Publications and Conference Presentations from the Changing Faces ProjectA book by Mary Hamilton and Yvonne Hillier based on the findings from the project was published in 2006 by Trentham Books. The book is aimed as a research resource for practitioners and researchers in the field, rather simply a factual history. In addition to the book itself, we continue to publish articles in academic and practitioner-oriented journals. We have produced an archive catalogue listing the documentary material assembled during the project and signposting readers to other libraries and archives relevant to adult basic education. A set of posters presenting our findings can be used in professional training settings. The full reference to the Changing Faces book is:Hamilton, M. and Hillier, Y. (2006) Changing Faces of Adult Literacy, Language and Numeracy: A Critical History. Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham books. Published ArticlesHamilton, M. (in preparation) Introducing Adult Literacy in its Social and Historical Context. Invited chapter to the Teacher Handbook for Adult Literacy, ed Moss, W. Routledge Hamilton, M. and Hillier, Y. (forthcoming) Deliberative policy Analysis: Adult literacy, Assessment and the Politics of Change. to appear in the Journal of Educational Policy. Download Pdf. Hamilton, M. and Hillier, Y. (forthcoming) ESOL Policy and Change. To Appear in Language Issues, the NATECLA Journal. Hamilton, M. (2007) Reflections on Agency and Change in the Policy Process Journal of Vocational Education & Training Vol. 59:2 June, pp 249-260. Hamilton, M. and Hillier, Y. (2006) The Changing Face of Adult Literacy, Language and Numeracy 1970-2000 A Critical History. Trentham Books Hillier, Y., (2006) Professionalising the ‘do-gooders’: the deployment of volunteers in adult basic skills from 1970 Voluntary Action 7 (3) pp 63-78 Hamilton, M. and Hillier, Y. (2005) 'Imagined Spaces' Adults Learning. Volume 17:1 pp 18-20. Appleby, Y and Hamilton, M. (2005) “Literacy as social practice: Travelling between the Everyday and other Forms of Learning.” in Peter Sutherland and Jim Crowther (eds) Lifelong Learning: Concepts and Contexts. Routledge 2005 Hillier, Y., (2005) The changing face of basic skills in England Fine Print Spring 2005 28(3) Victoria, Australia:Valbec pp 36 - 38 Hillier, Y. and Hamilton, M. (2004) “Changing Faces of adult literacy, Numeracy and ESOL” to appear in Literacy Today, Journal of the National Literacy Trust. Shahnaz, I. and Hamilton, M. (2003) “The English Mass Media: its contribution to adult literacy, numeracy and ESOL (ALNE) policy 1970-2000”. In Fine Print 26:1, 34-37. Melbourne: Victorian Adult Literacy and Basic Education Council Inc. Shahnaz, I. and Hamilton, M. (2003) “The contribution of the Mass Media to Adult Literacy, Numeracy and ESOL Policy in England, 1970-2000” RaPAL Journal, Issue 50. England. Conference and seminar presentationsHamilton, M, (2007) Adult Literacy and the Politics of Change. Invited Presentation at Simon Frazer University, Vancouver, April 2007 Hamilton and Hillier, (2007)The Changing face of Assessment in Adult Literacy, Numeracy and ESOL: A Deliberative Policy Analysis, Invited Seminar, Queens University Belfast Feb 2007 Invited discussant, BERA symposium “The Impact of Policy on Social Inclusion in the Learning Skills Sector” with ESRC TLRP Project team led by Frank Coffield. Sept 2-6 Warwick University. (see also linked article for Special Issue of the Journal of Vocational Education and Training) Hamilton, M, (2006) Linking Literacy with Personal and Local Histories. Invited Keynote to the Skills For Life Level 4 Literacy Project Dissemination Event, Norwich Record Office. November 10th 2006 Hillier, Y and Hamilton M., (2006) Adult Literacy and the Politics of Change RaPAL Annual Conference, University of Glasgow, June 23 – 24th 2006 Hillier, Y., (2005) ‘If you can add up, you can teach numeracy’ Paper presented at the International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematical Modeling and Applications, ICTMA Conference, City University, London, 10 – 14 July 2005 Hillier, Y., and Hamilton, M., (2005) The Changing Faces of Adult Literacy, Numeracy and ESOL: from cupboard to classroom in What a Difference a Pedagogy Makes: Researching Lifelong Learning and Teaching, Conference Proceedings, Volume 1 Centre for Research in Lifelong Learning, University of Sterling, 24 – 26 June 2005 ISBN 1 – 903661-72-2 "Just Do It: Literacies, Everyday Learning and the Irrelevance of Pedagogy" Key note paper presented at CRLL International Conference: What Difference a Pedagogy Makes 24 – 25th June 2005 Hamilton, M., Hillier, Y (2004) Tensions in Professionalisation in the Field of ALLN, 1970-2000,NRDC/Skills for Life Annual Conference, Queen elizabeth 2 Conference Centre, London, Nov 1st. Hamilton, M., Hillier, Y and Parsons, S. (2004) Using LargeScale DataSets in Qualitative Research. ESRC TLRP Training Workshop City University, London, October 29th. Hamilton, M. and Hillier, Y. (2004) Emerging Findings from the Changing Faces History Project. Research and Practice in Adult Literacy (RaPAL) conference in July 2004, Lancaster University. Hillier, Y., (2004) Changing Faces of Adult Literacy, Numeracy and ESOL London and South East Learning and Skills Research Network Regional Conference, Brighton, July 8th Hillier, Y., Policy and practice in adult literacy, numeracy and ESOL Seminar given to School of Education, University of Wolverhampton, Walsall, May 2004 Hamilton, M. (2004a) Evidence based Literacy Policy. Ethnography of Education Forum at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia February 20th. Discussant and Paper. Hamilton, M. (2004b) UNESCO Paris, invited seminar on Literacy Policies and Practices in Context: Evidence from the UK May 3 rd 2004 Division of Educational Policy and Strategies, Education Sector. Hillier, Y.(2003) Policy, what policy? Continuing Education Seminar, University of Sussex, June 2003 Hamilton, M. (2003) Culture Shock: Challenges of Linking Quantitative and Quantitative Evidence within Research. Presentation at NRDCALN Conference on “What Counts as Evidence?” Nottingham, 21-22nd May. Hillier, Y. and Hamilton, M. (2002) “Changing Faces of Adult Literacy” Learning Skills Research Network Conference Dec 2002 University of Warwick. Hamilton, M. “Developing an Inclusive Policy and Practice for Literacy and Numeracy” Plenary presentation at Research Forum Literacies of Engagement between Cultures Northern Territory University, Darwin, Australia 22nd Nov 2002 Hamilton, M., Castleton, G and Searle, J. (2002) Changing Faces: Dialogue from the UK and Australia on changes in adult literacy policy and provision over the last quarter of a Century. Griffith University Centre for Literacy and Language Education Visiting Scholar Seminar 20th Nov 2002, Brisbane. Hamilton, M. (2002) The Role of the Media in Developing Adult literacy in the UK 1970-2000. Visiting Seminar at University of South Australia, Adelaide, 14-16 Nov 2002 Hamilton, M. (2002)“Developing an Inclusive Policy and Practice for Adult Literacy and Numeracy: On the Dangers of Working in the Cracks” Keynote Presentation at Australian Council for Adult Literacy Conference Bridging the Divides 1-4 November 2002. Manley, NSW Australia Hamilton, M. Hillier, Y. Appleby. Y. and Shahnaz, I . “Changing Faces: Personal and Public Trajectories in Adult Literacy 1970-2000” Symposium at BERA Annual Conference, Exeter. September 2002 Hillier, Y., Changing Faces of Adult Numeracy Practitioner Workshop Adults Learning Maths Conference, Uxbridge College, July 2002 Hillier, Y., and Shahnaz, I., Changing Faces: Practitioner Workshop London and South East Learning and Skills Research Network Regional Conference , London, July 10 th 2002 Hillier, Y., and Shahnaz, I., Changing Faces: Practitioner Workshop RaPAL annual conference, London June 2002 |