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Dissertations Index

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The dissertations submitted in part completion of the MA in Values and the Environment are made available on line for the benefit of current MAVE and AwayMAVE students. They are arranged by year and then name and title. We ask that anyone on the course or from outside making use of this resource does properly reference the work of individual students should they quote from or make use of the ideas in these pieces of work. Not all dissertations are available electronically as students have the option of not making them available.

N.B. the required word length of dissertations was changed and earlier examples might only be 10,000 words long as opposed to the more recent 15,000 words.

2005 dissertations

Alison Barton: Anthropomorphism malign or benign

Dan Firth: Extending Holland's use of narrative and meaningful relationships in nature conservation.

Daniel Shaw: The way forward? - Shinto and a 21st century Japanese ecological attitude
Daniel Shaw: bibliography

Sky McCain: Can Nature Survive Postmodernism?

Jenny Myers: Are prescribed limits to human population growth ethically defensible?

Andy Yuille: How well do different decision-making processes capture environmental values?


2004 dissertations

Wyn Abbot: Is Christianity the source of our attempts to dominate nature?

Emma Andrews: Can there be a global environmental ethic?

Sean Ferris: Spacewalk in Forst: a study of place in a shrinking city.

Asimakis Pagidas: Phenomenological Conservation.

Mary Lewis: Living With Woods: A Social Agenda for Forestry (ECS)

2003 dissertations

John Ryan: On Bioregional Place: Linking Space, Aesthetics, and Ethics

Margaret Aslet: How Do the Appreciation of the Urban and Nearby Nature Environments Relate to the Traditional Aesthetic Models of High Art

Shaun Taylor: The Tension between Conservation Theory and Practice

Nicole: Environmental Stewardship and the Practice of Prescribed Burning in Forests

Eve Sebastian:The Great Wood Revisited

Donna Ladkin: "For all our relations" How might insights from Idigenous Ojibwa and Cree Traditions Inform the Debate about the ethical treatment of 'other-than-human animals?

Salhus, Megan: Social Ecology: Can Socialist Ecofeminism be the Answer?

2002 Dissertations

Robinson, Frances: The Relevance of Chaos to Environmental Ethics (Adobe Acrobat pdf format)

Sciberras, Colette: Deep Ecology and Ecofeminism: The self in environmental philosophy

De Jonge, Bram: Merleau-Ponty and Environmental Philosophy; some misinterpretations and possibilities.

Slocombe, Lynne: The Environmental Crisis: Seeking common ground between social ecologists and deep ecologists.

Boncey, Russell: Values in the Biosphere Reserve

Kupsala, Saara: Creating Moral Sentiments and Attitudes towards Farm Animals

Hancox, Sian What do social and environmental reports reveal or conceal about the human/nature relationship?

Richmond, John: Can Narrative Based Ethics provide a suitable framework to discuss the moral issues of Human Reproductive Cloning?



Eaton, David: Incorporating the Other:Val Plumwood's Integration of Ethical Frameworks

Gibbon, Jane: Towards female environmental aesthetics, a view through nineteenth and twentieth century women gardeners

Green, Mick: Corporate Nature Has the developing corporate nature of the conservation organisations helped retain an alienation from Nature?

Lennon, Ben: A Review of Multiple Benefit Forestry, with Particular Reference to State Owned Forests in Britain

Scheers, Peter: Hermeneutics and Animal Being: The Question of Animal Interpretation

Jenkins, John: Is There an Environmental Basis for Virtue Ethics?

LeBlanc, Martin: The Role of Culture in the Perception of Nature in the United States (MA ECS)

Earlier years

Charlton, Noel: Mind, Systems And The Sacred

Hunt, Nick: Being and Everythingness? - Aspects of Freedom and Identity in the Thought of Sartre and Others, With Reference to 'Environmental Ethics'

Hannis, Michael: Freedom, Environmentalism and the Liberal State

Rogers, Pete: A Genealogy of Guilt and Environmentalism

Mezey, Matthew K. N., Deep Ecology and Transpersonal Psychology: an Enlightening Confrontation?, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 199?.

Lloyd, Catherine A., The Balance of Value to the Customer & the Environment for Undergrounding Overhead Lines (sponsored by Norweb), Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1990.

Mcdowell (McDowell), James B., Rethinking Man and Nature: Eco-feminism, Taoism and the Human Character Ideal, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1990.

Potter, Stephen, An Environmental Ethic for Business (with special reference to the Electricity Supply Industry), Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1990.

Mortlock, Annette, At the Roots of Deep Ecology, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1991.

Hickey, Adrian, Moral Responsibility: A Case Study in Investment Banking, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1991.

Ainsworth, Jonathan N., The Ecological Holism of New Science, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1991.

Sidwell, Linda, An Examination of the Transformative Effects of New Social Movement Activity upon the Individual: A Qualitative Approach, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1991.

Macheta, Aleksandra, Environment and Development: Our Common Future, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1992.

Mulvaney, Tony, An Explanation, and Analysis, of Heidegger's Concepts of 'Being' and 'Clearing' and Their Application to Environmental Philosophy, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1992.

Nantsou, Theodota, The Social Role of Modern Science and its Relation to the Natural World: a Critique, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1992.

Beevers, Paul, Ecocentrism and Misanthropy, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1992.

Lee, Wendy A., On Discerning the Value in Domesticated Nature, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1992.

Cook, Gavin, Science, Experience, Ethics & Phen; A Phen. of Moral Experience; Moral Controversies & Their Poss. Resolution; Perspectives Relating to the Environment, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1992.

Sutton, Richard, The Future of Environmental Education, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1992.

Smith, F. Russell, The Value of Ferns and the Problem with Bracken, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1992.

Evans, Paul, A Sketch of an Environmental Ethic for the Conservation of Plants, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1992.

Hartley, Stuart David, Mathesis Universalis or Taxinomia? A Reappraisal, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1993.

Rowley, Christopher, The Benefits and the Problems of the Proposed Merger of Development and Environmental Education, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1993.

Grace, Patrick, Is There Any Hope or Are We Completely Screwed? A Study of Some Implications for our Environment Due to the Changing Values of Experience, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1993.

Freeman, David, Self Realisation: Variations on a Deep Ecological Theme, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1993.

Gifford, Richard E.II, A Philosophical and Historical Analysis of Dr. Rupert Sheldrake's Hypothesis of Formative Causation, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1993.

Butler Ricketts, Catherine, Hume's Passion and Aristotle's Virtue: Ethics of Caring and Their Application to the Natural World, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1993.

Speight, Laurence, The Case for an Econcentric Consciousness, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1994.

Prescott, Helen, Nature and Self, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1994.

Lucas, Peter, This is not a Planet: Ethics and Environmentalism in the Age of the World Picture, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1994.

Hewett, Jonathon, 'Green' Claims in Advertising: Caveat Emptor, Caveat Lector?, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1994.

Booth, Peter, Anarchism and the Environmental Crisis, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1994.

Charlton, Noel G., Mind, Systems and the Sacred - A Paradigm Change in Values for Environmental Survival? Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1994.

Clarke, Benedick, Are There Intrinsic Values in Nature?, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1994.

Cullen, James T., A Systems Approach to Environmental Values: Sytems Process and the Bifurcation of Nature, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1994.

Arredondo, Edgar., On the Defence of the Human Individual and Non-Human Nature, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1995.

Bellingham, Philip, Unnatural Selection: the Possibility of a Phenomenological Ecology, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1995.

Benoit-Asselman, David, Ways of Seeing, Ways of Knowing: Some Perspectives on the Relationship Between Phenomenology and Landscrape Photography, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1995.

Cox, Cleo, rDNA Genetic Engineering: More of the Same?, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1995.

Drew, Simon, The Modern Self and Environmental Philosophy, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1995.

Gittins, John W., Local Distinctiveness and Sense of Place as Concepts and Tools for Promoting, Developing and Sustaining Community Based Environmental Action, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1995.

Hunt, Nicholas, Being and Everythingness? Aspects of Freedom and Identity in the Thought of Sartre and Others, With Reference to 'Environmental Ethics', Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1995.

Nicklin, Christopher G. J., Moral Possibility After Nihilism: a Deconstruction of Ethics and Epistemology, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1995.

Rogers, Peter, A Genealogy of Guilt and Environmentalism, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1995.

Serrano-Barnett, Teresa, Ethics and Conservation, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1995.

Starr, Christopher, Are Native Species Always Best?: A Discussion of the Scientific, Cultural and Ethical Issues Surrounding the Native Species Debate, With Particular Reference to Forest and Woodland Trees in the United Kingdom, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1995.

Todd, Ivan, Phenomenological Fragments in a Year of Roads Protests, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1995.

Tomasini, Floris J-W., Sublime and the Ridiculous, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1995.

Walford, James, Phenomenology of the Sublime, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1995.

Hannis, Michael, Freedom, Environmentalism and the Liberal State, Master's Thesis, Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University, September 1998.