Lancaster University Home Page


The Distance Mode of MA in Values and the Environment at Lancaster University

Science and the Domination of Nature

|""Home""|""Aims and Outcomes""|""Module Description""|""Tutor Details""|""Biblio""|""Assessment""|""Resources""|""Discussion""|



"" Block 1. Science, Enlightenment, and Value

Block 2. Husserl, Realism, and the Crisis of the Sciences


Block 3. Marcuse, Habermas, and Science as Ideology

Block 4. Communicative Rationality and Deliberative Democracy
Block 5. Science, Deliberation and Democracy

The proximal version of this module is held on Mondays Lent term 6-8.30 in Furness C13

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|""Home""|""Aims and Outcomes""|""Module Description""|""Tutor Details""|""Biblio""|""Assessment""|""Resources""|""Discussion""|