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6.C Generalized eigenspaces

Especially starting in this section, and subsequently, we will usually consider matrices and vectors spaces with the field of the complex numbers, F=. The reason for doing so is the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, which has two key consequences:

  • Every monic polynomial of degree 1 is the product of linear factors (x-a),

  • Every complex matrix has at least 1 eigenvalue.

We have seen several examples of matrices in Mn() which are not diagonalizable; in other words, for which n does not have a basis consisting of eigenvectors. The following could be seen as a strategy to deal with this obstacle. Instead of considering only spaces of eigenvectors, we will consider a generalization of eigenvectors, as follows.

Definition 6.17:

Let AMn() be a square complex matrix, and let λ be an eigenvalue of A. Then the generalized eigenspace of index i is:


Non-zero elements of Vλ(i) are called generalized eigenvectors of A.

For i=0, we have Vλ(0)=kerIn={0}.

For i=1, we have Vλ(1)=ker(A-λIn)=Vλ, which is the usual eigenspace for λ.

Exercise 6.18:

Let A=[04-1-4]. It’s only eigenvalue is λ=-2. Prove that:



Exercise 6.19:

If AMn(), and λ is an eigenvalue, prove that Vλ(i)Vλ(i+1).

[End of Exercise]

Example 6.20.

Let’s find the generalized eigenspaces with respect to the eigenvalue λ=5, for the following matrices in M3(C):

  1. A=[510050003]

  2. B=[510051005]

(Solution:) For A, let’s compute the powers of the matrix A-5I3.

  1. A-5I3=[01000000-2]

  2. (A-5I3)2=[01000000-2][01000000-2]=[000000004]

So, for any i3, multiplying by more copies will still give a matrix with zeros everywhere except the lower right entry. The generalized eigenspaces are the kernels of these matrices. So

  1. V5(1)=ker(A-5I3)=span{(1,0,0)}

  2. V5(2)=ker(A-5I3)2=ker(diag(0,0,4))=span{(1,0,0),(0,1,0)}

  3. V5(i)=span{(1,0,0),(0,1,0)} for all i3

Similarly for the matrix B, we compute the powers of the matrix B-5I3:

  1. B-5I3=[010001000].

  2. (B-5I3)2=[010001000][010001000]=[001000000]

  3. (B-5I3)3=[010001000][001000000]=0

So, for any i4, multiplying by more copies will still give the zero matrix, so (B-5I3)i=0. Now we find the kernels of the above matrices:

  1. V5(1)=ker(B-5I3)=span{(1,0,0)}

  2. V5(2)=ker(B-5I3)2=span{(1,0,0),(0,1,0)}

  3. V5(3)=ker0=3

  4. V5(i)=3 for all i4.

So, the dimensions of the generalized eigenspaces of A, for the eigenvalue λ=5 are 1,2,2,2,, while the dimensions of the generalized eigenspaces for B for the eigenvalue λ=5 are 1,2,3,3,.

The pattern in the previous example is that the generalized eigenspace dimension increases until a certain point, after which the dimensions stabilize. This is an example of a general phenomenon, stated in the following theorem.

Theorem 6.21.

Let BMn(C) be any matrix, and let r1.




We already know that kerBr+1kerBr+2, we just need the reverse containment. Assume xkerBr+2, in other words, Br+2x=0. This implies Br+1(Bx)=0, which means BxkerBr+1. Using the assumption of the theorem, BxkerBr, in other words, Br(Bx)=0. This is the same as saying xkerBr+1. So we have proved kerBr+1=kerBr+2. Using the same argument for the next exponent, and the next, etc, we have proved the theorem. This argument could also be worded using the language of induction. ∎

Corollary 6.22.

Let λ be an eigenvalue of AMn(C). If Vλ(r)=Vλ(r+1), then all generalized eigenspaces Vλ(r+i) for i0 are equal to each other.


This is just Theorem 6.21 applied to the case when B=A-λIn. ∎

Example 6.23.

Let A=[321031-1-4-1]. For each eigenvalue of A, find a basis for each generalized eigenspaces of A.

(Solution:) First, we determine the eigenvalues via the characteristic polynomial.

cA(x)=det[3-x2103-x1-1-4-1-x] =(3-x)((3-x)(-1-x)+4)-(2-(3-x))

So the eigenvalues are λ=2 and λ=1.

λ=1: We compute the dimensions of the generalized eigenspaces as follows:


Since λ=1 is an eigenvalue, we have det(A-I3)=0, and so rank(A-I3)3. But two of its rows are clearly linearly independent, and so rank(A-I3)2 by Theorem 4.25. This proves that rank(A-I3)=2. By the dimension theorem, dimker(A-I3)=1, in other words dimV1(1)=1.


This shows two rows of (A-I3)2 are linearly independent, and we can use that detBC=detBdetC to see that det[(A-I3)2]=0. So rank(A-I3)2=2. By the dimension theorem again, V1(2)=dimker(A-I)2=1. Now by Theorem 6.21 all of the generalized eigenspaces for λ=1 are equal to each other:


for all i1. So, in this case, a basis for each generalized eigenspace is the vector (0,1,-2).

λ=2: The computation is similar to the previous case:


This matrix is rank 2, and so dimV2(1)=dimker(A-2I3)=1, by the dimension theorem. Moreover, the eigenspace is


To determine the next generalized eigenspace, we compute:


Observe that the rows are scalar multiples of each other, and therefore the row space is 1-dimensional; in other words rank(A-2I3)2=1. So by the dimension theorem, dimV2(2)=dimker(A-2I3)2=2. We can express the generalized eigenspace as the span of 2 vectors as follows:


The next generalized eigenspace is the kernel of the following matrix:


So ker(A-2I3)r=ker(A-2I3)2 for every r3. In particular,


for all r3.

Since the sequence (3,-1,0),(2,0,-1) is linearly independent (it consists of two vectors which are not multiples of each other) and spans this generalized eigenspace, it forms a basis.

To summarize: the generalized eigenspaces for the eigenvalue λ=1 are of dimension 1,1,1,1,, and they each have a basis (0,1,-2). The generalized eigenspaces for the eigenvalue λ=2 are of dimension 1,2,2,2,, and the first one has a basis (1,-1,1), while each of the others has a basis (3,-1,0),(2,0,-1).

Exercise 6.24:

For each of the matrices in Exercise 6.15, in Mn(), and for each eigenvalue λ, compute the dimensions and find a basis of each generalized eigenspace Vλ(i) for i1.

[End of Exercise]

In all of the above exercises and examples, the observant reader may have noticed that generalized eigenvectors for different eigenvalues are always linearly independent. This is always true (as stated in the following theorem), and the proof uses an induction argument which we omit.

Theorem 6.25.

Let AMn(C), and assume v1,,vr are generalized eigenvectors for different eigenvalues. Then v1,,vr are linearly independent.

As we will see, the dimensions of the generalized eigenspaces will be used to deduce the Jordan normal form; no other information is needed. But if you want to find a specific change of basis matrix P such that P-1AP is in Jordan normal form, this is equivalent to finding a Jordan basis, which is the purpose of the next section.