2 Quiz Exercises 1

Let T be the time at which the first success S is observed in a sequence of Bernoulli trials. Each Bernoulli trial has a success probability of p.

For Questions 1–3 the possible answers are:

  • (a)


  • (b)


  • (c)


  • (d)

    p/q2; or

  • (e)

    None of the above.

  • Q1.1

    Bernoulli 1: What is E(T)?

  • Q1.2

    Bernoulli 2: What is E(T2)?

  • Q1.3

    Bernoulli 3: What is Var(T)?

Hint: Adapt Exercise 1.3.2 from the notes. For Q1.2 use T2 in place of T. (You will need to expand the expression E[(1+T)2] where T has the same distribution as T.)

Consider a duel. Players A and B take it in turns to shoot at each other. Player A shoots first, and has probability a of hitting player B. At his turn, player B has probability b of shooting player A. The winner is the first player to hit the other.

By conditioning on the first two shots solve the following:

  • Q1.4

    Duel 1: Is P(A wins):

    • (a)


    • (b)


    • (c)


    • (d)

      b; or

    • (e)

      None of the above?

  • Q1.5

    Duel 2: Is the expected number of shots in the duel:

    • (a)


    • (b)


    • (c)


    • (d)

      (1+a)/(1-(1-a)(1-b)); or

    • (e)

      None of the above?