See Notebook M2 p.10 for Ruskin’s account of the history of the Carmini (Nadali & Vianello (1999) Tav. 39) taken from Zanotto (1847) p.141, and comparison of its apse traceries with those of Santo Stefano. San Nicolo dei Mendicoli is compared with it at Notebook M2 p.31. In the index at Notebook M2 p.191L Ruskin refers to Gothic Book p.16 for the Carmini. At Gothic Book p.16 he at first calls the church he is describing the Servi, though the text at Gothic Book p.16 is changed to read ‘Carmini’, and the description seems to be of the Carmini. Works, 9.43 groups it with San Giovanni in Bragora and San Giacomo dell’ Orio as an example of early Venetian Gothic.
[Version 0.05: May 2008]