House No 49

Palazzo Priuli at San Severo (Castello 4979a, Nadali & Vianello (1999) Tav. 31) is referred to in the notebooks at Notebook M p.195; Notebook M2 p.3; Notebook M2 p.34; Notebook M2 pp.67-68; Door Book p.19by; Gothic Book p.78; House Book 1 p.61. See ‘b’ of Plate XVIII facing Works, 10.310 for its ‘range of fifth order windows’; Works, 11.28f on the use of colour; Works, 11.399 where it is called in the Venetian Index ‘a most beautiful and important early Gothic palace’. The reference to Notebook M p.195 at Notebook M2 p.67 appears in the manuscript to have formed a part of the text from the beginning. It follows that Notebook M2 p.67 was started after Notebook M p.195. The reference to Notebook M2 p.67 and Sheet No. 136 at the bottom of Notebook M p.194 appears to be a later addition. Notebook M p.196 is dated 24th February.

Sheet No. 136. (RL 1636 box).

Sheet No. 135. (RL 1625)). Pal Priuli. (Castello 4979a) (Nadali & Vianello (1999) Tav. 31) Palazzo Priuli

Other links in Ruskin’s Works

Works, 21.93 [n/a]. Catalogue of the Educational Series, ‘211, Part of the Casa Priuli, Venice. [Index of Examples ‘Venice Casa Priuli (R), Edu 210’ (21. 328) Also in Catalogue of Drawings at Works, 38.293 [n/a]) and /Casa Priuli, sheet of studies ref to, with quotations’ Works, 38.294 [n/a]) and also ‘From the Priuli Palace. W. Ward , Works, 38.300 [n/a].

Palazzo Priuli from the Fondamenta de L’ Osmarin (Castello 4979a)
Palazzo Priuli from the Fondamenta de L’ Osmarin (Castello 4979a)

Palazzo Priuli from the Fondamenta de L’ Osmarin (Castello 4979a)
Palazzo Priuli from the Fondamenta de L’ Osmarin (Castello 4979a)

Palazzo Priuli from the Fondamenta de L’ Osmarin. Right corner window. (Castello 4979a)
Palazzo Priuli from the Fondamenta de L’ Osmarin. Right corner window. (Castello 4979a)

Palazzo Priuli from the Fondamenta de L’ Osmarin Right corner window.  (Castello 4979a)
Palazzo Priuli from the Fondamenta de L’ Osmarin Right corner window. (Castello 4979a)

Palazzo Priuli from the Fondamenta de L’ Osmarin (Castello 4979a)
Palazzo Priuli from the Fondamenta de L’ Osmarin (Castello 4979a)

Palazzo Priuli from the Fondamenta de L’ Osmarin (Castello 4979a)
Palazzo Priuli from the Fondamenta de L’ Osmarin (Castello 4979a)

Doorhead Palazzo Priuli. Side door from Ponte del Diavolo (Castello 4979a)
Doorhead Palazzo Priuli. Side door from Ponte del Diavolo (Castello 4979a)

Ponte del Diavolo with side entrance to the Palazzo Priuli (Castello 4979a)
Ponte del Diavolo with side entrance to the Palazzo Priuli (Castello 4979a)

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[Version 0.05: May 2008]