At Works, 9.43 SS Giovanni e Paolo, the Dominican Church (at Nadali & Vianello (1999) Tav. 18-19), is cited, along with the Frari, the Franciscan church, and Santo Stefano, the church of the Augustinians, as one of the buildings which ‘chiefly’ represent ecclesiastical Gothic in Venice.
See here.
References in Stones of Venice:
Venetian Index at Works, 11.384 sees SS. Giovanni e Paolo as ‘an impressive church though none of its Gothic is comparable with that of the North, or with that of Verona’;
Works, 9.43 the place of SS. Giovanni e Paolo and the Frari in the development of Venetian ecclesiastical architecture;
Works, 11.86 reports the tradition of the founding of SS. Giovanni e Paolo;
Works, 9.26 the Dominican SS. Giovanni e Paolo, like the Franciscan Frari, owes its magnificence not to the state but to the monastic order, though supported by the wisdom of the Doge Tomaso Mocenigo;
Works, 9.148 - an example of a string course in SS. Giovanni e Paolo;
Works, 9.341 - an example of a base from SS. Giovanni e Paolo, number 6 in the illustration facing Works, 9.340.
Works, 11.81 sets out Ruskin’s assumptions about tomb architecture, and lists the tombs in the Frari and in St. Giovanni e Paolo
References in Small Notebooks:
Gothic Book p.9 - nave arches
Gothic Book p.20 - transept window
Gothic Book pp.45 and following - apse traceries
Gothic Book p.44L - nave shaft
References in Notebook M:
Notebook M p.36 Nave shafts - nothing can be more ugly than the pure, round, untapered shafts
Notebook M p.37 Its defective niches compared with those of the Frari.
Notebook M p.37 Ornament on main door misses its architectural purpose.
Notebook M p.46 Discussion of the relationship between the ‘ancient and barbarous gothic’ of the Frari and SS. Giovanni e Paolo and the work of ‘Lombard’ and ‘Byzantine’ architects.
Notebook M p.128 Finely cut leaf lobe capital of nave pier. Ruskin makes explicit mention of SS. Giovanni e Paolo, though the reference to Franciscan sculptors is odd in relation to a Dominican church
Notebook M pp.134-5 Description of tracery of the apse which has ‘all the marks of very early tracery’. Contrast made with form of tracery in Ducal Palace.
Notebook M p.143 Apparently written after Notebook M2 p.52, to which it refers. ‘Nameless tomb’ in the ‘southernmost chapel second from choir, on the north wall’, noted for its ‘transition from the Byzantine cutting to the luxuriant’.
References in Notebook M2:
Notebook M2 p.8 Notes on the date of SS.Giovanni e Paolo
Notebook M2 pp.73L and 73 transcribe a section of the Sanudo Chronicle referring to the building of the Frari and of SS.Giovani e Paolo
Notebook M2 p.197 - Ruskin’s Index has a list of references to tombs. Tombs have the advantage that they are often dated, or at least able to be dated, and so architectural features can be put in sequence, which is clearly important in the development of a narrative of growth and decline, and they can also be associated with the moral character of an individual and a period as perceived by Ruskin. References to tombs in SS. Giovanni e Paolo given by Ruskin in the index are extracted here in a format similar to that used by Ruskin, with added references to Stones of Venice where appropriate:
Tombs (dates of) Notebook M2 p.16 - generally Notebook M2 p.28, Notebook M2 p.29
Jacopo - Cavalli Notebook M2 p.17; Gothic Book p.20L; Works, 11.101; Works, 11.302-4.
Giacomo - Cappello Notebook M2 p.27.
Vittor - Cappello Gothic Book p.19.
[There appears to be some confusion in the Cappello references here. Gothic Book p.19 seems to refer to Vittore Cappello. His monument is by Rizzo and on the facade of the church of Sant’ Elena. At Gothic Book p.19 the tomb is also said to be of Giacomo Cappello, though Giacomo is struck out. That is on the east side of the north transept door of SS Giovanni e Paolo, and seems to be what Ruskin has in mind for both these references.]
Marco - Cornaro Notebook M2 p.17, Notebook M2 p.38, Notebook M2 p.43; Gothic Book p.22; Gothic Book p.23; Works, 9.326; Works, 11.13; Works, 11.97.
Peter - Cornaro Gothic Book p.43; Gothic Book p.44; Works, 9.375 and Plate XV facing Works, 9.360.
Giovanni - Delfin Notebook M2 p.25 (date Notebook M2 p.25L); Gothic Book p.19; Works, 11.95.
Marco - Giustiniani Notebook M2 p.52; Gothic Book p.41; Works, 9.370; Works, 11.298ff.
Nicolaus - Marcellus Gothic Book p.45; Works, 11.307.
Tomaso - Mocenigo Notebook M2 p.16, Notebook M2 p.21; Works, 9.48; Works, 11.102.
Michele - Morosini Notebook M2 p.26, Gothic Book p.21.
Nameless [said to be on left side of chapel on North side] Notebook M p.143; Notebook M2 p.52; Gothic Book p.42.
Michele - Steno Notebook M2 p.22; Works, 11.102.
Andrea - Vendramin Notebook M2 p.39; Works, 9.49f; Works, 9.274; Works, 11.107f.
Antonio - Venier Notebook M2 p.17.
Agnese - Venier, Notebook M2 p.17; Notebook M2 p.23; Gothic Book p.17; Gothic Book p.18; Works, 9.375.
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[Version 0.05: May 2008]