IEP 405: Phenomenology and Environment

AWAYMAVE - The Distance Mode of MA in Values and the Environment at Lancaster University


Photo of isisIsis Brook

My research work is on 'Place' and I have been trying for some years to apply phenomenological methods to investigating place.
My background in Phenomenology is somewhat unusual as I was primarily investigating Goethe's scientific method and in my doctoral work made the claim that Goethe was a proto-phenomenologist. At that time I made links to Husserl's work and continue to be impressed by Husserl's conception of the phenomenological project. I am also very interested in Merleau-Ponty's idea of embodiment and see this as perhaps the most useful way into an understanding of our relationship to place.
I want the module to be thought of as practical as well as theoretical and will be asking you to try things out yourself rather than just reading about them.
This will mean that contributions to the discussion site to share your findings will be crucial.

The photo is of me in the botanical garden in Padua standing by the palm that inspired Goethe's idea of plant metamorphosis.

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