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6.B Minimal polynomials

For a square matrix AMn(F), we already know how to associate a certain polynomial: its characteristic polynomial. In this section we define and describe a procedure to find another polynomial, called the minimal polynomial. The characteristic polynomial can be used to find eigenvalues. It turns out that the minimal polynomial will also tell you the eigenvalues, but additionally, it tells you whether or not the matrix is diagonalizable (see Exercise 6.71).

A polynomial is called monic if the coefficient of the term of highest degree is equal to 1. Notice that the characteristic polynomial is monic if and only if the size of the matrix is even.

Definition 6.7:

Let AMn(F) be a square matrix. A polynomial m𝒫(F) is called a minimal polynomial if

  1. i.

    m(A)=0, and

  2. ii.

    m has the smallest possible degree among polynomials obeying (i), and

  3. iii.

    m is monic.

Theorem 6.8.

Let AMn(F) be a square matrix.

  1. i.

    There is exactly one minimal polynomial of A, and we denote it by mA.

  2. ii.

    If p𝒫(F) is any polynomial that obeys p(A)=0, then p is divisible by the minimal polynomial mA.


For part (i) see Exercise 6.69.

To prove part (ii), assume p𝒫(F) is a polynomial such that p(A)=0. By using polynomial long division, we can write p=qmA+r, where q,r𝒫(F), and r has degree less than mA. But this equation implies that p(A)=q(A)mA(A)+r(A), which implies r(A)=0. If r is not the zero polynomial, then it contradicts the minimality of mA. Therefore, r=0, and p=qmA. In other words, p is divisible by the minimal polynomial. ∎

Example 6.9.
  1. i.

    Find the minimal polynomial of A=[5005].

    Solution: By Theorem 6.8(ii), the minimal polynomial is a factor of the characteristic polynomial cA(x)=(x-5)2. The only monic factors are: 1, x-5 and (x-5)2. Of these, only the second two obey p(A)=0. Since x-5 is of smaller degree than (x-5)2, we must have mA(x)=x-5.

  2. ii.

    Find the minimal polynomial of A=[5105].

    Solution: Again, by Theorem 6.8(ii), the minimal polynomial is a factor of cA(x)=(x-5)2. But now, the only monic factor which obeys p(A)=0 is (x-5)2. Therefore, mA(x)=(x-5)2.

The method in the previous example started with factoring the characteristic polynomial. The Fundamenthal Theorem of Algebra says that (for F=) we can always factor a polynomial into a product of degree 1 factors. From that we can deduce all possible monic factors, by combining the various degree 1 factors in all possible ways. For example x3+x=x(x+i)(x-i), there are 8 monic factors:


As the degree increases, the number of monic factors increases very quickly, so it would be easier to find the minimal polynomial if we could immediately reject many of the entries in the list. This is the purpose of the following Theorem.

Theorem 6.10.

Let A be a square matrix.

  1. i.

    If λ is an eigenvalue of A, then mA(λ)=0.

  2. ii.

    The polynomials cA(x) and mA(x) have the same roots.


To prove (i), assume that λ is an eigenvalue. So there is an eigenvector x; i.e. a vector such that Ax=λx and x0. Now, by definition of the minimal polynomial, we know mA(A) is the zero matrix. Therefore mA(A)x is the zero vector. For the rest of the proof of this part, see Exercise 6.11.

To prove (ii), use Theorem 6.8(ii), together with the Cayley-Hamilton theorem, to see the minimal polynomial is a factor of the characteristic polynomial. Therefore, any root of mA(x) is also a root of cA(x). Conversely, if λ is a root of cA(x), that is the same as saying λ is an eigenvalue, and so by part (i), λ is a root of mA(x). Therefore, they must have the same roots. ∎

Exercise 6.11:

Finish the proof of Theorem 6.10(i).

[Hint: Write mA(A)=m0In+m1A++mrAr, and use that Aix=λix.]

[End of Exercise]

In the example x3+x=x(x+i)(x-i) mentioned above, if we were to list all monic polynomial factors which also share the same roots, then that cuts the list of 8 down to just one:

Example 6.12.

Assume a matrix AM4(R) has cA(x)=(-1-x)3(4-x)=0. List the possibilities for mA.

(Solution:) By Theorem 6.8, the minimal polynomial is a factor of the polynomial (x+1)3(x-4). By Theorem 6.10, mA contains the factors (x+1) and (x-4). Since we also know mA is monic, the only possibilities are: (x+1)(x-4), (x+1)2(x-4), and (x+1)3(x-4).

Exercise 6.13:

Assume a matrix A has characteristic polynomial


List the possible minimal polynomials associated to A by finding all polynomials which obey all of the following: monic, divides cA, and has the same roots as cA.

[End of Exercise]

Example 6.14.

Find the minimal polynomial of the matrix [300130003].

(Solution:) The characteristic polynomial is cA(x)=det(A-xI3)=(3-x)3. Since mA is a factor of cA, the only possibilities for mA are the monic polynomials x-3, (x-3)2, and (x-3)3. We just need to check for which of these is mA(A)=0? We compute:

A-3I3 =[000100000][000000000],
(A-3I3)2 =[000100000][000100000]=[000000000],
(A-3I3)3 =[000100000][000100000][000100000]=[000000000].

So mA(x)=(x-3)2 is the minimal polynomial.

Exercise 6.15:

Find the characteristic and minimal polynomials of the following matrices AMn().

  1. i.


  2. ii.


  3. iii.


  4. iv.


Exercise 6.16:

If BMn() is an invertible matrix, AMn(), and p𝒫() is some polynomial of degree r1. Prove that p(B-1AB)=B-1p(A)B. Deduce that similar matrices have the same minimal polynomial.

[End of Exercise]

Summary: A method for finding the minimal polynomial of a matrix A is as follows:

  • Factorize the characteristic polynomial cA(x) into linear (degree 1) factors,

  • List all possible monic polynomial factors of cA,

  • (Optional) Remove any polynomials which don’t share all the roots of cA,

  • Remove all polynomials from the list for which p(A)0,

  • Of the remaining polynomials, mA is the one of smallest degree (there should be only one of smallest degree, by Theorem 6.8).