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1.48 An integral from the theory of differential equations

Now we rearrange, and get (1+a2s2)I=-ssinax+acosaxs2e-sx+c(1+\frac{a^{2}}{s^{2}})I=-\frac{s\sin ax+a\cos ax}{s^{2}}e^{-sx}+c, so

I=-ssinax+acosaxa2+s2e-sx+c.I=-\frac{s\sin ax+a\cos ax}{a^{2}+s^{2}}e^{-sx}+c^{\prime}.


0Rsinaxe-sxdx=-[ssinax+acosaxa2+s2e-sx]0R\int_{0}^{R}\sin ax\,e^{-sx}\,dx={-\left[\frac{s\sin ax+a\cos ax}{a^{2}+s^{2}}% e^{-sx}\right]_{0}^{R}}
=a-e-Rs(ssinaR+acosaR)a2+s2.{=\frac{a-e^{-Rs}(s\sin aR+a\cos aR)}{a^{2}+s^{2}}.}

Finally, |ssinaR+acosaR||a|+s|s\sin aR+a\cos aR|\leq|a|+s, so

e-Rs(ssinaR+acosaR)0asR.{e^{-Rs}(s\sin aR+a\cos aR)\rightarrow 0\;\;\mbox{as}\;\;R\rightarrow\infty.}

Thus the integral converges to aa2+s2\frac{a}{a^{2}+s^{2}} as RR\rightarrow\infty.