Dr Samet Sahin
LecturerResearch Overview
My vision in research is to develop solutions to unique problems associated with human health via scientific breakthroughs in biochemical systems and material science. In my research group, we focus on the problems with bioelectrode development using various recognition elements, device design, and investigation of alternative materials. Possible solutions to such problems will improve prognosis, diagnosis, patient care, and provide cost-effective and environmentally friendly solutions.
The group has an interconnected structure that allows researchers from different backgrounds to work collaboratively on different topics. As an engineering research group, one of the primary objectives is to translate scientific results in basic research into products and devices to benefit humans, especially for healthcare. To do this, the developments in biosensor and materials research are applied in wearable and/or implantable devices.
Research Interests
My research interests can be defined into three research themes
- Biosensors: Developing strategies using different approaches
- The biosensors subgroup aims to focus on developing biosensing strategies for important healthcare problems such as developing sensing platforms for biomarkers of clinical importance and pathogen/toxin detection.
- Devices: Developing wearable and implantable platforms for biosensing strategies
- The devices subgroup is a new research direction that is planned to be integrated into the group. It will aim to focus on developing wearable and implantable device platforms for biosensing strategies, thus, successful integration will be achieved for the translation of the research into application. This subgroup will mainly have two directions for device fabrication: (I) wearable devices and (II) implantable devices. Initial emphasis will be more on the flexible, soft wearable devices as some initial work has already been conducted.
- Materials: Investigating materials for bioelectronic applications
- The materials subgroup aims to focus on developing environmentally friendly and cost-effective materials for biosensors and device production. The research mainly focuses on the carbonization of biomass to obtain alternative materials for biosensing applications. This biomass-to-bioelectronics approach is very important as the current methods to produce carbon-based nanotechnology are expensive and utilize harmful chemicals. The use of biomass to produce electrically conductive carbon materials for bioelectronic applications stands out as a promising green chemistry approach.
Current Teaching
Module Convenor
ENGR265: Chemical Engineering Laboratory Projects I
Web Links
Development of a point-of-care immunosensor for c-peptide assessment
01/12/2024 → 30/11/2027
ECTG Winter Meeting 2024-25
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) (External organisation)
Member of an organisation
Society of Chemical Industry (SCI) (External organisation)
Membership of committee
Net Zero Research Networking Event: The next big net zero challenge is...?
Invited talk
STEM Ambassadors
School Engagement
Digital Precision: Lab Self-Optimisation for Nanoparticle Manufacturing
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellowship
Fellowship awarded competitively
Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry
Election to learned society
Member of the Institution of Chemical Engineers
Election to learned society
Member of the Society of Chemical Industry
Election to learned society
Member of the International Society of Electrochemistry
Election to learned society
Member of the Americal Chemical Society
Election to learned society
- Chemical Engineering Research Group