IEP 405: Phenomenology and Environment

AWAYMAVE - The Distance Mode of MA in Values and the Environment at Lancaster University



The aim of this module is to get an understanding of three major Phenomenologists: Husserl, Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty, and to see whether phenomenology has anything to offer us in re-thinking our relationship to the world. As well as close text study we shall be experimenting with phenomenology as a method and one focus for our experimentation will be our relationship to place. Through these practical experiments we aim to arrive at a considered conclusion of whether phenomenology is a) possible and b) useful.

The module runs over 10 weeks and moves from an examination of key figures in the phenomenological movement to trying to apply some of their suggestions. The module has a practical componant in that you are asked to test out these ideas yourself with a particular phenomenon that is of concern to you. The focus chosen for the module to test out the ideas is that of place.


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