My Co-authors
- Asmussen, Søren
- Borovkov, A. A.
- Denisov, Denis
- Doney, Ron
- Fayolle, Guy
- Foss, Sergey
- Hashorva, Enkelejd
- Piterbarg, Vladimir
- Schassberger, Rolf
- Schlegel, Sabine
- Schmidt, Volker
- Wachtel, Vitali
- Wang, Longmin
- Zachary, Stan
M.S. thesis
"Transition phenomena for Markov chains and their applications"
PhD thesis
"Transition phenomena for real-valued Markov chains"
DSc thesis
"Large deviation probabilities for asymptotically space homogeneous
stable Markov chains"
Transient phenomena for Markov chains and their applications,
Adv. Appl. Probab. 24 (1992) 322-342
(with A. A. Borovkov and G. Fayolle).
PDF file is available.
Transient phenomena for real-valued Markov chains,
Theory Probab. Appl. 38 (1993) 149-152.
PDF file is available.
The original publication is available at epubs.siam.org,
Transition phenomena for real-valued Markov chains,
Siberian Advances in Mathematics 3(4) (1993) 53-100.
PS file is available.
Ergodicity in a sense of weak convergence, equilibrium-type
identities and large deviations for Markov chains.
Grigelionis, B. (ed.) et al.,
Probability theory and mathematical statistics.
Proceedings of the sixth Vilnius conference.
Utrecht: VSP (1994) 89-98
(with A. A. Borovkov).
PDF file is available.
Large deviation probabilities for one-dimensional Markov chains. I:
Stationary distributions,
Theory Probab. Appl. 41 (1996) 1-24
(with A. A. Borovkov).
PDF file is available.
The original publication is available at epubs.siam.org,
Tightness and continuity of a family of invariant measures
for Markov chains depending on a parameter,
Sib. Math. J. 37 (1996) 730-746.
PS file is available.
The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com,
On distribution tail of the maximum of a random walk,
Stochastic Processes and Their Applications 72 (1997) 97-103.
PDF file is available.
The original publication is available at www.sciencedirect.com,
Ergodicity of a polling network with an infinite
number of stations,
Queueing Systems 32 (1999) 169-193
(With A. A. Borovkov and R. Schassberger).
PDF file is available.
The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com,
Large-deviation probabilities for one-dimensional Markov chains.
Part 2. Prestationary distributions in the exponential case,
Probability Theory and Its Applications 45 (2001) 379-405
(with A. A. Borovkov).
PDF file is available.
The original publication is available at epubs.siam.org,
Sampling at a random time with a heavy-tailed distribution,
Markov Processes and Related Fields 6 (2000) 543-568
(with S. Foss).
PDF file is available.
Limit theorems for general Markov chains.
Sib. Math. J. 42 (2001) 301-316.
PDF file is available.
The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com,
Large-deviation probabilities for maxima of sums of
independent random variables with negative mean and
subexponential distribution,
Probability Theory and Its Applications 46 (2002) 355-366.
PDF file is available.
The original publication is available at epubs.siam.org,
Large-deviation probabilities for one-dimensional Markov chains.
Part 3. Prestationary distributions in the subexponential case,
Probability Theory and Its Applications 46 (2002) 603-618
(with A. A. Borovkov).
PDF file is available.
The original publication is available at epubs.siam.org,
Asymptotics for sums of random variables
with local subexponential behaviour,
Journal of Theoretical Probability 16 (2003) 489-518
(with S. Asmussen and S. Foss).
PDF file is available.
The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com,
Asymptotics for random walks with dependent heavy-tailed increments,
Sib. Math. J. 44 (2003) 833-844
(with S. Schlegel and V. Schmidt).
PDF file is available
The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com,
One-dimensional asymptotically homogeneous Markov chains:
Cram'er transform and large deviation probabilities,
Siberian Advances in Mathematics 14(4), (2004) 30-70.
PDF file is available.
Tail asymptotics for the supremum of a random walk
when the mean is not finite,
Queueing Systems 46 (2004) 15-33
(with S. Foss and D. Denisov).
PDF file is available.
The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com,
The critical case of the Cramer-Lundberg theorem on the asymptotic
tail behavior of the maximum of a negative drift random walk,
Siberian Mathematical Journal 46 (2005) 1077-1081.
PDF file is available.
The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com,
Heavy tails in multi-server queue,
Queueing Systems 52 (2006) 31-48
(with S. Foss).
PDF file is available.
The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com,
On the distribution density of the supremum of
a random walk in the subexponential case,
Siberian Mathematical Journal 47 (2006) 1060-1065.
PDF file is available.
The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com,
Lower limits and equivalences for convolution tails,
The Annals of Probability 35 (2007) 366-383
(with S. Foss).
PDF file is available.
The original publication is available at projecteuclid.org,
Lower limits for distribution tails of randomly stopped sums,
Theory Probab. Appl. 52 (2007) 690-699
(with D. Denisov and S. Foss).
PDF file is available.
The original publication is available at epubs.siam.org,
The key renewal theorem for a transient Markov chain,
Journal of Theoretical Probability 21 (2008) 234–245.
PDF file is available.
The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com,
On lower limits and equivalences for
distribution tails of randomly stopped sums,
Bernoulli 14 (2008) 391–404
(with D. Denisov and S. Foss).
PDF file is available.
The original publication is available at projecteuclid.org,
Convolutions of long-tailed and
subexponential distributions,
Journal of Applied Probability 46 (2009) 756-767
(with S. Foss and S. Zachary).
PDF file is available.
The original publication is available at projecteuclid.org,
An analog of Wald's identity for random walks with infinite mean,
Siberian Mathematical Journal 50 (2009) 663-666.
PDF file is available.
The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com,
Asymptotics of randomly stopped sums in
the presence of heavy tails,
Bernoulli 16 (2010) 971–994
(with D. Denisov and S. Foss).
PDF file is available.
The original publication is available at projecteuclid.org,
- Local asymptotics for the time of first return to the origin
of transient random walk,
Statistics & Probability Letters 81 (2011) 1419–1424
(with R. A. Doney).
PDF file is available.
The original publication is available at ScienceDirect.com,
Moments for stationary Markov chains with asymptotically zero drift,
Siberian Mathematical Journal 52 (2011) 655-664.
PDF file is available.
The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com,
- How to measure the accuracy of the subexponential approximation
for the stationary single server queue,
Queueing Systems 68 (2011) 261–266.
PDF file is available.
The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com,
On large delays in multi-server queues with heavy tails,
Mathematics of Operations Research, 37 (2012) 201–218
(with S. Foss).
PDF file is available.
The original publication is available at INFORMS website,
Potential analysis for positive recurrent Markov chains
with asymptotically zero drift: Power-type asymptotics,
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 123 (2013) 3027--3051
(with D. Denisov and V. Wachtel).
PDF file is available.
The original publication is available at ScienceDirect website,
Tail asymptotics for the supercritical Galton-Watson process in the heavy-tailed case,
Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 282 (2013) 273–297
(with V. Wachtel and D. Denisov).
PDF file is available.
The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com,
On extremal behavior of Gaussian chaos,
Doklady Mathematics, 88 (2013) 566–568
(with V. I. Piterbarg and E. Hashorva).
PDF file is available.
The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com,
Asymptotic expansion of Gaussian chaos via probabilistic approach,
Extremes, 18 (2015) 315-347
(with V. I. Piterbarg and E. Hashorva).
PDF file is available.
The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com,
On the asymptotic Laplace method and its application to random chaos,
Mathematical Notes, 97 (2015) 60–73
(with V. I. Piterbarg and E. Hashorva).
PDF file is available.
The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com,
Two-dimensional ruin probability for subexponential claim size,
Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 37 (2017) 319-335
(with S. Foss, Z. Palmowski and T. Rolski).
PDF file is available.
The original publication is available at University of Wroclaw website,
On subexponential tails for the maxima of negatively driven
compound renewal and L\'evy processes,
Stochastic Processes and Their Applications,
128 (2018) 1316-1332.
PDF file is available.
The original publication is available at ScienceDirect website,
Markov chains on Z+: analysis of stationary measure
via harmonic functions approach,
Queueing Systems,
91 (2019) 265-295
(with D. Denisov and W. Wachtel).
The original publication is available at ScienceDirect website,
Tail asymptotics for Shepp-statistics of Brownian motion in Rd,
23 (2020) 35-54
(with W. Wang).
The original publication is available at ScienceDirect website,
Strong law of large numbers for a function of
the local times of a transient random walk in Zd,
Journal of Theoretical Probability,
(2019) -
(with I. Asymont).
The original publication is available at ScienceDirect website,
Renewal theory for transient Markov chains with asymptotically zero drift,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.,
373 (2020) 7253-7286
(with D. Denisov and W. Wachtel).
The original publication is available at American Mathematical Society website,
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