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2.E Coordinates

You are familiar with writing vectors as linear combinations of the standard basis vectors. For example, if v=(4,5,6), then:


Here the scalars 4,5, and 6 are called the coordinates of v, with respect to the standard basis. But according to Theorem 2.26, if we were to choose any other basis of our vector space, then we could uniquely express v as a linear combination of those, and this would produce a different set of “coordinates”.

Definition 2.42:

If =(v1,,vn) is a basis of a vector space V over a field F, and


then the sequence (α1,α2,,αn) of scalars in F are called the coordinates of v with respect to the basis B.

Furthermore, the column vector, which is an n×1 matrix,


is called the coordinate matrix of v with respect to B.

When the basis is the standard basis of the vector space Fn, to avoid cumbersome notation, we may simply write v instead of [v]. Now you might object, since we have been writing vectors horizonally. Sometimes it will be convenient to view Fn as column matrices, and this is commonly done in applications, such as statistics; but sometimes it will be convenient to view Fn as row vectors, as we have been doing so far. We hope to make it clear whether v refers to a row vector or a column vector, when that distinction matters. In any case, it is clear how to switch between the two:

(x1,x2,,xn)[x1x2xn]. (2.43)
Example 2.44.

Consider the bases B=((1,0),(0,1)) and C=((0,1),(3,-1)) of R2, and let v=(1,1). The coordinate matrices of v, with respect to these two different bases are as follows:

  1. [v]=[11]

  2. [v]𝒞=[4/31/3]

This is because (1,1)=1(1,0)+1(0,1) and (1,1)=43(0,1)+13(3,-1).

Exercise 2.45:

Find the coordinate matrix for the following vectors, with respect to the given bases.

  1. i.

    [(1,1,1)], where is the standard basis of 3.

  2. ii.

    [(1,2,3)], where =((1,0,0),(1,1,0),(1,1,1)) of 3.

  3. iii.

    [1+x-x2], where =(1+x,1-x,x+x2) of 𝒫2().

[End of Exercise]

The above exercises are specific cases of the following question: If I have the coordinates of a vector in one basis, how do I find its coordinates in another basis?

You should be able to answer the above exercises by solving a system of equations in the coefficient variables; or possibly by guessing wisely. In Section 4.G we will develop a more systematic method using change of basis matrices.