Situating Media, Mediating Situations Lancaster University Home Page
25-28 June 2015 at Lancaster University UK
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Thursday 25th June

11:00             Registration, Meeting at Lancaster University Mobilities.Lab, Bowland North B37
13:00             Departure Lancaster University
13:20             Pickup from Lancaster Railway station

Pair Discussions: Sit next to someone you don’t know yet. Talk about how your research relates to the workshop theme of mobile situations and situated media.

14:30-15:00  Settling into Glenthorne House, Grasmere
15:00-15:30  Coffee & Introduction
15:30-17:00  Standup: Present your work in 2 minutes to the whole group. What do you research & why? This is so everybody gets to know everybody else. You can use up to two slides.
17:00-17:30  Break
17:30-18:30  Keynote I 'Situational Awareness in a Time of Networked Media' - Lucy Suchman & Discussion
18:30-19:00  Intersections I: In groups or individually, formulate 1-3 key question arising for you at the intersections of media, mobilities, feminist, STS theories and research subjects. Focus must be on intersections! Write them on a post-it and put them all together on a big wall.
19:00             Dinner @ Glenthorne

Friday 26th June

08:30-09:30  Intersections II (early bird volunteers): Cluster the questions posted so far. These will be questions to discuss in small groups for the walking seminar.
09:30-10:30  Keynote II 'A Practise-based Approach to the Design of Socially Embedded Technologie's - Volker Wulf, University of Siegen
10:30-17:00  Walking Mentoring & Seminar with lunch & coffee somewhere: This provides opportunities for you to formulate your theoretical/methodological perspective and find intersections with others. Longer and shorter walks will be possible. For examples, see:
17:00-18:00  Mapping Intersections: Each group presents 1 result from Walking Seminar, we produce a map of intersections and interesting questions.
20:00             Dinner at Green's Bistro, Grasmere

Saturday 27th June
09:00             Depart lodging and Meet at Thorney How Hostel, Grasmere En route please think of a short rhyme (<4 lines. Limericks are acceptable. Do this in small groups and try to catch the essence or spirit of the weekend.
10:00-12:00  Writing Retreat, Thorney How Hostel
12:00-13:00  Lunch
13:00-15:00  Reading & Critique
15:00-16:00  Close
16:00             Return to Lancaster University by coach.

Sunday 28th June
Day at own leisure

Monday-Tuesday 29-30th
Lancaster Sociology Intellectual Party
Lancaster University

Please note that a separate Abstract must be submitted by March 13, 2015 at the website above. The process is competitive, so participation in Mobile Situations | Situated Media does not guarantee a place at the Lancaster Sociology Intellectual Party.


Mobile Pair Discussions - A show and tell on the move. It would be great if you could bring something to make a ‘stand’. This could be a proper academic poster (see here for some examples), it could be the set of slides you intend to present at the Sociology Summer Conference, it could be a large printout of a particularly central 300 word statement from your thesis. You could also draw a mindmap or a picture, bring objects or do a performance - there are no limits to your creativity as long as you can convey the gist of your project in 2-5 minutes. Senior researchers should also bring something. It could be – in 300 words – their latest book, a book proposal, a research grant application, or just a question that really occupies them at the moment.
Market Session - General milling around where everyone explains their projects to those stopping at their stand. We’ll have to swap shifts.
Mentoring - To take place while walking. 2-3 young scholars per senior academic discussing 1-3 particularly challenging questions the students/junior researchers face. These could be theoretical questions ‘Can you combine ethnomethodology, feminist theory and the mobilities paradigm?’ or practical questions ‘How to make a chapter plan?’. It would be ideal if you could let your mentor have your questions before you arrive. 
Intersections - In groups or individually, formulate 1-3 key question arising for you at the intersections of media, mobilities, feminist, STS theories and research subjects. Write them on a post-it and cluster them with questions other people have posted. Focus must be on intersections. In session I we’ll write down and start posting these questions on a big wall. In session II we’ll cluster those questions and junior researchers present their questions. We form groups for walking seminar.
Walking Seminar - Groups of 3-5 people pick one intersection and discuss it in depth. How is it generative for your research? What new insights are possible? What new methodologies? What’s problematic? They may do this on a walk (and a coffee en-route), they may find a room and do this sitting down. They must produce an illustrated or animated summary of what they learnt from their discussion.
Mapping Intersections - Each group presents 1 result from Walking Seminar, we produce a map of intersections and interesting questions.
Writing Retreat - Space and time to write with new momentum (hopefully!).
Reading & Close - Reading each others’ work, constructive critique, closing reflections and plans.

University of Siegen
Centre for Mobilities Research CEMORE
Centre for Gender and Women’s Studies
Centre for Science Studies
Universität Hamburg

Twitter #mobintersections


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CeMoRe, Department of Sociology,Bowland North, Lancaster University, LA1 4YT, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1524 592680 Fax: +44 (0) 1524 594256 E-mail: Pennie Drinkall