Carbon management plan

Students walking in the woods


Our understanding of the impacts of climate change and global warming have never been clearer and it has fallen to our generation to meet this challenge.

Lancaster University is in a position to lead in this endeavour, given the sustained effort required over extended timescales. The University has the necessary leadership support, the ability to implement major carbon reduction projects and research and the teaching expertise to meet the challenge of climate change.

It is essential for the University to be ambitious in its carbon emission targets and in the projects it implements in order to achieve them. The Climate Emergency Plan (CEP) recognises this, incorporating a range of projects from the conventional to cutting edge. It is critical that all types of technology and changes in activities are considered as the carbon reduction targets for 2030 and 2035 established in this document are very challenging and will only be achieved through the deployment of all available technologies and transformational alterations to operations and behaviours.

aerial image of campus from the South

Climate Emergency Declaration

In recognition of the increasing urgency to respond to climate change, internal staff and student pressure and the scientific and HE sector consensus that rapid action was imperative, Lancaster University declared a climate emergency in November 2020. The Declaration of Climate Emergency commits Lancaster University to becoming ‘net zero’ from Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions (mainly from electricity and gas consumption) by 2030 and ‘net zero’ from scope 3 (from transport and procurement) by 2035. The targets are ‘science based’ in that they reflect the urgency of the task to reduce carbon emissions as rapidly as possible.

Lancaster University carbon footprint

Lancaster University’s total carbon footprint from its activities and operations in 2023/24 was 73,455 tonnes CO2e. Emissions from Scope 1 & 2 sources (primarily electricity and gas consumption) amounted to 12,023t CO2e or 16.3% of the total. Of University Scope 3 emissions, those relating to transport amounted to 21,309t CO2e, or 28.9% of the total, with procurement accounting for 40,449t CO2e, or 54.8% of total emissions.

16.3% Scope 1 & 2
5.8% Scope 3 - Travel (business and academic)
7.6% Scope 3 - Travel (staff and student commuting)
14.9% Scope 3 - Travel (Student flights to-from UK)
54.8% Scope 3 - Procurement
0.2% Scope 3 - Water
0.5% Scope 3 - Waste

Carbon Reduction Projects

The University is revising its strategic approach to sustainability and has already reduced it's heating and electricity emissions by more than 50% since 2005. Take a look at the University's upcoming and current projects, aimed at reducing carbon and improving the environment.

Sign at Lancaster train station

Travel Decision Tree

To encourage sustainable business and academic travel amongst staff, we have implemented a Travel Decision Tree, which was designed by academics from the Lancaster Environment Centre. The decision tree encourages people to look at alternatives to high carbon-emitting travel options like flights, and choose public transport, online events or a reduction in the amount of people travelling to one event.

Man and woman sat at a computer

Sustainable procurement

Carbon emissions from procurement activities are the most significant category of emissions at Lancaster University comprising 57% of total carbon emissions. The procurement team are currently undertaking a large audit of supply chains to ensure we reduce the emissions in this area. We are currently working with suppliers to help them understand their carbon impacts and providing carbon impact training and information (carbon dashboards) internally to staff with procurement responsibilities.

An electric car on campus

Electric vehicle fleet

Two-thirds of the University's vehicle fleet is now electric - and we are committed to increasing this wherever possible. There are also over 30 electric vehicle charging points for staff, students and visitors, plus cheaper parking rates for staff with electric cars.

Aerial view of campus

Reducing construction

Comprising up to 20% of total University emissions, construction-related emissions are the most significant University carbon emissions source. As we advance, the University will minimise the amount of construction, through the refurbishment of existing buildings and facilitation of ‘agile working’ in order to reduce future campus space requirements. We will also review construction materials' use and embedded carbon content to seek alternative lower carbon, sustainable products.

Food in cafe

Reducing food waste

The Food & Dining team at Lancaster have made significant progress in reducing carbon emissions from food sold on campus through internal catering or in our cafes. One way they have done this is by reducing food waste. Many of the cafes on campus are signed up to Too Good to Go, where any leftover food at the end of the day, is sold at a discounted price through the app - reducing food waste and helping students grab a bargain!

Finance, Governance & Reporting

Under the delegated authority of the University’s Vice-Chancellor, responsibility for the implementation and review of the CEP rests with the Sustainability Steering Group. The group report to University Executive Board (UEB), Vice-Chancellor and Council on the progress in implementing the CEP

Through the Pro-Vice-Chancellor Global (Digital, International, Sustainability) the Sustainability Steering Group makes recommendations to the UEB to ensure targets can be met.

Delivery of the CEP will require substantial investment in carbon reduction projects and initiatives from the present to 2030 and 2035.

Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi)

SBTi is a joint initiative by Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), the UN Global Compact (UNGC), the World Resources Institute (WRI) and WWF. The initiative, launched in 2015, defines and promotes best practices in science-based target setting, offers resources and guidance to reduce barriers to adoption, and independently assesses and approves companies’ targets. SBTi is focussing on the needs of the commercial and industrial sectors. While supporting the development of SBT guidance and verification for the world’s universities and colleges, SBTi has not yet created a framework and guidance for the High Education sector. This is why, while our target is aligned, it is not a verified SBTi target.

Policy owner/author: Sustainability Team - Dr Georgiana Allison (Head of Sustainability)

Version number: 1.0
Approved by: Sustainability Steering Group and Professor Simon Guy (Pro-Vice-Chancellor Global (Digital, International and Sustainability)
Approved Date: July 2022
Date last reviewed: January 2024
Date of next review: January 2025