Department of Mathematics and Mechanics,
Novosibirsk State University (Novosibirsk, Russia),
Lecturer (1989-2001 and 2003-2006);
Professor (2006--present)
School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences,
Department of Actuarial Mathematics and Statistics,
Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh, UK):
Approved Tutor in Statistics (2002-2003)
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Statistics,
Mathematical Institute, Ludwig-Maximilians University (Munich, Germany):
W2 Professor of Applied Mathematics (2013)
Faculty of Science and Technology,
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Lancaster University (UK):
Professor of Probability (2015-present)
International Soros Educational Program,
Soros Dozent Award (1999).
Collection of Problems and Exercises
in Probability Theory,
Novosibirsk State University Publisher 1997
(with S. G. Foss,
in Russian). 2nd Ed. 2003.
of Problems and Exercises
in Mathematical Statistics,
Institute of Mathematics Publisher, Novosibirsk 2001
(with N. I. Chernova,
in Russian). 2nd Ed. 2004.
Collection of Problems and Exercises
in Probability Theory,
Lan' Publisher, S-Peterburg 2004
(with S. G. Foss
and I. M. Asymont, in Russian).
Lecture courses taught at Novosibirsk University
Probability Theory (undergraduate course for students
in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, about 120 students) - 3rd year course: 54 lectures, 36 tutorials and oral
examining, 1993, 1995/96, 1999, 2003, 2004, 2005
Mathematical Statistics (undergraduate course for students
in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, about 120 students)
- 3rd year course: 36 lectures, 18 tutorials and oral
examining, 1994, 2000, 2001, 2005
Mathematical Statistics for Geophysicists
(undergraduate course for students in Geophysics, about 25 students)
- 3rd year course: 36 lectures, 36 tutorials and oral
examining, 1991, 1992
Stochastic Processes (undergraduate course for students
in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, about 50 students)
- 5th year course: 72 lectures, 18 tutorials and oral
examining, 1994/95, 1996/97, 1997/98, 1998/99,
1999/00, 2001
Markov Processes (advanced course for MSc students
in the Chair of Probability and Mathematical Statistics,
10-15 students): 68 lectures and oral examining, 1995/96
Additional Chapters of Probability (advanced course for MSc students
in the Chair of Probability and Mathematical Statistics,
10-15 students): 68 lectures and oral examining, 2000/01
Random Walks (advanced course for MSc students
in the Chair of Probability and Mathematical Statistics,
10-15 students): 36 lectures and oral examining, 2005/06, 2007/08
Statistics for Stochastic Processes (advanced course for MSc students
in the Chair of Probability and Mathematical Statistics,
10-15 students): 36 lectures and oral examining, 2006/07, 2009/10
Subexponential Distributions (advanced course for MSc students
in the Chair of Probability and Mathematical Statistics,
10-15 students): 36 lectures and oral examining, 2008/09
Lecture course taught at Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich
Mathematical Statistics (Master course for students
in Mathematics and Financial Mathematics): 28 lectures, 14 tutorials and oral
exam, summer term 2013
Lecture courses taught at Heilongjian University of Harbin
Probability Theory (undergraduate course for students in Mathematics
of Chinese-Russian Institute): 72 hours and written
exam, autumn term 2013, 2014
Mathematical Statistics (undergraduate course for students in Mathematics
of Chinese-Russian Institute): 28 lectures, 14 tutorials and oral
exam, 72 hours and written
exam, spring term 2014
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