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2.D Dimension and bases

You should be familiar with writing any vector in n as a linear combination of the standard basis vectors, defined in Exercise 2.22(ii). For example, we can write the vector (2,5)=2e1+5e2 in 2. Since there is exactly one way to write every vector in n as a linear combination of the sequence (e1,,en), this sequence forms a basis.

Definition 2.24:

Let :=(v1,,vn) be a finite sequence of vectors viV in a vector space over a field F. We say forms a basis (plural: bases) when spans V and is linearly independent.

Exercise 2.25:
  1. i.

    Find 3 different bases of 2.

  2. ii.

    Find a basis of 4 such that all coordinates of all the vectors are non-zero.

[End of Exercise]

Theorem 2.26.

A sequence B:=(v1,,vn) of vectors in V forms a basis if and only if every vector vV can be written uniquely as a linear combination of the vectors in B.

Example 2.27.

In Example 2.21(i), we proved that


are three linearly independent vectors in R3, and so they form a basis (see Theorem 2.38). Therefore we should be able to write any vector, such as (1,1,1)R3, as a linear combination of these vectors in a unique way. Assume


for some a,b,cR. Then we obtain a system of equations:

  1. a+2b=1

  2. b-c=1

  3. a+c=1

Solving these produces the unique solution a=3, b=-1, and c=-2. Therefore

Exercise 2.28:

How many ways (if any) can you express (2,-1,6)3 as a linear combination of the three vectors (1,1,2),(0,1,2), and (1,0,-1)?

Exercise 2.29:

Prove Theorem 2.26.

[End of Exercise]

Example 2.30.
  1. i.

    The complex numbers ={a+bi|a,b} form a vector space over . A basis of this vector space is given by v1=1 and v2=i. This is because 1 and i span the complex numbers (we can always write complex numbers as av1+bv2), and they are linearly independent, because if a+bi=0 for a,b, then a=b=0.

  2. ii.

    When is considered as a vector space over the field , the vectors 1 and i are linearly dependent (so they don’t form a basis). This is because a1+bi=0 has non-trivial solutions for a,b. For example, a=i and b=-1.

Exercise 2.31:
  1. i.

    Prove that 1+i and 1-i together form a basis of , viewed as a vector space over .

  2. ii.

    Find all complex numbers z such that 1+i and z together form a basis of , viewed as a vector space over .

  3. iii.

    Prove that the polynomials 1,x,x2,x3,,xn form a basis of 𝒫n().

[End of Exercise]

Definition 2.32:

If a vector space V over F has a basis =(v1,,vn) with n elements, then we say V has dimension n. We also write dimV=n (or even dimF(V), if we want to emphasize the field). We will say that the zero vector space V={0} has dimension zero.

We need to use some caution here, because one might ask: Can a vector space have two different bases, with different numbers of elements? Because if so, then the above definition doesn’t make any sense. Fortunately we have the following theorem (which, logically, should go before the above definition).

Theorem 2.33.

If V has two bases (v1,,vn) and (w1,,wm), then n=m.

The argument of the following proof actually demonstrates something stronger: if a set of size m spans a vector space, then any linearly independent set has at most m elements. If a vector space has a basis with a finite number of elements, then we say it is finite-dimensional. Otherwise, it is infinite-dimensional.


Assume we have two such bases. Then we can write each of the elements wi as a linear combination of the vj basis:


for each i=1,,m.

Since we have assumed linear independence of the sequence wi, there are no non-trivial solutions α1,,αmF which satisfy the following equations:


By V9 (and V8) this is equal to


which by V3 is equal to


which by V10 is equal to


Since the sequence of vj’s are linearly independent, this equation implies i=1mαiβij=0 for each j=1,,n. Since the numbers βij are fixed, this is a system of n (linear homogeneous) equations in the m unknowns αi. The only way such a system can have no non-trivial solutions is to have mn. This is because if there are more variables than equations, one can always set one of the variables as a parameter, and still find a solution. This was seen in MATH105.

The same argument with the roles of vi and wi reversed proves nm. Therefore nmn, and hence n=m. ∎

Example 2.34.
  1. i.

    Subspaces in 2 either have dimension 0 (the zero subspace), dimension 1 (a straight line through 0), or dimension 2 (all of 2).

  2. ii.

    Subspaces in 3 either have dimension 0,1,2, or 3. Dimension 2 subspaces are always planes through 0.

  3. iii.

    is a 2-dimensional real vector space; it has a basis 1,i over the field .

Exercise 2.35:

Find a basis for each of the following vector spaces.

  1. i.

    V=M2() as a vector space over the field F=.

  2. ii.

    V=Mn() as a vector space over the field F=.

  3. iii.

    V=Mn() as a vector space over the field F=.

  4. iv.

    V=𝒫n() as a vector space over the field F=.

  5. v.

    V=𝒫n() as a vector space over the field F=.

  6. vi.

    If V is a complex vector space, make a guess about how dim(V) compares to dim(V).

[End of Exercise]

Theorem 2.36.

Let V be a finite-dimensional vector space over a field F, and assume S is a set of vectors that spans V. Then there is a sequence of vectors in S that forms a basis of V.


Let’s construct a sequence as follows:

Step 1: Choose any non-zero vector v1S, and add it to the sequence.

Step 2: If the span of the sequence so far is all of V, then the algorithm ends; otherwise proceed to Step 3.

Step 3: Choose a vector viS which is not in the span of the sequence so far. Add it to the sequence; the resulting sequence is still linearly independent. Return to Step 2.

Since V is finite-dimensional, this algorithm must terminate. The resulting sequence v1,v2,,vr is linearly independent and spans V. ∎

[Technical aside: This argument doesn’t work for infinite-dimensional vector spaces. One way of generalizing the term “basis” to infinite-dimensional vector spaces, is an infinite set of linearly independent elements, whose set of (finite) linear combinations is the entire vector space. Then the proof that every infinite-dimensional vector space has a basis requires the Axiom of Choice, which is accepted by most mathematicians. A different way of generalizing the term “basis” is used in MATH317. ]

The following is a consequence of the algorithm used in the proof of Theorem 2.36.

Corollary 2.37.

If v1,,vr is a linearly independent sequence in a finite-dimensional vector space V, then it can be extended to a basis of V. In other words, we can find vectors vr+1,,vn such that v1,,vn is a basis of V.

Combining the above facts, we obtain the following theorem, which gives a convenient condition for a sequence of vectors to be a basis.

Theorem 2.38.

Let v1,,vn be n vectors in an n-dimensional vector space V.

  1. i.

    If v1,,vn is a linearly independent sequence, then it is a basis of V.

  2. ii.

    If v1,,vn spans V, then they form a basis of V.


Assume v1,,vn is a linearly independent sequence. By Corollary 2.37, we can find vectors vn+1,,vm in V such that v1,,vm is a basis of V.

But the statement of the Theorem assumes the dimension of V is equal to n, and so every basis has n elements (Theorem 2.33). In particular, m=n. This means that the original sequence v1,,vn was a basis to begin with, which is what we wanted to prove.

For a proof of part (ii), see Exercise 2.63. ∎

Example 2.39.

Let S={v1=(1,2,3),v2=(1,0,-1),v3=(0,1,2),v4=(0,1,0)}. Is there a basis of R3 consisting of some subset of these vectors?

Solution: Applying the algorithm of Theorem 2.36, take v1 into the sequence. Next, since v2 is not a linear combination of v1, add it as well. Next, is v3span{v1,v2}? If it is, then v3=av1+bv2 for some a,bR. When we expand this expression, we obtain a system of equations. Solving that system gives a=12 and b=-12. Hence v3=12v1-12v2. So discard v3.

Finally, is v4span{v1,v2}? Assume x,yR are such that


We get the following equations: x+y=0, and 2x=1, and 3x-y=0. By solving that system of equations we see there are no solutions, and therefore (v1,v2,v4) is linearly independent, and by Theorem 2.38, it must form a basis of R3.

Exercise 2.40:

Prove that the polynomials 1, 1+x, 1+x+x2, , 1+x++xn form a basis of 𝒫n().

Exercise 2.41:

Extend each of the following linearly independent sequences to a basis of the vector space by adding vectors to the sequence.

  1. i.

    (1,1) in 2.

  2. ii.


  3. iii.

    The polynomials 4+2x+x2,x+3x2, and 1+x3 in 𝒫4().

[End of Exercise]