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 Ling 131: Language & Style

Topic 4 (session A) - The grammar of simple sentences > SPOCA analysis > Task B

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Session Overview
What is/are grammar(s) (for)?
Style, meaning and the structure of sentences
SPOCA analysis and what it can show
Subject manipulation in text
SPOCA checksheet
SPOCA Self Test
Topic 4 'tool' Summary
Useful Links

SPOCA analysis and what it can show

Task B - A Nursery Rhyme

Now let's use what we have learned so far on a nursery rhyme we rather like.

(i) First analyse the first sentence grammatically and try to explain any unusual effects. To view our comments click on the sentence..
(ii) Secondly, do a sentence/clause analysis of the last two sentences of the nursery rhyme and again compare your analysis with ours

Yesterday upon the stair
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today.
I wish that man would go away.






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