Let be a positive integer, and consider a simple random walk with . Let the random variable be the time to ruin, and let denote the number of paths which end in ruin at time .
Using the results in Lemmas 2.3.1 and 2.3.2, calculate . Hence write down the probability mass function for .
In the simple random walk starting from the probability that eventually returns to 0 is
Write down the corresponding result for the case when the random walk starts from .
Now, by conditioning on the outcome of the first step, show that for a simple random walk starting from , the probability that eventually returns to 0 is
Challenge question
Full marks may be obtained for correct solutions to the previous questions. A further 5 marks, up to maximum total mark of 10, can be gained by successfully answering the following.
Consider the random walks defined by
Define Ruin as the event that . Let . State whether in each case. Explain your answer.
In general, what property must a random walk have for ?