Palazzo Priuli at San Severo (Castello 4979a, Nadali & Vianello (1999) Tav. 31) is referred to in the notebooks at Notebook M p.195; Notebook M2 p.3; Notebook M2 p.34; Notebook M2 pp.67-68; Door Book p.19by; Gothic Book p.78; House Book 1 p.61. See ‘b’ of Plate XVIII facing Works, 10.310 for its ‘range of fifth order windows’; Works, 11.28f on the use of colour; Works, 11.399 where it is called in the Venetian Index ‘a most beautiful and important early Gothic palace’. The reference to Notebook M p.195 at Notebook M2 p.67 appears in the manuscript to have formed a part of the text from the beginning. It follows that Notebook M2 p.67 was started after Notebook M p.195. The reference to Notebook M2 p.67 and Sheet No. 136 at the bottom of Notebook M p.194 appears to be a later addition. Notebook M p.196 is dated 24th February.
Sheet No. 136. (RL 1636 box).
Sheet No. 135. (RL 1625)). Pal Priuli. (Castello 4979a) (Nadali & Vianello (1999) Tav. 31) Palazzo Priuli
Other links in Ruskin’s Works
Works, 21.93 [n/a]. Catalogue of the Educational Series, ‘211, Part of the Casa Priuli, Venice. [Index of Examples ‘Venice Casa Priuli (R), Edu 210’ (21. 328) Also in Catalogue of Drawings at Works, 38.293 [n/a]) and /Casa Priuli, sheet of studies ref to, with quotations’ Works, 38.294 [n/a]) and also ‘From the Priuli Palace. W. Ward , Works, 38.300 [n/a].
[Version 0.05: May 2008]