MATH332/432: Workshop and Assessed Exercises
Each week you are required to complete workshop, quiz and coursework exercises.
The workshop exercises are to be attempted during the workshop hour and are not for assessment. Solutions will be made available on Moodle after the workshop, although it is recommended that you attempt any questions you have not had time to complete during the workshop before looking at the solutions. The extra questions are provided for further practice and solutions will not be made available on Moodle for these questions.
The quiz exercises are assessed questions which should be submitted online. Although the questions are multiple choice and only the answers will be assessed, you should be confident that you can produce written solutions to these questions with full justification (do it!). The exam may contain questions which are similar to the quiz exercises and you will be expected to produce full written solutions in this case, so it is important to practise this skill. Each quiz question is worth 2 marks.
The coursework exercises are assessed questions. You should submit full written solutions to these to your tutor’s pigeohole. Coursework questions are marked out of 10. In addition, each week there is a challenge question. You can gain a further 5 marks, up to maximum total mark of 10, by successfully answering the challenge question.
The deadline for both the quiz and coursework questions is 1pm on Wednesdays and solutions will be made available on Moodle.