PeopleThe "Changing faces" project was supported by a grant from the ESRC [R000239387] between January 2002 and June 2004 awarded to the University of Lancaster, City University and the Institute of Education, London University. The National Research and Development Centre (NRDC) provided additional funds for the archiving of documents. The principal investigators of the "Changing faces" project were: [link to webpages] Mary Hamilton (Lancaster University)
Many other people contributed generously to the project and we owe them an enormous debt. First and foremost are those who volunteered their time to be interviewed, sometimes travelling across the country or writing lengthy e-mails to us, editing and adding commentaries and finding materials to donate to the archive.
Yvon Appleby, Gill O’Toole; Candice Satchwell; Iffat Shahnaz and Barbara Walker were part of the project team at various points. They carried out interviews, documented them, edited transcripts and contributed generally to the organization and thinking of the project.
The transcribers were Alice Jesmont, Maggie Lackey, Gaye Olde, Cheryl Scott and Irene Smith. An advisory group met with us and offered guidance throughout, reading materials, making suggestions and keeping us going through their belief in the importance of the project: They were: Helen Casey; Noyona Chanda; Jay Derrick; John Field; Sue Grief ; Margaret Herrington; Ann Hodgson; Peter Lavender; Jane Mace, Jenny Ozga and Jane Ward.
We are particularly indebted to two people who shared their extensive knowledge with us and who are both writing related books: Sheila Rosenberg on ESOL and Peter Clyne on the impact of the 1973 Russell Report on Adult Education. Additional specialist research assistance was given by Tamsin Heycock, Kathy Pitt, David Renton and Patricia Worgan. We had useful conversations with David James and Juliet Merrifield. David Barton, Fiona Frank, Oliver Fulton, Wendy Moss and John Pratt, read drafts of our writing. Tom Hamilton checked references and helped design timelines.
Many people gave administrative help to the project, organizing databases, setting up the website and the archive, designing publicity and supporting the research team and advisory group: Jon Blanchard, Sue Burrows, Helen Clish, Dee Daglish, Lyn Drake, Steve Jenkins, Jas Kaur, Nick Pearce, Lauren Proctor, Alison Sharman, Karen Small and Richard Stone.
The opinions and interpretations we express on this website are, of course, our own responsibility and are intended to be a springboard for further debate and research.
Mary Hamilton Yvonne Hillier May 2007 |