
Executive Dean of Science and Technology

Peter Atkinson

Professor Peter Atkinson

Executive Dean, Distinguished Professor

Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science, DSI - Environment, Geospatial Data Science, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Environmental Modelling, LIRA - Fundamentals, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

Deputy Dean of Science and Technology

Philip Barker

Environmental and Biogeochemistry, Improving global stewardship, Innovation for a better environment, Sustainable Catchments, Understanding a changing planet

+44 (0)1524 510262 B061, B - Floor, LEC 1

Associate Dean for Undergraduate Teaching

Fabrice Andrieux

Dr Fabrice Andrieux

Senior Lecturer

Centre for Global Eco-innovation , Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science, Doctorate Centre in Nuclear Engineering, Energy Lancaster, Energy Lancaster Nuclear, Nuclear

D09, D - Floor, Engineering Building

Associate Dean for Postgraduate Studies

Deborah Costain

Dr Deborah Costain

Senior Lecturer in Statistics

Bayesian and Computational Statistics, Biostatistics , DSI - Foundations, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

Associate Dean for Research

Nicholas Race

Professor Nicholas Race

Professor of Networked Systems

Cyber Security Research Centre (Networking), DSI - Foundations, SCC (Networking), Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Academic Centre of Excellence), Security Lancaster (Networks), Security Lancaster (Systems Security)

+44 (0)1524 510123 D33, D - Floor, InfoLab21

Assistant Dean for Research Enhancement

Corina Sas

Digital Health Group, Institute for Social Futures Fellow, SCC (Pervasive Systems)

C55, C - Floor, InfoLab21

Associate Dean for Engagement

Allan Rennie

Professor Allan Rennie

Professor in Manufacturing Engineering

Centre for Global Eco-innovation , Energy Lancaster, Lancaster Product Development Unit, Manufacturing, Work and Health Forum

D28, D - Floor, Engineering Building

Faculty Operations

Michelle Eccles

Michelle Eccles

Head of Faculty Operations

Rebecca McDonough

Rebecca McDonough

Faculty Education Services Manager

+44 (0)1524 593418 B031, B - Floor, Science and Technology

Heads of Department

Gert Westermann

Professor Gert Westermann

Professor, Head of Department

Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Society and Human Behaviour

+44 (0)1524 592942 D09, D - Floor, Fylde College
Nigel Davies

Professor Nigel Davies

Head of Department, Distinguished Professor

CeMoRe - Centre for Mobilities Research, Centre for Global Eco-innovation , Cyber Security Research Centre (Pervasive Systems), DSI - Foundations, Energy Lancaster, SCC (Pervasive Systems)

Sarah Green

Centre for Global Eco-innovation , Structures and Materials

+44 (0)1524 521961 B18, B - Floor, Engineering Building
Nicholas Evans

Dr Nicholas Evans

Senior Lecturer, Head of Department

Chemical Synthesis , Inorganic Research group, Organic Research Group

+44 (0)1524 594538 C026, C - Floor, Faraday Building
Roger William Lewis Jones

DSI - Foundations, Experimental Particle Physics

+44 (0)1524 594487 B011, B - Floor, Physics Building
Gordon Blower

Professor Gordon Blower

Head of Department, Professor of Mathematical Analysis


B08, B - Floor, Fylde College
Crispin Halsall

Professor Crispin Halsall

Director of LEC, Faculty Director of Natural Sciences

Atmosphere, Climate and Pollution, Centre for Global Eco-innovation , Improving global stewardship, Innovation for a better environment, Understanding a changing planet

Faculty Academics

Peter Wynn

Centre for Global Eco-innovation , Environmental and Biogeochemistry, Understanding a changing planet

Suzana Ilic

Dr Suzana Ilic

Senior Lecturer in Lancaster Environment Centre

Centre for Global Eco-innovation , DSI - Environment, Energy and Environment, Energy Lancaster, Innovation for a better environment, Sustainable Catchments, Understanding a changing planet, Water Science

+44 (0)1524 510264 B32, B - Floor, LEC 3
Phillip Benachour

Dr Phillip Benachour

Senior Teaching Fellow

SCC (Communication Systems), Security Lancaster (Secure Machine Learning and Intelligence)

Faculty Administration

Robyn Harrison

Robyn Harrison

Faculty Administrative Officer

B025, B - Floor, Science and Technology
Katherine Gill

Katherine Gill

Faculty Finance Partner

B034, B - Floor, Science and Technology
Rosie Cantley

Rosie Cantley

Faculty Resources Manager (staff)

B017, B - Floor, Science and Technology
Geoff Clarke

Geoff Clarke

Quality Assurance and Enhancement Manager

B020, B - Floor, Science and Technology
Pamela Forster

Pamela Forster

Impact Development Manager, PhD student

B33a, B - Floor, Fylde College
Anna Vitores

Dr Anna Vitores

Impact Development Manager, Consultancy Support Officer

Simon Vaukins

Dr Simon Vaukins

Faculty Postgraduate Research (PGR) Operations Manager

B020, B - Floor, Science and Technology

Faculty Technical Director

Helen Quirk

Helen Quirk

FST Technical Director/Chemistry Department Safety Officer and Superintendent

FST Sustainability Advisory Committee

+44 (0)7890 047248 A014, A - Floor, Chemistry Building

Recruitment, Marketing and Outreach

Alan Darragh

Dr Alan Darragh

Faculty Head of Student Recruitment (Science & Technology)

B028, B - Floor, Science and Technology
Anne-Marie Flynn

Anne-Marie Flynn

Faculty Science Communication and Marketing Manager

B017, B - Floor, Science and Technology
Helen McAlley

Helen McAlley

Student Recruitment and Conversion Officer

+44 (0)1524 521899 C026, C - Floor, Physics Building
Jonny Parks

Jonny Parks

Student Recruitment and Conversion Officer

Catherine Dolan

Catherine Dolan

Departmental Recruitment, Conversion and Marketing Coordinator

+44 (0)1524 521772 A35, A - Floor, LEC 3
Richard Cupit

Richard Cupit

Widening Participation Officer

Georgia Spencer

Georgia Spencer

Recruitment, Conversion and Marketing Coordinator

B010, B - Floor, Faraday Building
Kyle Wells-Stonehouse

Kyle Wells-Stonehouse

Recruitment, Conversion and Marketing Coordinator, UK Student Recruitment Events Assistant

+44 (0)1524 594459 D27, D - Floor, Engineering One
Rachel Campbell

Rachel Campbell

Recruitment, Conversion and Marketing Coordinator

Research and Engagement

Kate Haywood

Kate Haywood

Faculty Research and Engagement Manager

+44 (0)1524 592747 B33a, B - Floor, Fylde College
Ellen Greyling

Ellen Greyling

Faculty Research and Engagement Officer

Neil Morrison

Neil Morrison

Faculty Research and Engagement Officer

Partnerships and Business Engagement Team

Steve Fish

Dr Steve Fish

Faculty Director of Partnerships and Business Engagement

Sarah Mills

Sarah Mills

Operations Manager

B018, B - Floor, Science and Technology
Pam Pickles

Pam Pickles

Student Engagement Manager

+44 (0)1524 510193 Test Building
Amanda Ross

Amanda Ross

Marketing Manager

+44 (0)1524 999999 Science and Technology
Andy Currington

Andy Currington

Digital Services Manager

B037, B - Floor, Science and Technology
Synne Darwell

Synne Darwell

Business Co-location Administrator

Martin Gilmore

Martin Gilmore

Head of Partnerships and Business Engagement for Physical Sciences

B037, B - Floor, Science and Technology
Ruth Alcock

Dr Ruth Alcock

Head of Enterprise & Business Partnerships

Neil Dullaway

Dr Neil Dullaway

Head of Partnerships and Business Engagement for Computing and Communications

Faculty Partners

Gina Ramsden

Gina Ramsden

Research Development Officer

C13/C14, C - Floor, InfoLab21
Jamie Carbert

Jamie Carbert

Student Recruitment and Conversion Manager (Undergraduate and Postgraduate)

+44 (0)1524 595141 A43, A - Floor, Health Innovation One