| IEPPP | AwayMAVE | Dissertations | Thingmout papers | Collaborative Learning |
The term 'thingmount' has been chosen both for its local significance and for its assocation with debate.
It refers to a kind of flat-topped mound used by the Vikings as a place of assembly. An example has recently been rediscovered in Little Langdale Valley, located in the English Lake District.
First series
This series marks an ongoing collaboration between the British Association of Nature Conservationists and the Centre for Philosophy in IEPPP at Lancaster University on subjects of common concern in the area of nature conservation. The collaboration is pursued by means of joint meetings and publications.
Four Essays on Environmental Economics
Alan Holland & Jeremy Roxbee-Cox:The Valuing of Environmental Goods
Alan Holland: Natural Capital
Alan Holland: The Assumptions of Cost-Benefit Analysis - A Philosopher's View
Alan Holland: Getting the Measure of Sustainability
Other papers
Jane Howarth: Neither Use Nor Ornament: a consumers' guide to Care
Jane Howarth: In Praise of Backyards: Towards a Phenomenology of Place
Alan Holland and Kate Rawles: The Ethics of Conservation
Alan Holland and John O'Neill: The integrity of nature over time
Second series
The purpose of the new working paper series is to encourage fresh thinking about the philosophy of conservation at a time when nature conservation faces some of its toughest challenges. What is to be conserved and why?
Pauli Tapani Karjalainen: Place and Intimate Sensing
Hester Reeve: A Near and Far Map: Site Specific Performance
Isis Brook: Without Waste or Destruction: the aesthetics of coppicing
Petri J. Raivo: In This Very Place: War Memorials and Landscapes as an Experienced Heritage
Ronald Hepburn: Knowing (Aesthetically) Where I Am
Veikko Rantalla: Environmental Experience: Beyond Aesthetic Subjectivism and Objectivism
Third series
The papers explore a variety of issues concerning conservation, identifying and re-evaluating its underlying principles and its contemporary role.
Andrew Light: The Urban Blind Spot in Environmental Ethics
David Littlewood: Between Nature and Culture
Titles available as paper copy
Paper No Title Author(s) Pages Price (UK) Price (OS)
TWP 96-01 The Ethics of Conservation Kate Rawles and Alan Holland 53 £4 £6
TWP 96-02 Extinction Gill Aitken 19 £3 £5
TWP 96-03 Rarity Gill Aitken 21 £3 £5
TWP 96-04 Disinterestedness Emily Brady 15 £3 £5
TWP 96-05 Neither Use nor Ornament Jane Howarth 23 £3 £5
TWP 96-06 In Praise of Backyards Jane Howarth 26 £3 £5
TWP 96-07 Managing without Prices John O'Neill 19 £3 £5
TWP 96-09 Four Essays on Ecological Economics Alan Holland with Jeremy Roxbee Cox 75 £5 £7
TWP 96-10 King Darius & the Environmental Economist John O'Neill 23 £3 £5
TWP 96-11 Nature - Every Last Drop is Good Alan Holland 19 £3 £5
TWP 96-12 Conservation and Animal Welfare Kate Rawles 34 £3 £5
Prices include postage and packing. Use cheques please for UK, and sterling Banker's Drafts for overseas. All should be made payable to Lancaster University. Orders (with payment please) to:
All mail and enquiries should be addressed to: The Secretary-Thingmount,
Department of Philosophy,
Furness College,
Lancaster University,
LA1 4YG, UK.
Tel: 01524-592490,
Fax: 01524-592503,
E-mail: e.martin@lancaster.ac.uk