"Chuckle Stop!"

This is an alternative version of the nursery rhyme taken from the Pink Fud website.

The man from the CIA

Yesterday upon the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today,
I think he's from the CIA.
He's put a tap upon my phone,
and listens when I'm not at home.
He hears the things I do not say,
Records my thoughts to earn his pay.

I worry when he's not around,
He might be hiding underground.
Or somewhere else, I cannot say,
I don't know where he is today!

I fear he'll push me down the stair,
Or stab my back or grab my hair.
Oh, shadowy man from CIA,
Won't you please just go away?

No, wait, what's this? I think I hear
The sound of footsteps in my ear.
Oh, drat! He's here again today
To follow me upon my way.

He'll read these words I've left for you,
And then you'll be his target too.
But I'll escape - I know the way,
I'll set my clock to yesterday!

He'll fail to find me anywhere,
Because, you see, I won't be there!
He'll look for me upon my way,
And disappointed be, but hey!

You'll still be here, I fear it's true,
He'll concentrate on watching you!
He'll tap your phone this very day,
And hear the words you do not say!

So if you meet upon the stair
A shadow man who isn't there,
Beware, my friend, he's here to stay,
For he's the Man from CIA.

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