IPP 507: Environmental Ethics

AWAYMAVE - The Distance Mode of MA in Values and the Environment at Lancaster University

Aims and Outcomes


In this module we consider traditional and contemporary philosophical discussions of aesthetic experience of the natural environment. We begin by looking at theories of aesthetic appreciation of nature in relation to the beautiful, sublime and picturesque. Moving into contemporary thought, differences between natural and artefactual appreciation are discussed, with an emphasis on the environmental aspect of appreciation. We then critically examine various theories of aesthetic appreciation in the current debate, and the implications of these different approaches for environmental conservation. Issues arising in this context include: the role of science, emotions and imagination in aesthetic experience, the subjectivity and objectivity of aesthetic judgements of nature, and how aesthetic value is placed in conservation strategy.


By the end of the module you should be able to:

Outline the history of theories of aesthetic appreciation of nature from Kant to the present.

Critically discuss the contemporary debate, providing an outline account of the major arguments.

Discuss the role of aesthetic value in relation to aesthetic evaluation of nature and in relation to aesthetic judgements in the practical context of environmental conservation and policy-making.

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