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6.F Jordan normal form and the minimal polynomial

The method from the previous section is, in general, a lot of work. For some matrices, and in particular matrices of size 2×2 or 3×3, there is a faster way. In these cases, if you know the characteristic polynomial and the minimal polynomial, then the JNF can be deduced directly from them. If P-1AP is the JNF of A, then




This is one of the good things about similar matrices. So to understand the different situations, we will simply write down all possible JNF’s for 2×2 and 3×3 matrices.

Theorem 6.53.

Let AM2(C). The only possible JNF’s for A are as follows; we also list the corresponding characteristic and minimal polynomials. Here we assume that a,bC, but that ab.

  1. Ja(1)Ja(1)=[a00a], cA(x)=(a-x)2, mA(x)=(x-a).

  2. Ja(2)=[a10a], cA(x)=(a-x)2, mA(x)=(x-a)2.

  3. Ja(1)Jb(1)=[a00b], cA(x)=(a-x)(b-x), mA(x)=(x-a)(x-b).

So there are only three possibilities in the 2×2 case. Let’s also say how to find a Jordan basis in each of these cases:

Ja(1)Ja(1): Here Ja(1)Ja(1) is a scalar multiple of the identity. So if P-1AP=aI2, then by multiplying that equation by P on the left and P-1 on the right, we see that A=aPI2P-1=aI2. So any basis of 2 is a basis of eigenvectors, and in particular, it is a Jordan basis.

Ja(2): If we take any vector x2 in the generalized eigenspace Va(2) which is not in Va(1), then set x1:=(A-aI2)x2, so that x1,x2 is a Jordan chain of length 2. So it must be a Jordan basis.

Ja(1)Jb(1), where ab: If x is an eigenvector of a and y is an eigenvector of b, then x,y forms a Jordan basis of 2 (consisting of two Jordan chains of length 1).

Example 6.54.

Find the JNF and Jordan basis for A=[351-1].

(Solution:) The characteristic polynomial of A is


This means A has distinct eigenvalues 4 and -2. So by Theorem 6.53 the JNF is J4(1)J-2(1). A Jordan basis consists of an eigenvector for 4, such as (5,1), and an eigenvector of -2, such as (-1,1). So a Jordan basis is (5,1),(-1,1).

To check that we haven’t made a mistake, we could use the change of basis matrix:



Example 6.55.

Find the JNF and Jordan basis for A=[2-114].

(Solution:) The characteristic polynomial of A is cA(x)=(x-3)2. So 3 is the only eigenvalue. Since A is not a scalar multiple of the identity, it doesn’t satisfy the matrix equation A-3I2=0. In other words, the minimal polynomial is not x-3. The only other option for the minimal polynomial is mA(x)=(x-3)2. Therefore, the JNF of A is J3(2).

To find a Jordan basis we just need to take any non-zero vector which is not an eigenvector (because V3(2)=C2, and V3(1) is the eigenspace). Since x2=(1,0) is not an eigenvector, it will do. Define x1:=(A-3I2)x2=(-1,1). Therefore a Jordan basis is (-1,1),(1,0).

To verify that this is a Jordan basis, create the change of basis matrix, and multiply:

  1. P=[-1110]

  2. P-1AP=[3103]=J3(2)

Exercise 6.56:

Find the JNF of the following matrices, by first finding the characteristic and minimal polynomials, and then applying Theorem 6.53:

  1. i.


  2. ii.


  3. iii.


[End of Exercise]

Next we consider the 3×3 matrix case. Again, the JNF can be completely described, just from looking at the characteristic polynomial together with the minimal polynomial.

Theorem 6.57.

Let AM3(C). The only possible JNF’s are listed as follows; we also list the corresponding characteristic and minimal polynomials. We assume that a,b,c are all different from each other.

  1. Ja(1)Ja(1)Ja(1)=[aaa], cA(x)=(a-x)3, mA(x)=x-a.

  2. Ja(2)Ja(1)=[a1aa], cA(x)=(a-x)3, mA(x)=(x-a)2.

  3. Ja(3)=[a1a1a], cA(x)=(a-x)3, mA(x)=(x-a)3.

  4. Ja(1)Ja(1)Jb(1)=[aab], cA(x)=(a-x)2(b-x), mA(x)=(x-a)(x-b).

  5. Ja(2)Jb(1)=[a1ab], cA(x)=(a-x)2(b-x), mA(x)=(x-a)2(x-b).

  6. Ja(1)Jb(1)Jc(1)=[abc], cA(x)=(a-x)(b-x)(c-x),mA(x)=(x-a)(x-b)(x-c)..

Here “” means 0.

Using analogous arguments to the 2×2 case, we can find a Jordan basis in each case. Instead of writing out how this is done for each case, we will consider a few examples.

Example 6.58.

Find the JNF and Jordan basis for A=[00111-1001].

(Solution:) The characteristic polynomial is cA(x)=-x(1-x)2, so the eigenvalues are 0 and 1. Since the minimal polynomial is a factor of cA, and shares the same roots (by Theorem 6.10), it must be either x(x-1) or x(x-1)2. One can check, by matrix multiplication, that A(A-I3)=0. Therefore, the minimal polynomial is mA(x)=x(x-1). So by Theorem 6.57, the JNF of A is J1(1)J1(1)J0(1).

To find a Jordan basis, we need three Jordan chains of length 1. In other words, we need three linearly independent eigenvectors. We can choose the eigenvectors (1,0,1),(0,1,0) for the eigenvalue 1, and the eigenvector (1,-1,0) for the eigenvalue 0. These together form a Jordan basis.

To verify that we haven’t made a mistake, we can use the change of basis matrix:

  1. P=[10101-1100]

  2. P-1AP=[100010000]=J1(1)J1(1)J0(1)

Example 6.59.

Find the JNF and Jordan basis for A=[321031-1-4-1].

(Solution:) We have already found the Jordan normal form (Example 6.42), and Jordan basis for A in (Example 6.30). But let’s do it again, this time using the minimal polynomial method. We compute the characteristic polynomial by expanding the determinant and find that cA(x)=-x3+5x2-8x+4. In general, cubic polynomials are difficult to factor by hand; in this case we are lucky that x=1 is a root, because cA(1)=0; so (1-x) is a factor. Therefore


So there are two eigenvalues, 1 and 2. Since the minimal polynomial must also have 1 and 2 as roots, and cA is divisible by mA, the only choices are




To check whether or not the first one is the minimal polynomial, we perform the matrix multiplication:


Therefore, (x-1)(x-2) is not the minimal polynomial, so it must be


By Theorem 6.57, the JNF must be J2(2)J1(1).

So a Jordan basis consists of a Jordan chain of length 2, for the eigenvalue λ=2, and a Jordan chain of length 1 (i.e. an eigenvector), for the eigenvalue λ=1. See Example 6.42 for the details.

Exercise 6.60:

Find the JNF of the following matrices, by first finding the characteristic and minimal polynomials, and then applying Theorem 6.57:

  1. i.


  2. ii.


  3. iii.


[End of Exercise]

Example 6.61.

Find the JNF and Jordan basis for A=[021-1-3-1120].

(Solution:) Find we find the characteristic polynomial:


So there is only one eigenvalue, λ=-1. Therefore, the minimal polynomial is one of the following three polynomials:






Since A is not equal to -I3, it is not the first one. To test whether the middle polynomial is the correct one:


This proves that the minimal polynomial is


So, according the Theorem 6.57, the JNF of A is J-1(2)J-1(1).

To find a Jordan basis, we need to find two Jordan chains for the eigenvalue -1, of length 1 and 2, which together are linearly independent (and hence form a basis of C3). To form a Jordan chain of length 2, we need a vector in the generalized eigenspace V-1(2)\V-1(1), which is not an eigenvector. Since (A+I3)2=0, the kernel of this matrix is all of C3. Also, ker(A+I3)={(-2y-z,y,z)|y,zC}. Therefore

  1. V-1(1)=span{(-2,1,0),(-1,0,1)}

  2. V-1(2)=3.

Let’s define x2=(1,0,0), because this vector is in V-1(2) but not in V-1(1). Therefore the following vectors define a Jordan chain of length 2:

  1. x1:=(A+I3)x2=(1,-1,1)

  2. x2=(1,0,0)

To complete the Jordan basis, we just need another Jordan chain of length 1, which is linearly independent to the one above. Pretty much any other eigenvector will do, such as y1=(-1,0,1). We can verify that we haven’t made a mistake, using the change of basis matrix whose columns are the basis vectors:

  1. P=[11-1-100101]

  2. P-1=[0-10121011]

  3. P-1AP=[-1100-1000-1]

Therefore, a Jordan basis is x1,x2,y1, where these vectors are the columns of P.

Example 6.62.

Find the JNF and Jordan basis for A=[010-1-1110-2].

(Solution:) First, we compute its characteristic polynomial, and find the eigenvalues.


As in the previous example, we have only one eigenvalue, λ=-1. So the only possibilities for the minimal polynomial are:

  1. mA(x)=(x+1),

  2. mA(x)=(x+1)2,

  3. mA(x)=(x+1)3.

Since A is not -I3, we can rule out the first one. To determine whether or not the middle one is the minimal polynomial:


This rules out the middle polynomial. Therefore, the minimal polynomial is


So, by Theorem 6.57, the JNF must be J-1(3).

To find a Jordan basis, we just need to find a single Jordan chain of length 3, since there is only one Jordan block, and it is size 3. We need a vector in V-1(3)\V-1(2). According to the above calculation, we can express V-1(2)=ker(A+I3)2 as the span of two vectors as follows:

  1. V-1(2)=span{(1,0,0),(0,1,-1)},

  2. V-1(3)=3.

So define x3=(0,1,0), which is clearly not in V-1(2). This vector defines the rest of the Jordan chain:

  1. x1:=(A+I3)2x3=(1,-1,1)

  2. x2:=(A+I3)x3=(1,0,0)

  3. x3=(0,1,0)

So this is our Jordan basis. To verify that we haven’t made a mistake, let’s form the change of basis matrix whose columns are the basis elements:

  1. P=[110-101100]

  2. P-1=[00110-1011]

  3. P-1AP=[-1100-1100-1]

Since this matrix equation holds, we have found a Jordan basis, x1,x2,x3.