IPP 507: Environmental Ethics

AWAYMAVE - The Distance Mode of MA in Values and the Environment at Lancaster University

Tutor Details

Lloyd Strickland

Lloyd Strickland


Teaching Fellow

B.A. (Hons), M.A. Ph.D





Tutor, Phil 100

Joint course tutor, Phil 211

Course tutor, IEP 507



Leibniz Reinterpreted: The Harmony Of Things

Continuum Press: London , forthcoming (April 2006)

Shorter Leibniz Texts: A Collection Of New Translations
Continuum Press: London , forthcoming (October 2006)

Further details available from http://www.thoemmes.com/17cphil/leibniz.htm



Ars Disputandi
British Journal for the History of Philosophy
Journal of Value Inquiry
Religious Studies

Works in progress

Writings On God And The Soul: Leibniz's Correspondence With Sophie And Sophie Charlotte (book)
The Best Of All Possible Worlds (book)
Innate Ideas: The Leibniz – Toland Debate (article)
The Art Of Philosophy (article)


Leibniz Translations: http://www.leibniz-translations.com

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