Links to videos of research productions:
Early Drama at Oxford (EDOX)
Project leader: Elisabeth Dutton (Fribourg)
Film: Maria Sachiko Cecire (Bard College)
John Bale Three Laws
The documentary Three Laws in Oxford explores the religious concerns of Bale’s 16th-century morality play. As part of the funded pilot project,
'EDOX Magdalen' (researchers James McBain and Elisabeth Dutton), it draws on the production by
Elisabeth Dutton showcased at the METh Meeting in Magdalen College in 2013. Another outcome was the paper by James McBain on 'Recycling Authority: John Bale at
METh 36 24-47.
To see the film to its best advantage, click on the Vimeo links at the bottom of the screen for each episode, or go directly to the
Vimeo website.
William Gager Dido
The documentary Performing Dido features two all-male productions of the Dido and Aeneas story performed in the hall of Christ Church, Oxford in 2013. William Gager's
Latin tragedy Dido, played there on 12 June 1583, is directed by Elisabeth Dutton in a new translation by Elizabeth Sandis. Edward’s Boys, the acting troupe from
Shakespeare’s King Edward VI school in Stratford-upon-Avon, follows this with an energetic interpretation of Christopher Marlowe’s Dido, Queen of Carthage, directed
by Perry Mills.
See also the
Vimeo website.
Medieval Convent Drama
Project team: Elisabeth Dutton (Fribourg), Olivia Robinson (Fribourg), Matthew Cheung Salisbury (Oxford),
Aurélie Blanc (Fribourg)
Filmed by: see individual items below.
Filmed Excerpts from the Performances of the Huy Nativities (13-15 December 2017)
In the fifteenth century the nuns of the Carmelite convent of the Dames Blanches in Huy (Belgium) produced their own in-house plays. The Huy
Nativities are here performed by an all-female cast. The filmed excerpts are taken from the two indoor performances in St Ursule Church in Fribourg and the
Carmelites’ Chapel in
Le Pâquier, with stills from the outdoor performance (University of Fribourg). Text established by Olivia Robinson and Aurélie Blanc; Musical Director Matthew
Cheung Salisbury; play directed by Elisabeth Dutton. Video edited by Tamara Haddad.
You can also access the film by going directly to the
YouTube website.
Documentary on the ‘Huy Nativities’
This short video (Sister Act de Noel), made for Alma & Georges of the Universty of Fribourg by Christian Doninelli, features episodes from the production's first night in
the Ursuline Convent in Fribourg, and lively interviews with Olivia Robinson about the play and, engagingly, with nuns in the audence about their reactions to the performance.
You can also access the film by going directly to the
YouTube website.
Costume Demos for the Barking Abbey Elevatio and Visitatio Sepulchri
A series of demonstrations about the costumes worn by the participants in the Barking Abbey liturgical plays, presented by Tamara Haddad and Aurélie Blanc:
Benedictine Nun; and
Mary Magdalene.
'Herod's Killing of the Children' and 'The Presentation in the Temple' from Bodleian Library MS Digby 133
Full-length video. Performed on 8 February 2017, in New College Chapel, Oxford, by the Medieval Convent Drama project together with Frideswide Voices. Directed by Elisabeth Dutton, produced by Rev.
Dr Erica Longfellow, filmed by Oxford Digital Media.
You can also access the film by going directly to the
YouTube website.
Staging the Henrician Court:
Project leaders: Tom Betteridge (olim Oxford Brookes), Greg Walker (Edinburgh)
Project manager: Eleanor Rycroft (olim Oxford Brookes)
John Heywood The Play of the Weather
Topic-based discussions centred round a series of clips from the performance in August 2009 in the Great Hall of Hampton Court Palace. Production directed by
Gregory Thompson.
John Skelton Magnyfycence
This documentary follows Elisabeth Dutton‘s 2010 staging of John Skelton’s Magnyfycence in Henry VIII’s Hampton Court Palace, as part of
the 'Staging the Henrician Court' Project. See Maria Sachiko Cecire 'Magnyfycence Onscreen: Documentary Film as Translation'
METh 35 3-22. Film Credits: Maria Sachiko Cecire and Mike LaRocco.
Staging the Scottish Court:
Project leaders: Tom Betteridge (Brunel), Greg Walker (Edinburgh)
Project manager: Eleanor Rycroft (Edinburgh, now Bristol)
Sir David Lyndsay Ane Satire of the Thrie Estaits
The full-length production of A Satire of the Three Estates, directed by Gregory Thompson, was performed on Saturday 8th June 2013 at The Peel,
Linlithgow. See Peter Happé 'Review: ‘What is ane King?’: Lyndsay’s Satire of the Three Estates, June 2013'
METh 35 140-147.
The whole five hours were filmed by Enthuse TV, directed by Richard Jack. It is presented here in 12 scenes. See also the
Vimeo website.
The Interlude of 1540
This reconstruction of the lost production of 1540 by Greg Walker, Eleanor Rycroft, and director Gregory Thompson was perfomed in its original venue, the
Great Hall of Linlithgow Palace, on Sunday 9th June 2013. It was based on two descriptions of the performance in letters sent to Thomas Cromwell, by Sir William Eure,
Captain of Berwick Castle. See Meg Twycross 'Review: The Interlude, Linlithgow Palace June 2013'
METh 35 147-152. See also the
Vimeo website.
Joculatores Lancastrienses [clips]:
Director: Meg Twycross (Lancaster)
LUTV: Michael Bowen & David Blacow (Lancaster)
Video Clips of Medieval and Tudor Plays
Short clips from videos of productions made by the Joculatores Lancastrienses (and one by the University of Groningen) between 1983 and 1994. They feature
pageant-waggon playing (in 1992 on the original route in York), male actors in female roles, the Vice, allegorical characters and action, the use of masks and painted faces,
and other forms of stylisation. The plays (with date of production) are:
R.B. Apius and Virginia (1991), John Redford Wit and Science (1993),
Terence That Girl from Andros (1987), Henry Medwall Fulgens & Lucres (1984),
Chester Purification and Doctors 1983), York Resurrection (1992), York Hortulanus (1992), N.Town Mary Play (1994).
These clips were originally made for posting on the web with funding from the
2MP Medieval Plays in Modern Performance Project.
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