Mark's form, according to Ruskin in that passage, a distinct group of ecclesiastical buildings in which Byzantine influence is exceedingly slight.

S.Giacomo di Rialto
S.Giacomo di Rialto

Door jamb/base at right hand side of entrance: S. Giacomo di Rialto (S. Polo)
Door jamb/base at right hand side of entrance: S. Giacomo di Rialto (S. Polo)

Portico column: S.Giacomo di Rialto (S. Polo)
Portico column: S.Giacomo di Rialto (S. Polo)

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[Version 0.05: May 2008]