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Student Stories

Katie Craddock
“My name is Katie and I am studying Criminology. Lancaster University so far has been one great experience, ranging from Roses 2022 and working as a Student Ambassador. I have had so much support from my Success Coach and the LSP enrichment fund that has allowed me to become involved more and support myself in many ways. Without this programme, I would have struggled adapting to the life of university and engaging myself as much as possible in social situations (e.g. societies, teamwork, etc). Meeting people on the programme and prospective university students, I have always recommended this programme as a way of broadening horizons and making a positive start to the life of university. It’s all terrifying at first, moving away from home to a new place, but having a programme such as this assures comfort and the members of staff who support us are always reliable for support or just a general catchup.”

Ewan Dean
The LSP has been massively beneficial as it has allowed me to reflect on what I have achieved during my time here at Lancaster, alongside providing academic and financial support. The 1:1s have helped me to set targets for what I want to achieve each term and helped me decide what I want to do once I graduate.

Katie Viney
I’m Katie Viney and I am studying Theatre and Creative Writing, with a minor in film. Since starting university, I have had two Success Officers – Jo and Alex. Both have been fantastic and an absolute lifeline. I don’t believe I would still be at university without their help and support.
This year I have particularly struggled with my mental and physical health, and my Success Officer Alex has been fantastic in assisting me. A fellow climber, he encouraged me to keep pushing my goals outside of university as well within. Due to the extra funding LSP offers I have been able to use the annual climbing pass at the local climbing wall, in order to climb on a regular basis. If you have the opportunity to join LSP, I encourage you to join without hesitation. The support is incredible and led by you and your needs.
El Richardson
My name is El and I am studying Biomedical Sciences. Being a part of the Success Programme at Lancaster University has provided me with the 1:1 attention that is rare and valuable in higher education. Being able to talk through your academic plans with someone who has been around the University before you is of great help. Furthermore, having a coach provides academic stability, and for me, my coach has acted as an accountability partner, helping remind me to keep pursuing my goals when I would otherwise have taken a back seat in doing so. I would take the opportunity of being part of this successful programme if I were in any situation because it is always beneficial to have someone there who has your best interests at heart. I feel that through this, my opportunities are being pushed in the direction of becoming equal to those who come from advantaged backgrounds.
Get in touch:
Student Success, University House, Lancaster University LA1 4YW