Medieval English Theatre publishes occasional texts and monographs. The following are
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For Pleasure and Profit: Six Dutch Rhetoricians Plays
Volume 1: Three Biblical Plays
edited and translated Elsa Strietman and Peter Happé (2006)
ISBN 13-digit: 978-0-86386-013-3
ISBN 10-digit: 086386 013 3
Paperback, perfect binding: 187 pages
Three Dutch plays with facing-page English translation:
Van die Becooringe des Duvels hoe hi Christus becoorden
‘The Temptation by the Devil, how he tempted Christ’ (1530s?);
Het Spel van de V vroede ende van de V dwaeze Maegden
‘The Play of the Five Wise and the Five Foolish Virgins’ (early 16th century);
Tspeel van Susanna
‘The Play of Susanna’ 1607).
The plays are theatrical, contemporary, and very funny.
The Five Foolish Virgins are late for the coming of the Bridegroom because they have been indulging in a very Dutch feast
of waffles. The chief comedians are the sinnekens, sinister but charming tempter figures who work in pairs to egg on and then
trip up the wicked characters. A fascinating and enlightening comparison with English biblical plays of the
same period.
Volume Two, which is published by
and can be purchased separately (not as a METh volume), contains three classical plays, Hue Mars ende Venus tsaemen bueleerden (‘How Mars and Venus dallied together’),
and two versions of the Pyramus and Thisbe story, one from Haarlem and one from Antwerp: Een spel van sinnen van de historie van Piramus en Thisbe genaempt de Sinnelijcke
Genegentheyt (‘A Moral Play of the History of Pyramus and Thisbe also known as The Play of Sensual Appetite’) and Pyramus ende Thisbe.
£12 plus current P&P
The Chester Moses, Balaak and Balaam (1983)
edited John McKinnell
ISBN 13-digit: 978-0-86386-002-7
ISBN 10-digit: 086386 002 8
Paperback, pamphlet binding: 16 pages
Medieval English Theatre Modern-Spelling Texts
The Chester mystery play in modern spelling (not in translation) with marginal glosses, an introduction,
and short bibliography. Designed for use as an acting edition. A major feature is the famous speaking ass,
which sees the angel blocking Balaam's path when its master the prophet does not. The play ends with a
Processus Prophetarum.
£2.50 plus current P&P
The Chester Antichrist (1983)
edited Meg Twycross
ISBN 13-digit: 978-0-86386-004-4
ISBN 10-digit: 086386 004 4
Paperback, pamphlet binding: 24 pages
Medieval English Theatre Modern-Spelling Texts
The Chester mystery play in modern spelling (not translation) with marginal glosses, an introduction,
and short bibliography. Designed for use as an acting edition. A spectacular play full of special effects, including
trees that turn upside down, a diabolical Descent of the Spirit parodying Pentecost, sword fights, and a
flamboyant anti-hero. A late-medieval horror movie.
£2.50 & plus current P&P
Terence in English: That Girl from Andros (1987)
edited Meg Twycross
ISBN 13-digit: 978-0-86386-006-5
ISBN 10-digit: 086386 006 0
Paperback, perfect binding: 142 pages
Medieval English Theatre Modern-Spelling Texts
A surprisingly racy translation, c.1500 and printed in 1530, of the Andria of Terence, the archetypal Roman
comedy. Set in ancient Athens, it involves a tyrannical father, an amorous son, a deserted heroine, a wily slave,
and a suporting cast of eccentric characters, all stirred together in a dizzy brew of intrigue and misunderstanding
that comes right at the very last moment. Detailed notes, and introduction.
£9 plus current P&P
Three Mary Plays from the York Cycle: the Death, Assumption, and Coronation
of the Virgin (1988)
edited John McKinnell
ISBN 13-digit: 978-0-86386-008-9
ISBN 10-digit: 086386 008 7
Paperback, perfect binding: 58 pages
Medieval English Theatre Modern-Spelling Texts
The sequence of elaborate pageants in honour of the Virgin performed at the end of the York Corpus Christi Play
immediately before the grand finale of Doomsday. An appendix gives the six songs from the Assumption,
transcribed from the manuscript but transposed down a fourth for modern voices. This acting text was
prepared for the waggon plays at the York Festival in 1988. With Introduction and on-page glosses.
£5.50 plus current P&P
Mary of Nemmegen (1993)
edited John McKinnell
ISBN 13-digit: 978-0-86386-012-6
ISBN 10-digit: 086386 012 5
Paperback, perfect binding: 102 pages
Medieval English Theatre Modern-Spelling Texts
An acting edition of the 1518 chapbook translation of the Dutch Mariken van Nieumeghen published in 1515.
This sensational story, which tells with great psychological realism how and why an intelligent girl came to sell
herself to the one-eyed Devil Moonen, and how she repented and escaped, is not presented as a play in either of the
printed versions, but they have a strongly dramatic flavour, and the text can easily be turnd into one: this
version was acted by the Durham Medieval Drama Group in 1989.
There is an extensive introduction and notes, with appendices containing the English chapbook version, complete with
woodcuts; a translation of Masscheroen, the play within a play; and steps for suitable dances.
£9 plus current P&P
The Nun who left her Abbey (1987)
translated Nigel Wilkins
ISBN 13-digit: 978-0-86386-007-2
ISBN 10-digit: 086386 007 9
Paperback, perfect binding: 64 pages
Medieval English Theatre Modern-Spelling Texts
One of the 14th-century Miracles de Nostre Dame performed by the Guild of Goldsmiths in Paris.
La Nonne qui laissa son abbaie (1345), tells how a nun elopes from her abbey with a dashing knight. For
two nights the statue of Our Lady bars her way, but on the third she eludes her and flees with her lover. After
thirty years of marriage and two children Our Lady appears to her and delivers an ultimatum: she must return
to her abbey or face the fires of hell. She is welcomed back with great rejoicing and the Knight becomes a monk.
Acting version with introduction, short bibliography, and suggestions for the musical settings.
£5.50 plus current P&P
Esmoreit Prince of Sicily (1989)
translated Jane Oakshott and Elsa Strietman
ISBN 13-digit: 978-0-86386-009-6
ISBN 10-digit: 086386 009 5
Paperback, pamphlet: 22 pages
Medieval English Theatre Texts in Translation
How he was sold by his wicked uncle to a Saracen magician, with all that followed. One of the Dutch
abele spelen, a genre of theatrical romances of which there are only traces in English medieval theatre.
Very actable. This version premièred by the Joculatores Lancastrienses in 1989.
£4.50 plus current P&P
Peter Happé
Song in Morality Plays and Interludes (1991)
ISBN 13-digit: 978-0-86386-011-9
ISBN 10-digit: 086386 011 7
Hardback: 121 pages
METh Monographs
Collects together all the many instances of song and song-cues in secular plays from c. 1425 to 1590. An invaluable
tool for readers interested in Renaissance and popular music as well as those involved in early theatre.
£16 plus current P&P
Evil on the Medieval Stage (1992)
edited with an introduction by Meg Twycross
ISBN 13-digit: 978-0-86386-010-2
ISBN 10-digit: 086386 010 9
Paperback, perfect binding: 186 pages
Papers (in French and English) from the Sixth Triennial Colloquium of the International Society for the Study
of Medieval Theatre (1989), by André Lascombes, John Brown, Peter Happé, Hans-Jürgen Diller, Marco Piccat,
Cecilia Pietropoli, Alexandra F. Johnston, Helène Charpentier, Roberta Mullini, Geoff Lester, Rosemary E. Chaplan,
Garrett P.J. Epp, Andrew Taylor, and Henk Gras.
Also published as Medieval English Theatre volume 11.
£8 plus current P&P
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© Meg Twycross 2012