For and , find , , and .
Find the truth table for the compound statement ‘‘’’, where and are statement variables.
For , list the members of each of the following three sets:
Determine whether the statement in (i) is true or false, and justify your answer briefly.
[You might prefer to try the explanation strategy with a friend, either in the workshop or at another time. That can also be very helpful but try to be (constructively) critical of yourself or your friend: keep going until you are sure you understand every step, line by line. Feel free to try the strategy with other proofs from the course, or other courses, too.]
Show that the two compound statements ‘‘’’ and ‘‘ or ’’ are logically equivalent.
Remark. This result can be rephrased as saying that the connective ‘‘’’ is distributive over ‘‘or’’ because it resembles the usual distributive law from arithmetic: for numbers , and .
Express each of the following statements symbolically.
‘‘There is an integer such that .’’
‘‘For each rational number , there are integers and such that is non-zero and .’’
‘‘The equation has a real solution.’’
Negate each of the three statements in (a).
For each of the three statements in (a), decide whether it is true or false and justify your answer briefly.
Use truth tables to show that, for any statement variables and , the compound statements ‘‘’’ and ‘‘ or ’’ are logically equivalent.
Find the parity table for the expression , where .
find , , and .
Find the truth table for the compound statement ‘‘’’, where , and are statement variables.
Use truth tables to show that the logical connective ‘‘or’’ is distributive over ‘‘’’; that is, show that the two compound statements ‘‘’’ and ‘‘’’ are logically equivalent, where , and are statement variables.
Use truth tables to show that the two compound statements
are logically equivalent, where and are statement variables.
As in Remark 2.3.3, construct an example that shows that this result agrees with our everyday usage of ‘‘negation’’, ‘‘and’’ and ‘‘or’’.
Express each of the following statements and its negation symbolically.
‘‘For all integers and , the equation has a rational solution.’’
‘‘For each integer greater than , the square root of is greater than .’’
‘‘ for some integer .’’
‘‘For each natural number , there is a real number such that .’’
Negate the following three statements:
‘‘some triangles are isosceles’’;
‘‘all triangles are similar’’;
(where is the set of prime numbers).
The answers to the following two exercises must be handed in in your tutor’s pigeonhole (B Floor, Fylde College) no later than 17.00, Wednesday October.
(4 points) Use truth tables to decide whether the two statements
are logically equivalent for all statement variables , and .
(3 points) Express the statement
‘‘for each non-zero integer between and (both inclusive),
there is a positive rational number such that ’’
(2 points) Decide whether the statement in (a) is true or false, and justify your answer.
The answers to the exercises below must be submitted online no later than 23.59, Wednesday October.
(Truth table) Find the truth table for the compound statement
where , and are statement variables, and hence decide which one of the five columns (A)–(E) below gives the correct truth table for .
(A) | (B) | (C) | (D) | (E) | |||
(Parity table) Find the parity table for the expression , where , and hence decide which one of the five columns (A)–(E) below gives the correct parity table for this expression.
(A) | (B) | (C) | (D) | (E) | |||
(Finding the sets and ) For , find
and hence decide which one of the following five statements is true:
and ;
and ;
and ;
and ;
none of the above.
(Translating text into symbols) Decide which one of the five symbolic statements (A)–(E) below corresponds to the sentence ‘‘for each pair of real numbers and , there is a natural number which is greater than the sum of the squares of and ’’.
(Symbolic negation) Decide which one of the five symbolic statements (A)–(E) below is the correct negation of the statement
These exercises are harder than the tutor-assessed exercises above and are not compulsory. If, however, you solve either or both of them, any points gained here will be added to the score of your tutor-assessed exercises up to a maximum of points.
(2 points) Show that the connective ‘‘’’ can be expressed in terms of the connective ‘‘&’’ and the negation.
(2 points) Express the statement
‘‘the polynomial has at least two distinct real roots’’
symbolically, and decide (with full justification) whether it is true or false.