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E.6 Online-assessed exercises from week 2

Exercise 2.18.137=817+1137=8\cdot 17+1, so as 01<170\leqslant 1<17, we have q=8q=8 and r=1r=1. Moreover, -137=(-9)17+16-137=(-9)17+16, where 016<170\leqslant 16<17, so that s=-9s=-9 and t=16t=16. Thus (C) is correct.

Exercise 2.19. The Euclidean algorithm gives

2222=3611+3891=55-272611=389+222=55-27(167-355)389=222+167=8255-27167222=167+55=82(222-167)-27167167=355+2=82222-10916755=272+1=82222-109(389-222)2=21+0=191222-109389=191(611-389)-109389=191611-300389=191611-300(2222-3611)=1091611-3002222.\begin{array}[]{rlrl}2222&\!\!\!=3\cdot 611+389&1=&55-27\cdot 2\\ 611&\!\!\!=389+222&=&55-27(167-3\cdot 55)\\ 389&\!\!\!=222+167&=&82\cdot 55-27\cdot 167\\ 222&\!\!\!=167+55&=&82(222-167)-27\cdot 167\\ 167&\!\!\!=3\cdot 55+2&=&82\cdot 222-109\cdot 167\\ 55&\!\!\!=27\cdot 2+1&=&82\cdot 222-109(389-222)\\ 2&\!\!\!=2\cdot 1+0&=&191\cdot 222-109\cdot 389\\ &&=&191(611-389)-109\cdot 389\\ &&=&191\cdot 611-300\cdot 389\\ &&=&191\cdot 611-300(2222-3\cdot 611)\\ &&=&1091\cdot 611-300\cdot 2222.\end{array}

Thus hcf(2222,611)=1=1091611-3002222\mathrm{hcf}(2222,611)=1=1091\cdot 611-300\cdot 2222, and therefore the correct answers are (i): (B) and (ii): (E).

Exercise 2.20. We find 6=224+(-1)426=2\cdot 24+(-1)42, and 66 divides both 24(=46)24\,(=4\cdot 6) and 42(=76)42\,(=7\cdot 6), so Corollary 4.2.15 implies that hcf(24,42)=6\mathrm{hcf}(24,42)=6. (If one does not see that 6=224+(-1)426=2\cdot 24+(-1)42 straightaway, a more systematic approach is also possible, using the Euclidean algorithm.)

Proposition 4.4.2 states that an integer nn is an integral linear combination of 2424 and 4242 if and only if 6|n6|n. Hence we have:

  • 3030 is an integral linear combination of 2424 and 4242 because 6|306|30;

  • 3232 and 3434 cannot be written as integral linear combinations of 2424 and 4242 because 6| 326\!\!\!\!\;\not\!\!\!\;|\!\;32 and 6| 346\!\!\!\!\;\not\!\!\!\;|\!\;34.

Therefore (C) is the correct answer.

Exercise 2.21. We find:

  • Alice’s answer is not correct; we have no theorem supporting her reasoning.

  • Bob’s answer is also not correct; his argument shows that 180180 and 9696 can both be written as linear combinations of 1212 and 1818, but that was not the question!

  • Claire’s answer, giving a counterexample to the statement, is correct.

  • Dave’s answer is not correct because his negation of the statement is wrong. The correct negation is:

    ‘‘There exist a,ba,b\in\mathbb{Z}, where aa is a multiple of 1212 and bb is a

    multiple of 1818, such that 180180 is not an integral linear combination

    of aa and bb, or 9696 is an integral linear combination of aa and bb.’’

Hence (A) is the correct answer.