The Web-based Language & Style Course  


Investigation & Aims

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What we expect from co-investigators

Data collection methods

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LAMEL Department

Lancaster University


Course and Experiment Instructions for investigators/tutors

Data collection methods/monitoring of experiment

questionnaires, focus groups and (individual) interviews


  • In Lancaster

The pilot experiment in Lancaster will take place in the second term of the 2002-3 academic year (i.e. January to March 2003)

The main experiment in Lancaster will take place in the second term of the 2003-4 and 2004-5 academic years (i.e. January to March 2004 and 2005)

The traditional lecture/seminar-based format will consist of two 50-minute lectures and one 50-minute seminar per week, and the web-based version, of three 50-minute laboratory sessions per week.

The Assessment of the pilot and preliminary results took place between April 2003 and August 2003, and was reported in Istanbul in June 2003 at the PALA conference. A copy of the PowerPoint slides and related notes from the presentation given at the PALA conference in Istanbul is available.

  • Elsewhere

We hope that the Lancaster pilot can be replicated in partner institutions at any time during the following academic year (within the academic years 2003-2004). Exact start and completion dates can be determined by the individual institutions.

We expect the the main experiment in Lancaster to be replicated in partner institutions during the academic years 2004-2006.

When we first designed the experiment we assumed that elsewhere the Lancaster investigation would have to be replicated fairly exactly. We are now much more relaxed about this matter, as long as the experimental design suggested stands up to scrutiny. We think we can learn more if a variety of kinds of investigation take place, with a variety of kinds of student, as long as the investigations are well-designed and carefully conducted. If you want to discuss variations, please email Mick Short.

  • Assessment of collaborative results -

The (collaborative) analysis/writing up/publication of results procedure will begin once data has been collated here, at Lancaster.


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