Dr Kevin Sene

Honorary Researcher

Research Interests

Kevin is a scientist and writer who has published three scientific books in the areas of floods, hydrology and climate, including an award-winning book on hydrometeorology, and popular science books on natural spectacles and tidal bores.

As a Royal Academy of Engineering Visitor Professor, he is contributing to teaching by delivering practical experience-based case studies on climate risks to engineering projects.

Past employers have included a large engineering consultancy and the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, working on consultancy and research projects in climate, hydrology and hydrometeorology in the UK, Europe, Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.

He is sole or joint author of more than 50 scientific and conference papers in the areas of water resources, flood forecasting, hydraulic modelling, flood estimation, climatology, micrometeorology, fluid mechanics and hydrometric data management.

Current interests include research on climate extremes and developing techniques for characterising tidal bores, such as the Severn Bore in Gloucestershire, the Arnside Bore in Cumbria and Lancaster's very own tidal bore: the Lune Tidal Bore.

He publishes a free fornightly newsletter (Nature's tidings) with insights into space, weather, tidal and wildlife phenomena and his author website is www.meteowriter.com

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