Earth and Environmental Science
Earth and environmental scientists are taking on the most pressing environmental challenges of our time. They consider the issues and potential solutions, from climate change to resource provision and natural hazards. This degree sets you up to be part of this exciting and vital exploration of the natural environment in an era where more global environmentally focused careers are becoming available.
- Earth and Environmental Science BSc Hons: FF68
- Earth and Environmental Science MSci Hons: 4R71
- Earth and Environmental Science (Placement Year) BSc Hons: FF78
- Earth and Environmental Science (Study Abroad) BSc Hons: FF7V
- Earth and Environmental Science (Study Abroad) MSci Hons: FF86
Environmental Science
Environmental scientists are taking on some of the most pressing challenges of our time. From extreme weather events and climate change to green energy. By choosing an environmental science degree, you will be part of the exciting and vital exploration of natural environments. You’ll study the atmosphere, aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, and the role of living organisms within the biosphere.