
This moulding is part of what Ruskin calls the Great Plinth. Ruskin identifies four horizontal architectural features as ‘plinths’ on the western façade and sides of St Mark’s. The Basic Plinth; a second plinth just above it on which stand the lower storey columns; the Great Plinth between the upper and lower columns, a dominant wide band; and the Ice Plinth which surmounts the upper columns.

For the Great Plinth see: St M[arks] Book p.22L; St M[arks] Book p.25; St M[arks] Book p.26L; St M[arks] Book p.35; St M[arks] Book p.40; St M[arks] Book p.41; St M[arks] Book p.46L; St M[arks] Book pp.49L and 49; St M[arks] Book p.53.

Unrau (1984). St M 21 is reproduced on page 65, Floral Moulding at the base of the Great Plinth. Fig. 35.

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