Bianca Cappello

This, from the directions given at Notebook M p.5L, must be the Palazzo Cappello Trevisan in Canonica at San Marco 4328. See Works, 9.425 and the plate there for the Palazzo Trevisan Cappello as an example of the Byzantine Renaissance. Works, 11.256 discusses its dating and its relationship with the Ca’ Dario, and the footnote at Works, 11.365 for the story of Bianca Cappello, popular with tourists and tourist guides. There is a reference at House Book 1 p.51L, confirmed by the index entry at Notebook M2 p.190L, and the note at Notebook M p.5L shows that Ruskin thought of it as the Palazzo Bianca Cappello.

See Quill (2000) pp.152-3, for photographs and for its place in Ruskin’s thinking.

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