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Day 1, 25th September 2008
Scuola Grande di San Rocco, Sala Superiore

15.00 – 16.10 Panel 1.Part I: Ruskin, Venice and C19th Cultural Travel

Speaker Paper
Clive Wilmer Ruskin, Venice and Verona
Edward Adams Ruskin’s Decline and Fall of Venice
Strother Purdy Carpaccio, Ruskin, and Henry James
David R. Sorenson ‘A Flowing Light-Fountain’: Carlyle, Ruskin and the Architecture of Heroism in The Stones of Venice


16.20- 17.30 Panel 1 Part II: Ruskin, Venice and C19th Cultural Travel

Speaker Paper
William McKeown The Presentation of the Virgin: Ruskin and Images of Girlhood in Venetian Renaissance Painting
Stephen Wildman “A gold and purple arch”: Ruskin’s watercolour, North West Porch of St. Mark’s, Venice (1877)
Rosella Mamoli Zorzi Against Palladio: Reading Ruskin in the train between Vicenza and Venice


Day 2, 26th September 2008
Venice International University

9.00-10.30 Panel 2a: Ruskin, Venice and C19th Cultural Travel: Architecture & Politics. Room 1E

Speaker Paper
Alireza Farahbakhsh Social Protest through Architecture: A Study of Ruskin’s ‘The Nature of Gothic’ as the Embodiment of His Artistic and Political Views
Gordana Fontana-Giusti The Stones, the Fold and the Spirit of Sacrifice
Laura Gilli John Ruskin: Decadence and Untruth of Architecture
Ross Jenner Lordship and Servitude, Ornament and the Particular in The Stones of Venice Image1 Image2 Image3
Mark Frost Ruskin, Venice, and the Guild Idea: Peter Kropotkin and the anarchist inheritance


9.00-10.30 Panel 2b: Ruskin, Venice and C19th Cultural Travel: Inspiration. Room 1G

Speaker Paper
J. A. Hilton ‘Sailing to Byzantium’: Ruskin’s Imaginary Travel to Greece
Francine Giese-Vögeli John Ruskin and the Alhambra in Granada
Ariane Varela Braga Owen Jones – travel as inspiration
Adel Sliti “Great Works colonize us”: Derek Walcott's Caribbean Optics of Survival in Tiepolo's Hound
Laura Watts Sommer “Oh Venice… My beautiful, my own…”: Francesco Hayez and the Regionalist Condition of Nineteenth- Century Italian Painting


9.00-10.30 Panel 2c: Ruskin, Venice and C19th Cultural Travel: America. Room 5X

Speaker Paper
Oana Cogeanu Travelling for America: J. Ruskin and WM.D. Howells
Páraic Finnerty Rival Italys: Emily Dickinson, John Ruskin and Henry James
James A. Levernier Mark Twain’s Italy during the Age of Ruskin
Joshua Parker A Venice all of Evil
Bernadette McCarthy From 19th-Century Venice to a Stone Cottage in Sussex: Gregory, Yeats and Pound and Visual Venetian Connection to Anglo-American Modernism.

11.00 – 12.30 Panel 3a: Ruskin, Venice and C19th Cultural Travel: Visual Media. Room 1E

Speaker Paper
Karen Burns Atmospheric Vision: Weather, Photography and The Stones of Venice
Anne-Marie Millim The Photographic Gesture in the Diaries of John Ruskin
R. Martin Seddon Ruskin and Visual Media
Jim Spates John Ruskin’s “Death in Venice”: An Early 21st-Century Revisitation of a Late 19th-Century Tragedy
Carmen Casaliggi Lessons of Multiple Perspective: Ruskin, Turner and the Inspiration of Venice


11.00 – 12.30 Panel 3b: Ruskin, Venice and C19th Cultural Travel: History & Memory. Room 1G

Speaker Paper
Christine L. Krueger British History as European History and the Scholar Gypsy
Clare A. Simmons Macaulay’s Rome and the Defence of Classicism
Ahenk Yilmaz Remembering with (out) Architecture: Ruskin’s Lamp of Memory and Ars Memoriae
Kyung-Sook Shin Two Victorians in Venice?: Topographies of Memory in Mary Shelley and John Ruskin
Tatjana Filipovska Ruskin on Canaletto’s painting


11.00 – 12.30 Panel 3c: Ruskin, Venice and C19th Cultural Travel: Britain. Room 5X

Speaker Paper
Glen Brewster “New Words” and “New Ideas”: Henry Crabb Robinson as Cultural Tourist
Carla Fusco Beppo, or Lord Byron’s Transgressive Venice
Illaria Mallozzi Hardy and Ruskin, two ideas of Venice
Marion Amblard Sir David Wilkie and David Roberts on the Continent: The impact of their travels on their career and their art

13.30 – 15.00 Panel 4a: Ruskin, Venice and C19th Cultural Travel: Ruskin's Circle. Room 1E

Speaker Paper
Anne Bordeleau Cockerell and Ruskin: Between nature and history
Caroline Bertonèche John Keats, John Ruskin and the Severn circle: the Italian exile of a British coterie of artists
Debbie Challis Artist in the House: Mary Severn Newton
Miriam Huffman Rockness "A Destination - and a Destiny": The Ruskin/Trotter Friendship
Laurence Roussillon-Constanty Importing Italy: Ruskin, Italian Art and Dante Gabriel Rossetti


13.30 – 15.00 Panel 4b: Ruskin, Venice and C19th Cultural Travel: Conservation. Room 1G

Speaker Paper
Marilyn Gaull Ruskin and the Culture of Weather: The dark ecology
Stephen L. Keck Ruskin and the Remaking of Venice
Marcus Waithe Memorial Studies and “fast-gaining waves”: Ruskin, Venice and the processes of preservation
Eugenia Afinoguénova “Ten O’Clock! Velásquez is Awaiting Us!”: Class, Gender, Bildung, and Emotions in the 19th-century Prado Museum
John Pedro Schwartz Constructing Modernity on (the Ruins of) the Museum

13.30 – 15.00 Panel 4c: Ruskin, Venice and C19th Cultural Travel: France. Room 5X

Speaker Paper
Anna Magdalena Elsner Death in Venice – Exploring Ruskinian themes in Proust’s depiction of Venice
Shannon Russell "I cannot but fear you as I love you": Italy and the Unconventional Woman in Madame de Stael's Corinne: or Italy and After
Allie Terry Stendhal and the Violence of the Italian Renaissance
Kristian Moen “This Image Traced in the Camera Obscura of the Mind”: Transforming Visions in Théophile Gautier’s Venices
André Hélard Ruskin between Venice and Chamonix


15.30 – 17.00 Panel 5a: Ruskin, Venice and C19th Cultural Travel: Architecture & Aesthetics. Room 1E

Speaker Paper
Anthony Ozturk Venice and the Architecture of the Alps
Stephen Kite ‘Careful watchfulness’: Drawing towards Venice – 1845
Anuradha Chatterjee Travelling the surface: John Ruskin and the production of the new theory of the adorned “wall veil
Thomas Marks ‘Sweet Cemetery Shore’: Ruskin’s Italy and the Architecture of Mourning
Megan Price Ruskin and the Stones of Oxford


15.30 – 17.00 Panel 5b: Ruskin, Venice and C19th Cultural Travel: Women. Room 1G

Speaker Paper
Catherine Wynne Ireland, Italy and the Holy Land: Elizabeth Butler’s Artistic and Literary Landscapes
Clare Broome Saunders ‘Venice has not been wanting in female learning among its other distinctions, to render it illustrious’: Louisa Stuart Costello, Venice, and the scholarly travel writer
Nancy Coleman Wolsk Purposeful Traveler: May Alcott Nieriker and the Picturesque Images to go with text
Lucia Aiello “Euthanasia’s Narrative”: The Battle for Florence as the Struggle for History in Mary Shelley’s Valperga
Greg Kucich Lady Morgan and Women’s Cosmopolitan History and Virtual Travel


15.30 – 17.00 Panel 5c: Ruskin, Venice and C19th Cultural Travel: Germany & Austria. Room 5X

Speaker Paper
Sybille Kershner Displaced: Ricarda Huch in Trieste
Candida Syndikus From the “Town of the Dead” to “Death in Venice”: The German painter Anselm Feuerbach and Venice
Nella Mlsová and Karel Mls Wandering to Italy – notes and pictures by many-sided folk-artist Alois Beer
[Joint Paper]

Day 3, 27th September 2008
Venice International University

9.00-10.30 Panel 6a: Ruskin, Venice and C19th Cultural Travel: Cosmopolitanism. Room 1E

Speaker Paper
Elsa Damien Ruskin and Murray's Handbooks: Battles for Tourist Guidance in Mid-19th Century Italy
Olga Plaszczewska John Ruskin’s Venice seen by a Pole: Maria Konopnicka’s impressions on Venetian art – Impressions from Travels (1884) and Italia (1901)
Olena Huseynov Phenomenon of “Tour to Venice” in post-soviet interpretation
Margueritte Murphy Becoming Cosmopolitan: Viewing and Reviewing the 1855 Exposition Universelle in Paris
Liliya Kovtun Dreams about Venice in Russian literature of XIX century


9.00-10.30 Panel 6a: Ruskin, Venice and C19th Cultural Travel: Japan & Ruskin. Room 1G

Speaker Paper
Wendy Jones Nakanishi The Anxiety of Influence: Ambivalent relations between Japan’s “Mingei” and Britain’s “Arts and Crafts” Movements
Shoji Sato Was Ruskin Demented?: An observation on Ruskin’s dementia, tracing back his mental disorders during the last dozen years of Ruskin’s life
Hiroko Masui Ruskin's The King of the Golden River and its appreciation in Japan
Yasuo Akiyama & Yasuo Kawabata
A Quest for Another Pearl of Great Price: Ryuzo Mikimoto and the Tokyo Rasukin Kyokai (Tokyo Ruskin Society) [Joint Paper]


11.00-12.30 Panel 7a: Ruskin, Venice and C19th Cultural Travel: Modern Painting. Room 1E

Speaker Paper
Neslihan Ekmekçioglu The Magical Play of Sunlight in Venice : An Enchanting Source for Ruskin and Turner. List of images
Uta Protz Ruskin and Turner's Drawings of Venice: The Conservation of Lost Skies
David G. Riede Ruskin and the 'Melancholy Deeps of Things.'
Patricia Pulham ‘Something which is not death nor sleep’: Death, Desire and the Effigy in Victorian Writings on Italy


11.00-12.30 Panel 7b: Ruskin, Venice and C19th Cultural Travel: Empire. Room 1G

Speaker Paper
Joshua Lund New World in the Tropics: Burton’s Brazil and the regeneration of Empire
Anthony Acciavatti Apostles of Procedure and Impersonation: The delusory revival of the arts and crafts of India through the Indo-Saracenic movement
Cindy Lane Italian imaginings of Western Australia in 1906
Kevin. J. James Hunch-backs, a ‘Flannel God’ and Island Kings: Cultural Geographies of the Inishkea Islands in the Irish Tourist Imagination
Maurizio Cinquegrani Travel, Cinematography and the City: Architecture, Topographies and Exhibitions of the British Empire at the Turn of the Twentieth Century


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