Consider a duel. Players and take it in turns to shoot at each other. Player shoots first, and has probability of hitting player . At his turn, player has probability of shooting player . The winner is the first player to hit the other.
Let be the number of shots in the duel. Show that the pgf of is given by
Hence calculate the mean of .
The pgf of the time to the first success in a Bernoulli process with success probability is
Let be the time until the first success in a sequence of Bernoulli trials with success probability , and the time until the first success in a sequence of Bernoulli trials with success probability . Write down the pgf for , assuming the two sequences of Bernoulli trials are independent.
Using the same approach as in 3.2.2 in the notes, show that if then for :
Solve this difference equation (using the correct initial conditions) to obtain .
Consider the pgf of in question 1 of this sheet. Denote this pgf by .
Calculate . How does this relate to the probability that player A wins the duel (see quiz sheet 1).
Let . By expanding the probability generating function:
explain why the relationship between and the probability that player A wins holds.
Challenge question
Full marks may be obtained for correct solutions to the previous questions. A further 5 marks, up to maximum total mark of 10, can be gained by successfully answering the following.
For the rv , the time to ruin starting from in a random walk with , show using the pgf of that