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6.D Jordan chains and Jordan bases

Given a matrix AMn(), and an eigenvalue λ, in the previous section we put a lot of effort into finding a basis for each of the generalized eigenspaces of λ. They are subspaces, and by Theorem 6.21 there is a number r1 such that:


An important observation is that if we pick a vector in one of these subspace, repeatedly multiplying that vector by the matrix A-λIn moves it along these subspaces from the right to the left, creating a “chain” of vectors. In other words:

Theorem 6.26.

If xVλ(i), for some i1, then


The proof is because xVλ(i) means that (A-λIn)ix=0, by definition of the generalized eigenspace. This implies that (A-λIn)i-1((A-λIn)x)=0, which is what we wanted to prove.

Notice that this formula still works with i=1, because we have that Vλ(0)={0}, the zero subspace. ∎

Exercise 6.27:

Let A=[-101-1].

  1. i.

    Prove that V-1(1)=span{(0,1)} and that V-1(2)=2.

  2. ii.

    Find a non-zero vector x which is in V-1(2) but is not in V-1(1).

  3. iii.

    Prove that (A+I2)xV-1(1).

[End of Exercise]

In the following definition, notice that a “Jordan chain of length 1 for λ” is exactly the same thing as an “eigenvector for λ”.

Recall that if YX are sets, then aX\Y means that aX but aY.

Definition 6.28:

Given a square matrix AMn() and an eigenvalue λ, a sequence of vectors x1,,xk is called a Jordan chain of length k for λ if:

  • xkVλ(k)\Vλ(k-1), and

  • xi=(A-λIn)xi+1, for every i=1,,k-1.

A Jordan basis (for A) is a basis of n which consists only of Jordan chains (for different eigenvalues, in general).

Any Jordan chain, x1,,xk, must obey x10. This is because xkVλ(k-1) is another way of saying x1=(A-λIn)k-1xk0.

Example 6.29.

Let A=[510051005]. You may use that

  1. V5(1)=span{(1,0,0)}

  2. V5(2)=span{(1,0,0),(0,1,0)}

  3. V5(3)=3

Find a Jordan chain of length 3.

Solution: First pick an element in V5(3)\V5(2). Say x3=(0,0,1). Then define x2=(A-5I3)x3=(0,1,0) and x1=(A-5I3)x2=(1,0,0). Then sequence x1,x2,x3 is a Jordan chain of length 3. In fact this sequence is a Jordan basis, since it is a basis of C3 and it is made up of Jordan chains (in this case, just one).

Example 6.30.

Let A=[321031-1-4-1] as in Example 6.23. Find a Jordan basis.

(Solution:) First we find the generalized eigenspaces for each eigenvalue.

λ=1: All of the generalized eigenspaces are 1-dimensional and are spanned by the vector y1:=(0,1,-2). In particular, this eigenvector forms a Jordan chain of length 1 for the eigenvalue λ=1, and no longer chains are possible.

λ=2: Based on our computation of the dimensions of the generalized eigenspaces, a Jordan chain for λ=2 has length at most 2. Let’s choose a vector in V2(2)\V2(1). One such vector is x2=(3,-1,0). Then x1:=(A-2I3)x2=(1,-1,1). So x1,x2 is a Jordan chain of length 2.

Now y1,x1,x2 forms a basis of C3, so our search ends. In other words, we have found a Jordan basis for A; it is the union of two Jordan chains.

Let’s see how the matrix A from Example 6.30 looks in the new Jordan basis


If T(v)=Av is the associated linear transformation, then we want to compute [T]. Using the method from Section 4.A we compute:

  1. T(y1)=y1+0x1+0x2

  2. T(x1)=0y1+2x1+0x2

  3. T(x2)=0y1+x1+2x2

This calculation shows that


Alternately, one could do a much longer calculation by using the change of basis matrix from to the standard basis:


Then we need to compute the inverse of P, and finally verify that [T]=P-1AP gives the same matrix as above.

The resulting matrix [T] is not diagonal, but it is as close as we can get to diagonalizing. In the next section we will see that this matrix is in Jordan normal form.

Exercise 6.31:

Find a Jordan basis for [04-1-4] (see also Exercise 6.18).

Exercise 6.32:

Find a Jordan basis for [-101-1] (see also Exercise 6.27).

[End of Exercise]

We can’t always find a basis of eigenvectors, but in the above examples, we were able to find a basis of Jordan chains. The remarkable thing about these Jordan bases, and the reason why this method should be considered a superior extension to diagonalizing a matrix, is that they always exist:

Theorem 6.33.

For any matrix AMn(C), there is a Jordan basis for A.

In other words, there is always a basis of Cn consisting of Jordan chains for A.

At the end of the next section is an algorithm for finding a Jordan basis.

Exercise 6.34:

Find a Jordan basis for A=[2000201-12].

[End of Exercise]