Home page for accesible maths 2 Vector spaces

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Exercise 2.54:

Let V be a vector space over a field F. A student is asked to prove that for any αF, it is always true that α0=0.

[Student box]

For any αF, we know


Therefore, α0=0, as required.

[End of Student box]

This proof only works when V=Fn. Can you find a proof that works for any vector space V? [Hint: Use techniques from the proof of Lemma 2.5(iii).]

Exercise 2.55:

Consider (1,-1,1),(-3,-5,7), and (3,1,-2) in 3.

  1. i.

    Prove this sequence of three vectors is linearly dependent.

  2. ii.

    Express each of the vectors as a linear combination of the other two.

Exercise 2.56:

Prove that span{[1000],[1100],[1110],[1111]}=M2().

Exercise 2.57:

Are these subspaces of 3? Justify your answer, and when it is a subspace, find a basis.

  1. i.


  2. ii.


  3. iii.

    W:={(x,y,z)3| 2x+y-3z=0}.

  4. iv.


  5. v.


Exercise 2.58:

Consider the set of polynomials W:={f𝒫3()|f(1)=0}.

  1. i.

    Prove that W is a subspace of 𝒫3().

  2. ii.

    Choose three polynomials in W of degrees 1, 2, and 3 respectively. Prove that your three polynomials form a basis of W.

Exercise 2.59:

Prove that, in any vector space V, if a sequence of vectors includes the zero vector, then the sequence is linearly dependent.

Exercise 2.60:

For the following subspaces, find a basis, and hence the dimension.

  1. i.


  2. ii.

    The symmetric matrices in M3().

  3. iii.

    W:=span{1+i,1-i,2+3i} as a vector space over .

  4. iv.

    W:=span{(1,2,3),(1,-1,0),(2,1,3)} of 3.

  5. v.

    W:={(x,y,z,w)|x+y+z=y-w=0} of 4.

Exercise 2.61:

Prove that if =(x1,,xn) is a sequence of vectors such that some vector is repeated in the sequence, then is linearly dependent.

Exercise 2.62:

Let WV be a subspace such that dimW=dimV. Prove W=V.

Exercise 2.63:

Let V be an n-dimensional vector space over a field F. A student is asked to prove Theorem 2.38(ii), which says that if a set of n vectors spans V, then they must form a basis. He is also asked to state every theorem that he uses. His proof goes as follows:

[Student box]

Assume v1,,vn spans V. By Theorem 2.26 we can choose a subset of these vectors of size m which forms a basis of V. Since every basis of V has dimension n by Corollary 2.37, we must have m=n. In other words, the subset is the whole set, and so v1,,vn is a basis. QED.

[End of Student box]

What has the student done wrong, and how might he get full marks?

Exercise 2.64:

Determine whether or not the following sets V are vector spaces over the given field F:

  1. i.

    Let V=+2={a+b2|a,b} and F=, with the usual addition and scalar multiplication.

  2. ii.

    Given a non-empty set S, let V be the set of functions from S to a field F. Addition and scalar multiplication are defined as in Example 2.1(vi).

  3. iii.

    Let V={x|x>0}, and F=. Define a new “addition” to be xy:=xy, and use the usual scalar multiplication in . We introduced a different symbol for the new addition, to avoid confusion with the “usual” addition in .

Exercise 2.65:

Consider the set of all polynomials over a field F:

𝒫(F):={c0+c1x+c2x2+c3x3+|ciF, and only finitely many ci are non-zero}.

This includes polynomials of arbitrarily large degree, unlike 𝒫n(F), which only takes polynomials of degree less than or equal to n. You may assume 𝒫(F) forms a vector space over F under the usual addition and scalar multiplication. It is not possible to find a basis for 𝒫(F) which consists of a finite number of vectors. Why not?

Exercise 2.66:

Notice that [1234]=[15/25/24]+[0-1/21/20]. Is it possible to write any matrix AM2() as a linear combination of a symmetric matrix and a skew-symmetric matrix? Justify your answer.

Exercise 2.67:

Is it possible to write any matrix AMn(𝔽2) as a linear combination of a symmetric matrix and a skew-symmetric matrix? Justify your answer.

[Recall the field 𝔽2 is the two element field from Example 1.1(iii).]

Exercise 2.68:

Let V be the subspace of functions given by

  1. i.

    The zero vector 0V is a function . Draw, or describe, that function.

  2. ii.

    Prove that T={fV|f(0)=2} is not a subspace of V.

  3. iii.

    Prove that S={fV|f(x)=a(ex-e-x),a} is a subspace of V.

Exercise 2.69 (Bonus):

This example is common in analysis modules, such as MATH317. Let l([0,1]) (pronounced “Little ell infinity”) be the set of all bounded real functions whose domain is the interval [0,1], and whose codomain is . In other words, the set of all f for which there exists an M>0 such that |f(x)|<M, for every 0x1. It is true, and you may assume that l([0,1]) is a vector space over , where addition and scalar multiplication are defined as in Example 2.1(vi). Which of the following subsets are subspaces?

  1. i.

    The set of continuous functions from [0,1] to .

  2. ii.


  3. iii.

    {fl([0,1])|f(x)=f(0) for all x[0,1]}.

Exercise 2.70 (Bonus):

Consider the set of formal power series over a field F:


So, F[[x]] includes all of the polynomials over F (compare with Exercise 2.65), but also much more. For example, the formal power series 1+x+x2+x3+ is not a polynomial, because it has infinitely many non-zero coefficients; but it is in F[[x]]. Also, the Taylor series of sin(x) is in [[x]], but it’s not a polynomial.

Is [[x]] a vector space over ? Justify your answer.

Learning objectives for Chapter 2:

Pass Level: You should be able to…

  • State the standard bases for the vector spaces n, Mn(), and 𝒫n().

  • Use Theorem 2.8 to test when a subset is a subspace (e.g. Exercise 2.57).

  • Find a basis for subspaces of n (e.g. Exercises 2.57 and 2.50).

  • Find the coordinates of a vector in a non-standard basis (e.g. Exercise 2.45).

  • Define, without hesitation, the words span, linearly independent, and dimension

  • Correctly answer, with full justification, at least 50% of the true / false questions relevant to this Chapter.

First class level: You should be able to…

  • Find a basis (and dimension) for any subspace of n, Mn(), or 𝒫n(),

  • Compute the coordinates of any vector with respect to any basis (in the vector spaces from the previous item)

  • Write a complete solution, without referring to any notes, to at least 80% of the exercises in this Chapter, and in particular the proof questions.

  • Correctly answer, with full justification, all of the true / false questions relevant to this Chapter.