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Away MAVEThe Distance Mode of MA in Values and the Environment at Lancaster University Block 1: Science, Enlightenment, and Value |
ReadingFor more on this worldview look at Kant's essay
'An Answer to the Question: "What is Enlightenment?"'
which is available here http://www.english.upenn.edu/~mgamer/Etexts/kant.html. Read Tim Hayward, Ecological Thought chapter 1 (esp. pages 8-22) for a contemporary discussion of the role of enlightenment ideas. |
Many of the criticisms of science that we shall explore
take as a fundamental figure of Western science the 17th century philosopher
Francis Bacon (1561-1626). He was hugely influential, particularly in
the development of a 'scientific method', and thus is seen as setting
in train science as we know it today.
Various commentators will take issue with aspects of his philosophy and
see in its bolstering of the position of man (the generic 'he' is justified
here) over nature, the seeds of environmental destruction, technophilia,
and the subjugation of women. A case can be made for all of these, but
what I propose is that rather than looking at Bacon for evidence of his
culpability we begin by just looking at what he was trying to do in his
own terms.
Bacon's aim was to find and set out the foundations for all human knowledge.
He shunned the academic philosophers' adherence to Aristotle's accounts
of nature and anything he deemed to be based on superstition. In The
Advancement of Learning (1605) he explained the need for, what he
called, a "Great Instauration" and described the form it would
Phase 1: a survey of the whole of learning to identify areas where little was known.
Phase 2: the development of a method that would help to fill in the gaps.
Phase 3: detailed reports of natural and, particularly, experimental phenomena.
Phase 4: a demonstration using specific examples of how, by examining the accounts described under 3 we can draw, well founded, conclusions and secure knowledge.
Phase 5: "for temporary use" collect provisional findings.
Final phase: set out the results that have been obtained by the careful application of all the previous stages.
Bacon knew this was a large undertaking and recorded a wish that others
would take up the challenge and help him. Getting to the end of part three
would be laborious work, but once these were in place Bacon thought that
the final stages would be swift, as he said in 1620: "the investigation
of nature and the sciences will be the work of a few years" (1985:272).
The purpose of all this was to, in Bacon's words, "improve man's
estate". This did mean material circumstances. For Bacon science
was the means to cure disease and create technological solutions to problems.
And politically, reason would create utopian conditions (for man).
The relationship between religion and reason is complex, it is too easy
from a modern perspective to assume that reason overides revelation or
more traditional ideas of authority. However, Bacon's ideas could not
have taken hold in the 17th century if they had not been framed within
Christianity. He would have wanted to set his venture apart from the work
of alchemists anyway and certainly would not have wanted it tainted with
the same suspicions of magic. Science had to be part of humanity's spiritual
task and Bacon presented it as such. He held, or at least for public consumption
maintained, that Adam before the fall would have known nature and the
task of science was to return to that state. The fall was precipitated
by the hubris of trying to judge good and evil. So the good Christian,
according to Bacon, must trust morality to faith and must through hard
work regain a knowledge of nature. As Leiss in The Domination of Nature
points out this not only legitimises scientific exploration of nature,
it neatly separates it from the moral realm and this carries through into
the modern separation of facts from values. He demonstrates this with
the following quotation from Bacon.
...in flying from this evil [alchemy] they should fall not into the opposite error, which they will surely do if they think that the inquisition of nature is in any part interdicted or forbidden. For it was not that pure and uncorrupted natural knowledge whereby Adam gave names to the creatures according to their propriety, which gave occasion for the fall. It was the ambitious and proud desire of moral knowledge to judge of good and evil, to the end that man may revolt from God and give laws to himself which was the form and manner of the temptation.
In Leiss (1974:51)
Bacon was a key figure in the enlightenment rise of reason
and he set up the project of science as re-envisioned in the 17th century.
However, the question that remains for us is 'do enlightenment values
necessarily entail a particular form of science that sees its aim as improving
man's estate? '. And does such a science necessarily entail the domination
of nature?
Either parts of this question could be used as short essay topic.
For more information on Bacon visit here. http://www.knuten.liu.se/~bjoch509/philosophers/bac.html
ReadingPlease now read chapters 3 and 4 of the core text: Leiss' Domination of Nature |
We have seen that there are certain standards that
apply to science and have looked at the issue of enlightenment values
shaping and directing science. However, there does appear to be an important
sense in which science should be value-free, that is, that it should not
embody non-scientific values.
The most basic version of this is that science is about matters of fact,
and values are about human preferences. Though we might want the facts
of a matter to be a certain way it would be seen as unscientific to ignore
contradictory evidence, or to look only for confirmation of our preferred
view. It is not just that mixing facts and values will lead to bad science,
but also that mixing facts and values will lead to bad ethics. The latter
point is laid down in what is called 'Hume's Law' or the 'is-ought gap'.
Hume points to the tendency to interpret what 'is' as what 'ought' to
be and proposes that they are entirely different and an ought cannot be
derived from an is. For example, 'nature is red in tooth and claw' so
humans ought to act with (and society endorse) unbridled competition.
We might want to reject this idea and point to the is-ought gap to do
so. However, we must also reject any idea that takes the same form. Even
if new facts come to light and we say that nature is in fact a co-operative
system of mutual support we still cannot derive anything about how we
ought to behave from this new fact.
There do seem good reasons for maintaining the fact value distinction.
However, in practice the issues are complex and we will need to unpack
ReadingTo begin this process please read through Chapter 9 (‘Values, Theory and Reality’) of Keat and Urry Social Theory as Science. It is a closely written piece that touches on issues that come up later in the course as well as going into some fine detail about the role of values. I recommend a swift read through to get the shape of the thing and then read it again to make notes or mark the text. |
What follows is the argument in the text set out in note form. As well as helping with this particular reading you can also see here a model of note taking that you could try out - for advancing your own ability with writing philosophical essays it is useful to always keep your eye on the argument when reading.
1. Logical claim:
The core logical claim of the value-freedom doctrine is that inferences
from value statements to factual statements in science and from factual
statements in science to value statements are fallacious.
a. Why?
i. 'naturalistic fallacy': the logical independence of is and ought claims.
Often now based on a non-realist view of value statements: 'value-utterances
have no truth-value and hence cannot entail or be entailed by scientific
statements that do' eg. Weber holds that values are commitments of will
and hence are not empirically justifiable.
ii. The fallacy of relevance: Given that value utterances do have a truth-value,
their truth-value is (normally) irrelevant to the truth of any scientific
claim: in particular 'it is good that P' is (normally) independent of
'P is true'.
b. the core claim allows facts are relevant to values in
(a) they can identify means to the realisation of ends;
(b) they can show means to some ends are inconsistent with the realisation
of other ends;
(c) if one accepts that 'ought implies can' then if one can show that
'state A cannot be realised' it follows that 'it is not the case that
A ought to be realised'
2. Normative claims about the role of values in
2.1 The core normative claim is that the only values that a scientist
should employ in deciding the truth or falsity of scientific propositions
and theories are the internal cognitive values of science - consistency,
explanatory power, simplicity and so on. Ethical and political values
ought to play no part in the validation of theories.
The thesis can be understood as an injunction against wish-fulfilment:
that it would be politically or ethically desirable that P does not entail
that it is true that P.
2.2 Scientists as scientists ought to make no value claims.
Weber defends this on political and ethical grounds:
a. to preserve the autonomy of academic life from political interference;
b. to stop scientists giving bogus authority to their value judgements
i.e. presenting normative policy claims as if they were scientifically
2.3 Disciplinary autonomy of the sciences (2.2a):
i. the sciences have internal cognitive values associated with truth-finding
which are not reducible to other non-scientific values
ii. the sciences have their own internal problems which are independent
of problems that society might impose on them.
3. The ethical autonomy of science
1. The ethical autonomy of science core claim: scientific practices are
not answerable to ethical and political values.
2. Professional scientists often claim that the only value issues relevant
to their work to be those concerned in the validation of scientific theories
themselves, and hence to assert that no other value-question can arise:
"I'm a scientist; scientific knowledge is value-free (i.e. assessed
by internal standards only); therefore I do not have to consider any value-questions".
3. This is a non-sequitur (but one that often appears to be built into
the training of scientists)
Value freedom in senses 1 and 2 does not entail ethical autonomy.
a. That the truth of the propositions of science is logically independent
of value-claims does not entail that the aims and activities of the scientist
are not open to ethical appraisal.
b. That the only values relevant to the assessment of the worth of a particular
scientific claim are the internal values of science - internal consistency,
explanatory power, etc. - does not entail that scientists should thereby
be indifferent to the ethical issues raised in the pursuit of their research
- e.g. the use of animals and human subjects in experiments.
c. Nor does it entail indifference to the implications that their work
has when applied and to the political and social contexts in which it
4. Value-relevance (Weber)
a. The problems one chooses to study will be determined by values:
eg. for Weber a significant problem in the modern world is that of disenchantment:
'The fate of our lives is characterised by rationalisation and intellectualisation
and, above all, by the disenchantment with the world'.
Hence a value question that can be raised: why is this problem being pursued.
There is a need to be clear about which doctrine is being
1. Gouldner rejects 2.2 (Scientists as scientists ought
to make no value claims.): One latent meaning of value-free science is
'Thou shalt not commit a critical or negative value judgement'
2. Strauss rejects Weber's defence of 1 (inferences from
value statements to factual statements in science and from factual statements
in science to value statements are fallacious) on the basis of i.a. (they
can identify means to the realisation of ends)
3. Strauss rejects 1 at least for social sciences. He
makes the point that values are partly constitutive of the objects for
a. His Objection: the necessity of value-loaded concepts
If our theories about society are to be accurate they must employ value-laden
thick concepts such as cruelty, justice, art, literature.
For example, to describe concentration camps without mentioning cruelty
is to misdescribe them.
b. Possible reply 1: employ the concepts as they are employed in the societies
one is studying.
i. societies are sometimes based on systematic self-deception (Strauss)
ii. there is often no stable consensus on such concepts since they are
themselves essentially contested within the society for normative reasons
iii. one cannot distinguish claims of the kind 'the state collapsed because
it was illegitimate' from claims of the kind 'the state collapsed because
it was believed to be illegitimate' (MacIntyre).
c. Reply 2: given thick concepts like 'cruelty' we can distinguish their
'characterising force' - the descriptive claims they are used to make,
from their 'appraising force' - the evaluative claims they are used to
make (Nagel)
An example of how this would work with natural science:
Anaemia: 'characterising force' = red cell count
'appraising force' = this level is unhealthy: 'since an anemic animal
has diminished powers of maintaining itself, anemia is an undesirable
The appraisal of the characterising claims can proceed without appeal
to values.
Response: the characterising force of the concepts is determined by the
appraising force. Even with 'anaemia' judgements of the levels that are
anaemic in a particular animal depends on appraisal of what is bad for
the creature.
d. implication for natural science
Note the use of value laden concepts in the life and environmental sciences
eg. in descriptions of the health or well-being of organism; setting of
environmental standards - this level of a pollutant is 'safe', causes
no significant damage to marine life, is not a significant risk to human
health etc. These rely on the use of thick value concepts.
4. Marcuse: rejects 1. (inferences from value statements
to factual statements in science and from factual statements in science
to value statements are fallacious) he says "science, by virtue of
its own method and concepts, has projected and promoted a universe in
which the domination of nature has remained linked to the domination of
man" (Much more on Marcuse in blocks 2 and 3)
5. Science and credibility: entails problems for 2.2
(Scientists as scientists ought to make no value claims.): the practice
of science relies on judgements of the credibility of the sources of knowledge;
judgements of credibility involve appraisal of both the ethical and intellectual
virtues of persons and institutions.
6. The tradition of critical social theory vs.1 (within
the Marxian position is especially developed in the Frankfurt tradition:
see also Bhaskar and Edgley.)
The account runs as roughly as follows: Social practices, in the widest
sense of the term are constituted and sustained by particular pre-theoretical
self-understandings and norms: the possibility of market contract is constituted,
for example, by self-understandings of the participants as independent
agents with property rights which are exchanged according to certain norms;
and it is sustained by the assumption that these norms are legitimate.
Theoretical reflection on social practices will in part involve making
explicit these assumptions. However, at the same time it may make assertions
that conflict with the self-understandings of actors by claiming that
they are either false or incoherent. (eg. Marx's claim that the market
contract between wage worker and the owner of capital is not the free
exchange between independent agents that the actors within it conceive
it to be.) The conflicts between the self-understandings of actors and
the claims of social theory forms the core of critical social theory.
This takes as its aim the freeing of agents from those self-understanding
by changing those practices that require them: 'to call upon them to give
up their condition is to call on them to give up the condition that requires
their illusions' (Marx 1843/4 p.244)
The extent to which critical theory provides a purely internal criticism
of social practices is open to doubt. Its account of social theory as
a critical enterprise is that it presupposes certain cognitive norms in
truth and consistency and in the transparency of self-understanding. Those
norms are themselves enlightenment norms that are typically contested
by the conservative tradition of politics. Moreover, the norms may be
too thin to sustain a critique of social practices. They require the support
of the appeal to other norms. Hence a more general reflection on the goods
of human life may be a presupposition of critical theory.
Suggest a piece of scientific or social science research that demonstrates
Strauss' point about not being able to avoid value -judgements as they
are an essential part of knowing what something is.
Supplementary Material, used in the seminar at Lancaster,
on three conceptions of science is in the resources.
Web notes by Isis Brook and John O'Neill