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The Distance Mode of MA in Values and the Environment at Lancaster University

410 Politics and the Environment


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This module is currently under construction the indications for reading here are indicative a finalised list will be made available before October

Core text

The main text will be a book I am just completing: Markets, Deliberation and Environmental Value. Critical comments would be very welcome indeed. I plan to put a draft version of this on the web. Discussions of a number of the main topics in the course will be also found in my books Ecology, Policy and Politics: Human Well-Being and the Natural World (London, Routledge, 1993) and The Market: Ethics, Knowledge and Politics (London: Routledge, 1998). A number of papers relevant to the course will be found in J. O’Neill, I. Bateman and R. K. Turner eds. Environmental Ethics and Philosophy (Edward Elgar, Aldershot, 2001)

Background reading

Good introductions to green political theory are A. Dobson Green Political Thought, T. Hayward Ecological Thought and John Barry Rethinking Green Politics: Nature, Virtue and Progress. Two important recent books are T. Hayward Political Theory and Ecological Values and A. de Shalit Between Theory and Practice. M. Sagoff The Economy of the Earth is a particular relevance to the course.

Environmental problems: market solutions?

Cost-benefit analysis and surrogate prices

J. O’Neill ‘Markets and the Environment: The Solution is the Problem’ Economic and Political Weekly, 36, 2001, pp.1865-1873
J. O’Neill 'King Darius and the Environmental Economist' in O'Neill and Hayward eds. Justice, Property and the Environment: Social and Legal Perspectives (Aldershot: Avebury, 1997)
J. O’Neill 'Managing Without Prices: On the Monetary Valuation of Biodiversity' Ambio 26, 1997, pp. 546-550

Neo-classical approaches

K. Arrow 'Limited Knowledge and Economic Analysis' in The Economics of Information
D. Pearce et. al. Blueprint for a Green Economy
D. Pearce and K. Turner Economics of Natural Resources
Pearce, D. and Moran, D. (1995) The Economic Value of Biodiversity
Bromley, D. ed. A Handbook of Environmental Economics
Freeman 'Hedonic Pricing Methods' in Bromley A Handbook of Environmental Economics
Bishop, R., Champ, P. and Mullarkey, D. 'Contingent Valuation' in Bromley A Handbook of Environmental Economics
Bockstael, N. 'Travel Cost Models' in Bromley A Handbook of Environmental Economics

Critics of surrogate pricing

Holland A. (1995) 'The Assumptions of Cost-Benefit Analysis: A Philosopher's View' in K. Willis and J. Corkindale eds. Environmental Valuation: New Perspectives
Sagoff, M. (1988) The Economy of the Earth
Vatn A. and Bromley, D. 'Choices Without Prices Without Apologies' in Bromley A Handbook of Environmental Economics
J. Foster (ed) Valuing Nature?
J. O’Neill and C. Spash ‘Conceptions of Value in Environmental Decision-Making’ Environmental Values, 9, 2000

Market Boundaries

R. Keat 'The Moral Boundaries of Markets' in C. Crouch and D. Marquand Ethics and Markets (Blackwell, Oxford 1993)
R. Keat ‘Colonisation by the Market’ The Journal of Political Philosophy 5, 1997, pp.93-107
E. Anderson Value in Ethics and Economics Harvard University Press Cambridge Mass. 1993 chs.7-9
M. Walzer Spheres of Justice (Blackwell, Oxford 1983) ch.4
M. Walzer ‘Liberalism and the Art of Separation’ Political Theory 12, 1984, pp. 315-330
J. Raz The Morality of Freedom ch. 13
M. Sagoff The Economy of the Earth
M. Radin 'Market-Inalienability' Harvard Law Review 100, 1987:


J. O’Neill 'Value Pluralism, Incommensurability and Institutions' in J. Foster (ed) Valuing Nature (London: Routledge, 1997)
J. O’Neill 'Commensurability and Compensability in Ecological Economics' (with J. Martinez-Alier and G. Munda) in C. Spash and M. O'Connor eds. Valuation and Environment: Principles and Practices (Aldershot: Edward Elgar,1999)
J. O’Neill 'Weak Comparability of Values as a Foundation for Ecological Economics' (with J. Martinez-Alier and G. Munda) Ecological Economics 26, 1998, pp.277-268
J. O’Neill 'Cost-Benefit Analysis, Rationality and the Plurality of Values' The Ecologist, 26, 1996, pp.98-103
R. Chang ed. Incommensurability, Incomparability and Practical Reason see in particular R. Chang ‘Introduction’ and J. Griffin ‘Incommensurability: What’s the Problem?’
J. O'Neill The Market: Ethics, Knowledge and Politics ch.9
J. Griffin 'Are There Incommensurable Values' Philosophy and Public Affairs 1977, 7, 39-59
J. Griffin Well-Being ch.5
J. Griffin 'Mixing Values' Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society supplementary volume 65, 1991
J. Raz 'Mixing Values' Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society supplementary volume 65, 1991
J. Raz The Morality of Freedom ch. 13
J. O’Neill Ecology, Policy and Politics: Human Well-Being and the Natural World ch. 7
M. Nussbaum 'Plato on Commensurability and Desire' in Love's Knowledge
I. Berlin Four Essays on Liberty
C. Taylor 'The Diversity of Goods' in A. Sen and B. Williams eds. Utilitarianism and Beyond

Property, care and the environment

J. O’Neill ‘Property, Care and Environment’ Environmental Planning C: Government and Policy forthcoming
J. O’Neill ‘Landscape Conflicts: Preferences, Identities and Rights’ (with M. Walsh) Landscape Ecology, 15, 2000, pp.281-289

Hardin, G. 1998 'The Tragedy of the Commons' in J. Baden and G. Hardin (eds) Managing the Commons
Bromley, D. 1991 Environment and Economy: Property Rights and Public Policy,
Baden, J. and Noonan, D. (eds) 1998 Managing the Commons
T. Hayward and J. O’Neill Justice, Property and the Environment: Social and Legal Perspectives
Ostrom, E. 1990 Governing the Commons
Schmid, A. 1978 Property, Power and Public Choice
Aguilera-Klink, F. 1994 ‘Some Notes on the Misuse of Classic Writings in Economics on the Subject of Common Property’, Ecological Economics 9, pp. 221-228
Martinez-Alier J. 1997 'The Merchandising of Biodiversity' in T. Hayward and J. O’Neill eds. Justice, Property and the Environment: Social and Legal Perspectives Aldershot: Avebury

Aquinas, T 1975 Summa Theologica Vol. 37
Aristotle 1948 Politics E.
Arneil, B. 1996 ‘The Wild Indian’s Venison: Locke’s Theory of Property and English Colonialism in America’ Political Studies, XLIV, pp.60-74
Emerson, R. W. 1983 Nature; Addresses, and Lectures in J. Porte ed. Essays and Lectures
Hohfeld, W. N. 1913 ‘Some Fundamental Legal Conceptions as Applied in Judicial Reasoning’, Yale Law Journal, 51, 951-66.
Hegel 1952 Philosophy of Right
Locke 1988 Two Treatises of Government. ed. Peter Laslett. Macpherson, C. B. 1973 Democratic Theory: essays in retrieval,
Mill, J.S. 1994 Principles of Political Economy Oxford: Oxford University Press
Oksanen, M. 1997 ‘The Lockean Provisos and the Privatisation of Nature’ in T. Hayward and J. O’Neill Justice, Property and the Environment: Social and Legal Perspectives
O’Connor, M. 1997 ‘John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism and the Social Ethics of Sustainable Development’ The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 4, pp.478-506
O'Connor, M. and Muir, E. 1995 'Endowment Effects in Competitive General Equilibrium: A Primer for Paretian Policy Analysts' Journal of Income Distribution 5, 145-175
O’Neill, J. 1998b ‘Self-Love, Self-Interest and the Rational Economic Agent’ Analyse & Kritik 20, pp.184-204
Pocock, J. 1985 'The Mobility of Property and the Rise of Eighteenth-Century Sociology' in Pocock Virtue, Commerce, and History Samuels, W. 1972 'Welfare Economics, Power and Property' reprinted in W. Samuels and A. Schmid eds. 1981 Law and Economics: An International Perspective
Tully, J. 1993a ‘Placing the “Two Treatises”’ in N. Phillipson and Q. Skinner eds. Political Discourse in Early Modern Britain
Tully, J. 1993b An Approach to Political Philosophy: Locke in Context

Markets in environmental goods and harms

J. O’Neill 'Public Goods, Environmental Goods, Institutional Economics' Environmental Politics, 1995, 4, pp.197-218
Coase, R. (1960). "The Problem of Social Cost." The Journal of Law and Economics 3 (October): 1-44.
Dales, J. H. (1968) Pollution, Property and Prices Toronto: University of Toronto Press
Anderson, T. and Leal, D. (1991) Free Market Environmentalism San Francisco: Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy


Becker, G. (1976) The Economic Approach to Human Behaviour Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Buchanan, J. (1972) 'Towards Analysis of Closed Behavioural Systems' in J. Buchanan and R. Tollison eds. Theory of Public Choice Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, pp.11-23
Buchanan, J. (1975) The Limits of Liberty Chicago: The University of Chicago Press
Buchanan, J. (1978) 'From Private Preferences to Public Philosophy: the Development of Public Choice' in J. Buchanan ed. The Economics of Politics London: I.E.A. pp. 1-20
Buchanan, J. (1986a) Liberty, Market and State Brighton: Wheatsheaf
Baumol, W. J. and W. E. Oates (1988). The Theory of Environmental Policy
Heinzerling, L. (1995). "Selling Pollution, Forcing Democracy." Stanford Environmental Law Journal 14(May): 300-44.
Tietenberg, T. H. (1990). "Economic Instruments for Environmental Regulation." Oxford Review of Economic Policy 6(1): 17-33.
Goodin, R. E. (1994). "Selling Environmental Indulgences." Kyklos 47(4): 573-96.
Nash, J. R. (2000). "Too Much Market? Conflict Between Tradable Pollution Allowances and the ''Polluter Pays'' Principle." Harvard Environmental Law Review 24(2): 465-535.
Commons, J. (1934) Institutional Economics - its Place in Political Economy New York: Macmillan
Downs, A. (1957) An Economic Theory of Democracy New York: Harper Row
Downs, A (1967) Inside Bureaucracy Boston: Little Brown
Duncan, C. (1992) 'Legal Protection for the Soil of England: The Spurious Context of Nineteenth Century "Progress"' Agricultural History, LXVI, pp.75-94
Dunleavy, P. (1991) Democracy, Bureaucracy and Public Choice New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf
Durkheim, E. (1964) The Division of Labor in Society G. Simpson trans. New York: The Free Press
Eckersley, R. (1993) 'Free Market Environmentalism: Friend or Foe?' Environmental Politics, 2, pp. 1-19
Hodgson (1988) Economics and Institutions Cambridge: Polity Press
Hodgson, G. (1993) 'Institutional Economics: Surveying the "Old" and the "New"' in Metroeconomica, 44, 1993, pp.1-28
Jacobs, M. (1991) The Green Economy London: Pluto Press
Mueller, D. (1989) Public Choice II Cambridge University Press
Niskanen, W. (1971) Bureaucracy and Representative Government Chicago: Aldine-Atherton
Niskanen, W. (1973) Bureaucracy: Servant or Master London:I.E.A.
Olson, M. (1965) The Logic of Collective Action Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press
O'Neill, J. (1992) 'Egoism, Altruism and the Market' The Philosophical Forum, 23, pp.278-288
O'Neill, J 'Against Reductionist Explanations of Human Behaviour: Rational Choice and the Unified Social Science' Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume, LXXII, 1998, pp.173-188
O'Neill, J ‘Self-Love, Self-Interest and the Rational Economic Agent’ Analyse & Kritik 20, 1998, pp.184-204
O'Neill, J The Market: Ethics, Knowledge and Politics chs.11-12
Pearce, D. Markandya, A. and Barbier, E. (1989) Blueprint for a Green Economy, London: Earthscan
Pearce, D. and Turner, K. (1990) Economics of Natural Resources and the Environment New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf
Polanyi, K. (1957a) The Great Transformation Boston: Beacon Press
Polanyi, K. (1957b) Primitive, Archaic and Modern Economies Boston: Beacon Press
Polanyi, K. (1957c) 'Aristotle Discovers the Economy' in K. Ravetz, J. (1973) Scientific Knowledge and its Social Problems Harmondsworth: Penguin
Rose-Ackerman, S. (1977) 'Market Models for Pollution Control' Public Policy, 25, pp.383-406
Sagoff, M. (1988) The Economy of the Earth Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Tullock, G. (1970) Private Wants, Public Means New York: Basic Books
Wolf, C. (1987) 'Market and Non-market Failure: Comparison and Assessment' Journal of Public Policy, 7, pp.43-70


Neurath, Austrian economics and socialism

J. O’Neill 'Ecology, Socialism and Austrian Economics' for E. Nemeth and R. Heinrich eds. Otto Neurath: Rationalität, Planung, Vielfalt, (Weiner Reihe, Vienna, 1999)
J. O’Neill ‘Socialist calculation and environmental valuation: money, markets and ecology’ Science and Society, 66, 2002, pp.137-151
J. O’Neill ‘Ecological economics and the politics of knowledge: the debate between Hayek and Neurath’ Cambridge Journal of Economics forthcoming

J. Martinez-Alier Ecological Economics
J. O'Neill 'Who Won the Socialist Calculation Debate?' History of Political Thought 27, 1996, pp.431-442
O'Neill, J The Market: Ethics, Knowledge and Politics chs 9-10
L. von Mises Socialism
F. Hayek The Counter-Revolution of Science
F. Hayek, "The Uses of Knowledge in Society" and "Economics and Knowledge," Individualism and Economic Order
A. Buchanan Ethics, Efficiency and the Market (Oxford: Clarendon, 1985) ch. 4
D. Lavoie, Rivalry and Central Planning: The Socialist Calculation Debate Reconsidered (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985)
D. Shapiro 'Reviving the Socialist Calculation Debate: A Defense of Hayek against Lange' Social Philosophy and Policy, 6, 1989, pp.139-159
D. Steele From Marx to Mises:Post-Capitalist Society and the Challenge of Economic Calculation (La Salle: Open Court, 1992)
R. Blackburn 'Fin de Siècle: Socialism after the Crash' New Left Review 185, 1991, pp.5-67

For Neurath’s work see

Neurath, O. (1912) 'The Problem of the Pleasure Maximum' in Neurath (1973)
Neurath, O. (1913) 'The Lost Wanderers of Descartes and the Auxiliary Motive' in Neurath, O. (1983)
Neurath, O. (1919) 'Through War Economy to Economy in Kind' in Neurath (1973)
Neurath, O. (1928) 'Personal Life and Class Struggle' in Neurath (1973)
Neurath, O. (1935b) 'Pseudorationalism of Falsification' in Neurath, 0. (1983)
Neurath, O. (1936a) 'Individual Sciences, Unified Science, Pseudorationalism' in Neurath, O. (1983)
Neurath, 0. (1942) 'International Planning for Freedom' in Neurath (1973)
Neurath, 0. (1946) 'The Orchestration of the Sciences by the Encyclopedism of Logical Empiricism' in Neurath (1983).
Neurath, 0. (1944) Foundations of the Social Sciences Chicago, University of Chicago Press
Neurath, 0. (1973) Empiricism and Sociology Dordrecht, Reidel
Neurath, 0. (1983) Philosophical Papers 1913-1946 R.S. Cohen and M. Neurath (eds.) Dordrecht, Reidel

Time, narrative and community

Time and narrative

J. O’Neill 'Time, Narrative and Environmental Politics' in R. Glottlieb ed. Ecological Community (London: Routledge, 1997)
J. O’Neill 'Self, Time and Separability' in B. Harrison ed. Self and Future Generations (Cambridge: White Horse Press, 1999)
J. O’Neill and A. Holland ‘Yew Trees, Butterflies, Rotting Boots and Washing Lines’ in A. Light and A. de Shalit eds. Reasoning in Environmental Practice: Philosophy and Politics in Global Ecological Perspective (MIT Press. forthcoming)
J. O’Neill and Alan Holland 'Two Approaches to Biodiversity Value' in D. Posey ed. Cultural and Spiritual Values of Biodiversity (London: UNEP,1999)
J. O'Neill Ecology, Policy and Politics: Human Well-Being and the Natural World chs.3-4
J. O'Neill 'Future Generations: Present Harms', Philosophy, 1993, 68, pp.35-51

A. MacIntyre After Virtue 2nd edn. (London: Duckworth, 1985) ch.15.
J. Broome Weighing Goods
A. Holland and K. Rawles, The Ethics of Conservation Report presented to The Countryside Council for Wales, p 37. Thingmount Series, No.1. Lancaster University: Department of Philosophy, 1994.
S. Weil The Need for Roots
M. Golding 'Obligations to Future Generations' The Monist 56, 1972, pp. 85-99
Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics Book I, chs.10-13.
T.S. Eliot 'Tradition and Individual Talent' in Selected Essays
R. Elliot, "Faking Nature", Inquiry 25, 1982: 81-93.
T. Nagel The Possibility of Altruism (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1970)
D. Parfit Reasons and Persons (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1984) part two.

Sustainability, community and equality

J. O’Neill ‘Sustainability: Ethics, Politics and the Environment’ in J. O’Neill, I. Bateman and R. K. Turner eds. Environmental Ethics and Philosophy (Edward Elgar, Aldershot, 2001)

World Commission on Environment and Development Our Common Future (London: Oxford University Press, 1987)
A. Sen ‘Equality of What?’ In S. McMurrin ed. Tanner Lectures on Human Values (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980)
G. A. Cohen ‘On the Currency of Egalitarian Justice’ Ethics, pp.906-944
D. Parfit 'Equality and Priority' Ratio (new series), 10, 1997, pp. 202-221
R. Norman 'The Social Basis of Equality' Ratio (new series), 10, 1997, pp. 238-252,
L. Temkin Inequality
J. O’Neill ‘Chekov and the Egalitarian’ Ratio forthcoming
J.O’Neill 'Economy, Equality and Recognition' L. Ray and A. Sayer eds. Culture and Economy After the Cultural Turn
A. de Shalit Why Posterity Matters: Environmental Policies and Future Generations
B. Barry ‘Circumstances of Justice and Future Generations’ in R. Sikora and B. Barry Obligations to Future Generations
Kavka ‘The Paradox of Future Individuals’ Philosophy and Public Affairs 1982, 11, pp. 93-112
D. Parfit ’Future Generations: Further Problems’ Philosophy and Public Affairs 1982, 11, pp. 113-172
R. Elliot ‘The Rights of Future People’ Generations’ Journal of Applied Philosophy 6, 1989, pp.159-169
J. Woodward ‘The Non-Identity Problem’ Ethics 1986, 96, pp. 804-831
M. Hanser ‘Harming future people’ Philosophy and Public Affairs 1990, 19,
A. Holland ‘Genetically Based Handicap’ Journal of Applied Philosophy 1998, 15, pp. 119-132
A. De Shalit ‘Community and the Rights of Future Generations’ Journal of Applied Philosophy 9, 1992, pp.105-116
J. O’Neill 'Future Generations: Present Harms', Philosophy, 1993, 68, pp.35-51
B. Barry ‘Circumstances of Justice and Future Generations’ in R. Sikora and B. Barry Obligations to Future Generations (Philiadelphia: Temple University Press, 1978)
W. Beckerman ‘Sustainable Development and Our Obligations to Future Generations’ in A. Dobson ed. Fairness and Futurity
B. Barry ‘Sustainability and Intergenerational Justice’ in A. Dobson ed. Fairness and Futurity
A. Dobson ‘Environmental Sustainabilities: An Analysis and a Typology’ Environmental Politics, 5, 1996, pp.401-428
Beckerman, W. '"Sustainable Development": Is It a Useful Concept?', Environmental Values 3 1994 pp.191-209
Daly, H. E. 'On Wilfred Beckerman's critique of sustainable development', Environmental Values 4, 1995 pp.49-55.
M. Jacobs ‘Sustainable Development, Capital Substitution and Economic Humility: A Response to Beckerman’ Environmental Values 4, 1995 pp. 57-68
Beckerman, W. 'How Would You Like Your Sustainability, Sir? Weak Or Strong?', Environmental Values 4, 1995, pp.169-179
"Substitutability: why strong sustainability is weak and absurdly strong sustainability is not absurd", in J. Foster ed, Valuing Nature? Economics, ethics and the environment
A. Holland "Sustainability: should we start from here?", in A. Dobson ed. Fairness and Futurity
A. Holland "Sustainability", in D. Jamieson A Companion to Environmental Philosophy

Liberalism, neutrality and green perfectionism

Liberalism, virtues and perfectionism

J. O’Neill ‘Environmental Virtues and Public Policy’ Philosophy in the Contemporary World, 8, 2001, pp.125-135
J. O’Neill 'The Good Life Below the Snow-line: Pluralism, Community and Narrative' in F. Arler and I. Svennevig eds. Cross-Cultural Protection of Nature and the Environment (Odense University Press, Odense, 1997)
J. O’Neill 'Nature, Culture, Politics' in W. Riedel ed. Nature, Landscape, Environment (Die Blaue Eule, Essen, 1999)
J. O'Neill Ecology, Policy and Politics: Human Well-Being and the Natural World (London, Routledge, 1993) ch.
J. O'Neill The Market: Ethics, Information and Politics (London: Routledge, 1998) ch. 2
C. Coglianese 'Implications of Liberal Neutrality for Environmental Policy' Environmental Ethics 20, 1998, pp.41-59
A. de Shalit The Environment Between Theory and Practice ch.3
M. Sagoff The Economy of the Earth
J.S. Mill On Liberty
J. S. Mill Principles of Political Economy with Some of Their Applications to Social Philosophy book I, chs.X-XIII and Book II, ch.xii section 2
J. O’Neill 'Science, Wonder and the Lust of Eyes' Journal of Applied Philosophy, 1993, 10, pp.139-146


M. Nussbaum 'Aristotelian Social Democracy' in R. Douglass, G. Mara and H. Richardson Liberalism and the Good
J. Raz The Morality of Freedom Part II Anti-perfectionism
J. Rawls Political Liberalism
J. Rawls A Theory of Justice sections 3-4,11-13, 24, 50, 60, 65, 68.
A. MacIntyre After Virtue ch.15
M. Sandel Liberalism and the Limits of Justice
A. MacIntyre Whose Justice? Which Rationality? final three chapters.
M. Walzer Spheres of Justice ch.1

The politics of wilderness: the problems of authoritarian environmentalism

J. O’Neill ‘Wilderness, Cultivation and Appropriation’ Philosophy and Geography 5, 2002, pp.35-50
J. Baird-Callicott and M. Nelson eds. The Great Wilderness Debate
W. Cronon ed. Uncommon Ground
R. Guha 'The Authoritarian Biologist and the Arrogance of Anti-Humanism' The Ecologist 27, 1, 1997
A. Runte National Parks: The American Experience
Anderson, D. and R. Grove 'The Scramble for Eden: Past, Present and Future in African Conservation' in: Anderson and Grove eds. Conservation in Africa
R. Grove Green Imperialism: Colonial Expansion, Tropical Island Edens and the Origins of Environmentalism 1600-1860
MacKenzie, J. The Empire of Nature: Hunting, Conservation and British Imperialism
S. Clifford and A. King eds. Local Distinctiveness: Place, Particularity and Identity

Democracy, deliberation and environmental problems

Deliberative democracy

J. O’Neill ‘Deliberative Democracy and Environmental Policy’ for B. Minteer and B. Pepperman-Taylor eds. Democracy and the Claims of Nature (Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield, 2002 )
J. O’Neill 'Deliberation and Its Discontents' in N. Low ed. Environmental Justice, Global Ethics for the 21st Century (Melbourne: University of Melbourne, 1999)
J. O’Neill ‘Representing people, representing nature, representing the world’ Environmental Planning C: Government and Policy 19, 2001, pp.483-500
J. O’Neill ‘The Rhetoric of Deliberation: Some Problems in Kantian theories of Deliberative Democracy’ Res Publica, 8, 2002, pp.249-268
J. O’Neill 'Contingent Valuation and Qualitative Democracy' Environmental Politics, 5, 1996, pp.752-759
Dryzek J. 1992, ‘Ecology and Discursive Democracy: Beyond Liberal Capitalism and the Administrative State’ Capitalism, Nature and Socialism 3, pp.18-42
Eckersley R. 1999, ‘The Discourse Ethic and the Problem of Representing Nature’ Environmental Politics 8, pp.24-49
Goodin R. 1996, ‘Enfranchising the Earth, and its Alternatives’ Political Studies, 44, pp.835-849
Goodin, R. 2000 ‘Democratic Deliberation Within’ Philosophy and Public Affairs, 29, pp.81-109
Jacobs M. 1997 ‘Environmental Valuations, Deliberative Democracy and Public Decision-Making Institutions’ in J. Foster Valuing Nature? London: Routledge


Beckerman, W. and Pasek, J. 1997, 'Plural Values and Environmental Protection' Environmental Values, 6, pp.65-86
Benhabib S. 1996 ed. Democracy and Difference Princeton: Princeton University Press
Bohman, J. and W. Rehg (eds.) (1997) Deliberative Democracy: Essays on Reason and Politics MIT Press, Cambridge Mass.
E. Burke (1774) ‘Speech to the Electors of Bristol at the Conclusion of the Poll’ in E. Burke The Works London: Nimmo 1899 vol. 3 pp. 89-98
Burnheim, J. 1985 Is Democracy Possible? Cambridge: Polity Press
Cohen, J. 1989 'Deliberation and Democratic Legitimacy' in A. Hamlin and P. Pettit eds. The Good Polity Oxford: Blackwell
Dryzek, J. 1990 Discursive Democracy: Politics, Policy and Political Science Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Elster, J. 1986 'The Market and the Forum: Three Varieties of Political Theory' in J. Elster and A. Hylland eds. Foundations of Social Choice Theory Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
J. Elster ed. Deliberative Democracy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998)
Guttman, A. and D. Thompson 1996 Democracy and Disagreement Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press
Habermas, J. 1975 The Legitimation Crisis of Late Capitalism T. McCarthy trans. Boston: Beacon Press
Habermas, J. 1984 The Theory of Communicative Rationality, Vol.1: Reason and Rationalisation in Society Cambridge: Polity
Habermas, J. 1996 Between Facts and Norms Cambridge, Mass. M.I.T. Press,
Manin, B. 1987, 'On Legitimacy and Political Deliberation' Political Theory 15, pp.338-68
Miller, D. 1992, 'Deliberative Democracy and Social Choice' Political Studies 40, pp.54-67
Phillips, A. 1997 ‘Dealing with Difference: A Politics of Ideas or a Politics of Presence’ in R. Goodin and P. Pettit eds. Contemporary Political Philosophy Oxford: Blackwell
Rawls, J. 1996 Political Liberalism New York: Columbia University Press
Rippe K.P. & Schaber P.,1999 ‘Democracy and Environmental Decision-Making’ Environmental Values, 8, , pp.75-88
Sustein, C. 1997 ‘Preferences and Politics’ in R. Goodin and P. Pettit eds. Contemporary Political Philosophy Oxford: Blackwell