
Lancaster's Mock Courtroom

The Bruce Sewell Mock Court Room is a state-of-the-art facility that will allow you to experience simulated court activities.

Where many institutions provide a moot room, Lancaster is able to offer you a properly appointed mock court. You'll experience simulated trials, not just hypothetical appeal arguments.

The electronic courtroom uses the same technology found in HM Courts and Tribunal System, using will begin to prepare you to conduct advocacy in the modern courts. You'll be taught mooting, advocacy and litigation, preparing you for the new SQE assessment proposed by the SRA, and the Future Bar programme currently under development by the BSB.

We're also able to provide you other simulated court experiences, including conducting examinations of other professions (e.g. social work, psychology and medicine), this will help you if you chose to take one of these routes in your future career. You can also access the courtroom as part of the student-led Law Society as part of mooting competitions.

An invaluable facility

“The Court Room is a fantastic facility which has already greatly improved the my experience at Lancaster. The chance to practice advocacy skills in a realistic environment has proven to be invaluable and will no doubt help others wanting to go to the Bar in future, or those simply wishing to practice their skills.”

Alastair Nokes, final year LLB Law (Hons) student, President of the Student Law Society 2017-18.

“Having such a fantastic facility has been invaluable. Students have been able to practice advocacy and public speaking within an authentic courtroom atmosphere, developing both their skills and confidence. It is a fantastic way for them to prepare them, not only for the reality of courtroom environments but also for other graduate roles where public-speaking and presentation skills are vital.”

Dr Siobhan Weare, Lecturer in Law, Convenor of Law 101 English Legal System and Methods.

Court room
Bruce Sewell
Bruce Sewell

About Bruce Sewell

About Bruce Sewell

The Mock Court Room is named after Bruce Sewell, a graduate of Lancaster University (Bowland College, 1979) who, with his wife Cynthia, provided a generous donation to help fund the courtroom. After studying at Lancaster, Bruce studied at George Washington University in the USA, receiving his JD (Juris Doctor, a professional-entry degree in the USA) and then entering the California and Washington DC Bars.

After serving in litigation firms, Bruce Sewell joined the Intel Corporation as part of their legal team, ultimately rising to vice president and deputy general counsel. In 2009, Bruce Sewell joined Apple as General Counsel and Senior Vice President Legal, later adding responsibility for Government Affairs to his portfolio.

Bruce retired from Apple in 2017 after eight years of outstanding service to the company. He remains an active businessman and also serves as the President of the Friends of Lancaster University in America.

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