Rebecca Killick
Google Scholar profile:
- Martinez-Hernandez, I., Killick, R. (2022) Changepoint Estimation for Daily
Home Activity Data Using a Continuous Approach Submitted.
- Grundy, T., Killick, R., Svetunkov (2022) Identifying sequential changes in mean and variance within more complex model structures Submitted.
- Shu, Q., Killick, R., Leeson, A., Nemeth, C., Fettweis, X., Hogg, A., Leslie, D. (2021) Characterising the ice sheet surface in North East Greenland using Sentinel-1 SAR data Submitted.
- Svetunkov, I., Kourentzes, N., Killick, R. (2019) Multi-step Estimators and Shrinkage Effect in Time Series Models Submitted
- Gillam, J., Killick, R., Taylor, S.A., Heal, J., Norwood, B. (2023+) Identifying Irregular Activity Sequences : an Application to Passive Household Monitoring Royal Statistical Society: Series C.
- Ryan, S. and Killick, R. (2023+) Detecting changes in the covariance structure of high dimensional data using random matrix theory Technometrics.
- Lowther, A.P., Killick, R., Eckley, I.A. (2023+) Detecting changes in mixed-sampling rate data sequences Environmetrics. Journal (open)
- Gallagher, C., Killick, R., Lund, R., Shi, X. (2022+) Autocovariance Estimation in the Presence of Changepoints Journal of the Korean Statistics Society Journal ArXiV
- Ushakova, A., Taylor, S.A., Killick, R. (2022+) Multi-level Changepoint Inference for Periodic Data Sequences Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics Journal (open)
- McGonigle, E., Killick, R., Nunes, M.A. (2022) Modelling Time-Varying First and Second-Order Structure of Time Series via Wavelets and Differencing Electronic Journal of Statistics 16(2)4398-4448 Journal (open)
- Shi, X., Beaulieu, C., Killick, R., Lund, R. (2022) Changepoint Detection: An Analysis of the Central England Temperature Series Journal of Climate. 35(19)2729-2742 Journal (open) ArXiV
- Wrench, E., Rattley, K., Lambert, J.E., Killick, R., Hayes, L.D., Lauder, R.M., Gaffney, C.J. (2022) There is no dose-response relationship between the amount of exercise and improvements in HbA1c in interventions over 12 weeks in patients with type II diabetes: a meta-analysis and meta-regression. Acta Diabetologica 59 1399-1415 Journal (open)
- McGonigle, E., Killick, R., Nunes, M.A. (2022) Trend locally stationary wavelet processes Journal of Time Series Analysis 43(6)895-917Journal (open)
- Tso, CHM., Hollaway, M., Henrys, P., Killick, R., Watkins, J., Blair, G. (2022) Advancing reproducible research by publishing R markdown notebooks as interactive sandboxes using the "learnr" package R Journal 14(1)255-263 Journal (open)
- Gillam, J., Killick, R., Heal, J., Norwood, B. (2022) Modelling and Forecasting of at Home Activity in Older Adults using Passive Sensor Technology Statistics in Medicine. 41(23)4629-4646 Journal(open)
- Wilms, I., Killick, R., Matteson, D. (2022) Graphical Influence Diagnostics for Changepoint Models Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 31(3)753-765Journal (open)
- Shi, X., Gallagher, C., Lund, R., Killick, R. (2022) A Comparison of Single and Multiple Changepoint Techniques for Time Series Data Computational Statistics & Data Analaysis 170:107433 Journal ArXiV
- Tso, CHM., Monteith, D., Scott, T., Watson, H., Dodd, B., Pereira, M.G., Henrys, P., Hollaway, M., Rennie, S., Lowther A., Watkins, J., Killick, R., Blair, G. (2022) The evolving role of weather types on rainfall chemistry under large reductions in pollutant emissions Environmental Pollution 299:118905Journal (open)
- Taib, A., Killick, R., Hussain, K., Obeidallah, R., BRIDGES (2021) Is there seasonal variation in gallstone related admissions in England? HPB 23(11):1732--1743Journal
- Smith, E.S., Elliott, D., Killick, R., Crawford, T.J., Kidby, S., Reid, V.M. (2021) Infants Oscillatory Frequencies change during Free-Play. Infant Behavior and Development 64:101612 Journal
- Taylor, S.A.C., Killick, R., Burr, J., Rogerson, L. (2021) Changepoint Detection within Periodic Binary Time Series Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C 70(3):579-595 Journal (open)
- Hollaway, M.J., Henrys, P.A., Killick, R., Leeson, A., Watkins, J. (2021) Evaluating the ability of numerical models to capture important shifts in environmental time series: A Fuzzy change point approach Environmental Modelling & Software 139:104993 Journal (open)
- McGonigle, E., Killick, R., Nunes, M.A. (2021) Detecting changes in mean in the presence of time-varying autocovariance Stat 10:e351 Journal(open)
- Chapman, J.-L., Killick, R. (2020) An assessment of practitioners approaches to forecasting in the presence of changepoints. ENBIS Special Issue Quality and Reliability Engineering International 36(8):2676-2687 Journal (open)
- Killick, R., Knight, M., Nason, G.P., Eckley, I.A. (2020) The Local Partial Autocorrelation Function and Some Applications Electronic Journal of Statistics 14(2):3268-3314 Journal (open) ArXiV (with proofs)
- Mardanbegi, D., Wilcockson, T.D.W., Killick, R., Xia, B., Gellersen, H., Sawyer, P., Crawford, T.J. (2020) A comparison of post-saccadic oscillations in European-Born and China-Born British University Undergraduates Plos One 15(2):e0229177 Journal (open)
- Grundy, T., Killick, R., Mihaylov, G. (2020) High-Dimensional Changepoint Detection via a Geometrically Inspired Mapping Statistics & Computing 30:1155-1166 Journal (open)
- Chapman, J-L., Eckley, I.A., Killick, R. (2020) A nonparametric approach to detecting
changes in variance in locally stationary time series Environmetrics 31:e2576 Journal (open)
- Beaulieu, C., Killick, R., Ireland, D., Norwood, B. (2020) Considering long-memory when testing for changepoints in surface temperature: a classification approach based on the time-varying spectrum Environmetrics 31:e2568 Journal (open)
- Crawford, T., Taylor, S., Mardanbegi, D., Polden, M., Wilcockson, T., Killick, R., Sawyer, P., Gellersen, H., Leroi, I. (2019) The Effects of Previous Error and Success in Alzheimer’s Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment Scientific Reports 9:20204 Journal
- Hubert, P., Killick, R., Chung, A., Padovese, L. (2019) A Bayesian binary algorithm for RMS-based acoustic signal segmentation Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 146(3):1799-1807 Journal
- Wilcockson, T. D., Mardanbegi, D., Xia, B., Taylor, S., Sawyer, P., Gellersen, H. W., Leroi, I., Killick, R., Crawford, T. J. (2019) Abnormalities of saccadic eye movements in dementia due to Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment Aging 11:5389-5398 Journal
- Storchi, R., Rodgers, J., Gracey, M., Martial, F.P., Wynne, J., Ryan, S., Twining, C.G., Cootes, T.F., Killick, R., Lucas, R.J. (2019) Measuring vision using innate behaviours in mice with intact and impaired retina function Scientific Reports 9:10396 Journal
- Nazareth, A.R., Killick, R., Dick, A.S., Pruden, S.M. (2019) Strategy selection versus flexibility: Using eye-trackers to investigate strategy use during mental rotation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition 45(2) 232-245 Journal
- Beaulieu, C. and Killick, R. (2018) Distinguishing trends and shifts from memory in climate data. Journal of Climate 31 9519-9543 Journal
- Bunce, C., Carr, J.R., Nienow, P., Ross, P., Killick, R. (2018) Ice front change of merine-terminating outlet glaciers in northwest and southeast Greenland during the 21st Century. Journal of Glaciology 64(246) 523-535 Journal
- Mardanbegi, D., Killick, R., Wilcockson, T., Xia, B., Gellersen, H-W.G., Sawyer, P.H., Crawford, T.J. (2018) Effect of aging on post-saccadic oscillations Vision Research 143 1-8 Journal
- Norwood, B., Killick, R. (2018) Long Memory and Changepoint Models: A Spectral
Classification Procedure. Statistics and Computing 28(2) 291-302 Journal (open)
- Barrett, E., Bolz-Tereick, C.F., Killick, R., Mount, S., and Tratt, L. (2017) Virtual Machine Warmup Blows Hot and Cold.Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Programming Languages, Systems, Languages and Applications Preprint Journal
- Leeson, A.A., Shepherd, A., Ligtenberg, S., van Wessem, M., van den Broeke, M., Killick, R., Skvarca, P., Marinsek, S., Colwell, S. (2017) Regional Climate of the Larsen B embayment 1980-2014. Journal of Glaciology 63(240) 683-690 Journal (open)
- Carr, J.R., Bell, H., Killick, R., and Holt, T. (2017) Exceptional retreat of Novaya Zemlya’s marine-terminating outlet glaciers between 2000 and 2013. The Cryosphere 11(5) 2149-2174 Journal (open)
- Nam, C., Aston, J.A.D, Eckley, I.A. and Killick, R. (2015) The uncertainty of storm season changes: Quantifying the uncertainty of autocovariance changepoints.Technometrics 57(2) 194-206.Journal Preprint
- Elkhatib, Y., Killick, R., Mu, M. and Race, N. (2014) Just browsing?: understanding user journeys in online TV. Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia 965-968. Journal (open)
- Wang, H., Killick, R. and Fu, X. (2014) Distributional change of monthly precipitation due to climate change: comprehensive examination of dataset in southeastern United States. Hydrological Processes 28(20) 5212-5219. Journal
- Killick, R., Eckley, I.A. (2014) changepoint: An R package for changepoint analysis. Journal of Statistical Software 58(3) 1-19. Journal (open)
- Killick, R., Eckley, I.A., Jonathan, P. (2013) A wavelet-based approach for detecting changes in second order structure within nonstationary time series. Electronic Journal of Statistics 7 1167-1183. Journal (open)
- Killick, R., Fearnhead, P., Eckley, I.A. (2012) Optimal detection of changepoints with a linear computational cost. Journal of the American Statistical Association 107(500) 1590-1598. Journal Preprint Supplementary Material (PDF)
- Killick, R., Eckley, I.A., Jonathan, P. (2011) Efficient Detection Of Multiple Changepoints Within An Oceanographic Time Series Proceedings of the 58th Session of ISI PDF
- Eckley, I.A., Fearnhead, P. and Killick, R. (2011) Analysis of changepoint models. Chapter 10 in Bayesian Time Series Models, eds. D. Barber, A.T. Cemgil and S. Chiappa, Cambridge University Press Preprint
- Killick, R., Eckley, I.A., Ewans, K., Jonathan, P. (2010) Detection of changes in variance of oceanographic time-series using changepoint analysis. Ocean Engineering 37 (13), 1120-1126. Journal Preprint